State of the Star Wars Sideshow backlash?

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While we're on the topic of points of view. What's the deal with all the Medi-vs Sideshow hostility?

I mean the only reason I'm not getting the medi SW stuffs is... well, the scale is off with what i've already got,

Ive got some medi stuff but stuff thats not displayed against sideshow figures

and when it is its because its a short arse Film character anyway

Medi should do Time bandits or any Tom Cruise film !
Perhaps "whining" was the wrong phrase. nit-picking, and bickering might be better, but still not wholey accurate. To answer your question, 'bout why I was there, what makes you assume I don't like Medi? Some of there stuff is fantastic. I'm aparticulary partial to the FMA toys. The price is a bit steep, but then again it is the elric brothers, but i digress on that. i was looking for info on what i fear about buying medi stuff. i've imported ALOt of japanese toys over the years, and ther is something that several companies ( I'm talking about you bandai!) do to cut costs. (affectionately dubbed, junk plastic, it also discolors given time, nintendo used it on the outter casing of the SNES, allthough casted thickly) They use a low quality, inexpensive plastic, casted rather thin, and charge higher prices to make a bigger profit. The compliants i've heard about the medi stuff breaking makes me hesatant to drop down that kind of money. i went there looking for Info on it, and it looks like they may have used "junk plastic" in the past, but from what they say, it seems to be a thing of the past.

Anywho, In your direction Dedguy, let me explane the emo-kid comment, in the hopes of removing the unintended offense. Its something we used to say in highschool. At the time, alot of people who fell into the "emo" catagory were these high strung kids who wore too much eye makeup, 10-15 lbs of jewlry, the whole overdone goth get-up and would COMPLETELY flip out at the slightest insult, real or imagined, treatining to turn you into a toad, or curse you so the next 15 generations of your family's females would all be bald. Goofy things like that. They were the first to anger, and get involved in everonye elses problems, and so on. The overdone valley-girl speach types also didn't help matters ( Like, OHMAIGAWD, I'mmm soo gunna turn you into a Toad!)

Anyways, The way they picked ateach other, at sideshow as a company ( and NOT individual figures having defects), as well as this board, as if their way was the one true way reminded me of that. the "I'm so goth, i crap bats croud" was how we would refer to them back then. you're right nash, Everyone lays an egg from time to time, but the way some of them talk, you'd think that the road to heaven was paved in Medi-figures.
Pay close attention to that, SOME of them. not all. Some of them were rather polite, and curtious, others not so much, refering to " the drones at the Freaks forum", and so on. i can only presume they meant the people who get... shall we say, Colorfully protective of their likes. I'm sorry, but i just don't see the point in getting all bent out of shape over it.

AH! a thought, perfect example of the attitude I was talking about. And go look at the random board. but don't do it at work. And I'll warn you on this as well. if hell has a place on the internet, the /b/tards (guys who post on the random board there) have definitely found it.

@ dedguy: It was not my intent to make you mad brother, I'm sorry if my reference to my past got misconstrued, due to lack of comunication. Sometimes i forget that not everyone knows exactly what i mean. it causes some serious problems IRL sometimes too.

I spent some more time scouring the mediworld forums, and Now i feel i misjudged. It seems the other night i was just hitting more or less every thread where people were being particularly Vicious with their opinions. What do you know, i dig a bit deeper, and find another decent forum :)

Consider that last line an apology, directed at you in particular nash ;)
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If you dont like medicom what in the world are you doing at a medicom oriented forum?

If people don't like Sideshow, why hang out on a Sideshow oriented forum? Cause they distribute Medicom?

I like Pepsi, but I'm not going to sign onto a Walmart board cause they sell it and slam Coke in the process.
Why can't we all just get along?

At the end of the day we're just a group of people who collect dolls... sorry, action figures. I have twice as many SST figs as I have either Medi or HT's, (but HT's is catching up fastest). And I wouldn't have any of them in my collection if I didn't like them, sure some don't allways live up to expectation, SST need a new bod, Medi need to be less fragile and HT need a crack at the SW licence, I just know they could do a Chewy :chewthat'd make our jaws drop, and imagine what they'd do with the droids...
Perhaps "whining" was the wrong phrase. nit-picking, and bickering might be better, but still not wholey accurate. To answer your question, 'bout why I was there, what makes you assume I don't like Medi? Some of there stuff is fantastic. I'm aparticulary partial to the FMA toys. The price is a bit steep, but then again it is the elric brothers, but i digress on that. i was looking for info on what i fear about buying medi stuff. i've imported ALOt of japanese toys over the years, and ther is something that several companies ( I'm talking about you bandai!) do to cut costs. (affectionately dubbed, junk plastic, it also discolors given time, nintendo used it on the outter casing of the SNES, allthough casted thickly) They use a low quality, inexpensive plastic, casted rather thin, and charge higher prices to make a bigger profit. The compliants i've heard about the medi stuff breaking makes me hesatant to drop down that kind of money. i went there looking for Info on it, and it looks like they may have used "junk plastic" in the past, but from what they say, it seems to be a thing of the past.

