State of the Star Wars Sideshow backlash?

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Sideshow also has something that Master Replicas didn't. Brock.
Sorry Sean but thats not accurate.

Well, I was told in good faith on some of the details. I'm not going to go into it but just that MR tried to play hardball and lost.

Yeah that seems to have been the case, MR dropped the ball big time.
Yeah that seems to have been the case, MR dropped the ball big time.

Yeah, they tried to play a game that they just couldn't win. They had a nice thing going so I'm not sure really why they did what they did but they're paying for it now.
The backlash is the flippers realizing they can't retire off of these.
Sideshow has probably alienated some fans with their figure choices, but they ARE dealing with SW fans who are impossible to satisfy.
I think it's pretty clear that the body development with Hot Toys has slowed the 12" line up, but will only make for even more impressive figures when they start rolling.
I have zero issues with Sideshow taking more time if it means them improving their body which I have loathed and *****ed about to anyone who will listen and a lot who wouldn't. Sideshow's current body is pretty terrible just a few steps removed from mass market 1/6 scale stuff like the old Star Wars 12" stuff and the GI Joe 12".
I really don't see what all the fuss is about. SSC's Star Wars figures are the best we have ever seen and the line will not dry up for a long time. The base body could be fixed, but I don't really worry about it too much. The figures are still awesome and I think the line will be fine for a long time to come.

So what if you can get some of them on the Bay for next to nothing. That just means more fodder for the customizers and more available for people who want them. It's no big deal. SSC still sells out of them every time.
I really don't see what all the fuss is about. SSC's Star Wars figures are the best we have ever seen and the line will not dry up for a long time. The base body could be fixed, but I don't really worry about it too much. The figures are still awesome and I think the line will be fine for a long time to come.

So what if you can get some of them on the Bay for next to nothing. That just means more fodder for the customizers and more available for people who want them. It's no big deal. SSC still sells out of them every time.

I couldn't agree more. I used to be a non opener. I kept everything in its packaging. Hoping it would gain value. All the while I knew I would never sell it. So Sideshow made me start to open my collection and have fun with it. After all when I am dead who is going to care anyways. So I guess what I am getting at is keep them coming! They are all great and a good time! :cool:

I don't know if I'd laugh too much B. I think there is some truth to that statement. I mean those that tend to be scalpers love GG because they can make a decent collection building living off them or even MR a while back. SS doesn't lend to that much as far as the SW stuff goes.
I was getting all the SW figures up until last year when I got whacked with a $3000 oral surgeons bill. Then I noticed how common it was to pick up a regular SW figure for $10-20 under SSC retail.
There isnt so much a backlash, but more a gradual slow down. I cant speak for anyone else but from my pont of view its more to do with re-assessing what I want from my collection. When a line first starts out it is all exciting and being a completist is very easy However, as the line grows, especially in a line of large items like 12" figures, you really have to decide if it is sensible to continue buying everything.
The Endor Troops broke my competist rule as I really didnt want all three and once the completist mentality is broken its far easier to pass on other items. In the last month or so I have realised that if this line continues for several more years I'm never going to be able to display everything. This has led me to completely re-assess what I really want..... and what I want is core characters that are done to a high Standard. Unfortunatley this has led me to sell most of my Sideshow collection and veer to Medicom.
My two Endor troops, Sith probe droids, Plo Koon and Asajj Ventress were easy to get rid of as I didnt see them as core, Han Solo had to go as it really was a poor head sculpt and Darth Maul went as the Medicom Version looks much better. As a result the only ones left in my collection are Luke, Obi-Wan, Vaderkin, Mace, Kit Fiso (not core but a great figure) Qui Gon and the Jabba Set up (which I love), with the only pre-order left being ANH Obi-Wan - I really dont rate the ANH Leia or Bespin Luke and I'm waiting for a Medicom Sidious).
I feel sad to say it but the base of my collection is going to be Medicom from now on. Its a shame as Sideshow got me into 12" figures, however, Medicom sticks to the core characters and does them extremely well. I was botheed by the price in the past, but as I'm now going for quality and not qantity its less of an issue.
Just my 2 cents.
I don't know if I'd laugh too much B. I think there is some truth to that statement. I mean those that tend to be scalpers love GG because they can make a decent collection building living off them or even MR a while back. SS doesn't lend to that much as far as the SW stuff goes.

I was laughing because it is funny either way.:lol:lol:lol
Ok, I don't keep up like some of you, but has Sideshow given any ideas as to when to expect some iconic armored characters, such as Vader, a Stormie or even a Chewie? What is the hold up at this point? Its been two years since this line debuted.