Anywho, In your direction Dedguy, let me explane the emo-kid comment, in the hopes of removing the unintended offense. Its something we used to say in highschool. At the time, alot of people who fell into the "emo" catagory were these high strung kids who wore too much eye makeup, 10-15 lbs of jewlry, the whole overdone goth get-up and would COMPLETELY flip out at the slightest insult, real or imagined, treatining to turn you into a toad, or curse you so the next 15 generations of your family's females would all be bald. Goofy things like that. They were the first to anger, and get involved in everonye elses problems, and so on. The overdone valley-girl speach types also didn't help matters ( Like, OHMAIGAWD, I'mmm soo gunna turn you into a Toad!)

Anyways, The way they picked ateach other, at sideshow as a company ( and NOT individual figures having defects), as well as this board, as if their way was the one true way reminded me of that. the "I'm so goth, i crap bats croud" was how we would refer to them back then. you're right nash, Everyone lays an egg from time to time, but the way some of them talk, you'd think that the road to heaven was paved in Medi-figures.
Pay close attention to that, SOME of them. not all. Some of them were rather polite, and curtious, others not so much, refering to " the drones at the Freaks forum", and so on. i can only presume they meant the people who get... shall we say, Colorfully protective of their likes. I'm sorry, but i just don't see the point in getting all bent out of shape over it.

AH! a thought, perfect example of the attitude I was talking about. And go look at the random board. but don't do it at work. And I'll warn you on this as well. if hell has a place on the internet, the /b/tards (guys who post on the random board there) have definitely found it.

@ dedguy: It was not my intent to make you mad brother, I'm sorry if my reference to my past got misconstrued, due to lack of comunication. Sometimes i forget that not everyone knows exactly what i mean. it causes some serious problems IRL sometimes too.

I spent some more time scouring the mediworld forums, and Now i feel i misjudged. It seems the other night i was just hitting more or less every thread where people were being particularly Vicious with their opinions. What do you know, i dig a bit deeper, and find another decent forum :)

Consider that last line an apology, directed at you in particular nash ;)

I like turtles........
If people don't like Sideshow, why hang out on a Sideshow oriented forum? Cause they distribute Medicom?

I like Pepsi, but I'm not going to sign onto a Walmart board cause they sell it and slam Coke in the process.

This is what I dont undersand....It's people like you who stir the pot all the time.

Just because someone isnt thrilled about a sideshow release it automatically means we don't like Sideshow figures? And we shouldn't be here? I collect all the LOTR 12" and I think they are good figures. Could they be better? Of course. Could Medicom stuff be better? Of course.

Certain individuals here like to place labels on people just to get a rise out of everyone. That is what causes all the drama. If I didnt collect any sideshow, believe me I wouldnt be here.

You guys get upset because people "slam" sideshow's crappy base bodies? Well wake up, it is lacking compared to its competitors and that is a fact! How much more apparent can this be when Sideshow is asking a competitor "ala Hot Toys" to help them develop their bodies.

A lot of people slam medicom's scale....well guess what, they are shorter, so what? Ive seen a lot of people talk about the smaller scale and still be a fan of certain figures from the company. Likewise, Ive seen a lot of people talk about the lacking bodies of sideshow and the often unproportionate body parts, yet they still like some of the products too.

This may be a "sideshow" forum, but this is ultimately a public internet forum, and people are free to express whatever opinions they have on stuff as long as they don't break any rules. Get over it.
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The bickering over product, IMO, is no big deal. Its when people start taking stuff personally and begin making personal attacks that things get unacceptable.

For instance, if I say, "Medicom figures are too expensive so I don't like them" thats no big deal. But inevitably someone has to come in and say, "you shouldn't be mad at them because you don't have a good job" or something stupid like that which escalates the resentment against Medicom and their collectors.

On the other side there is nothing wrong with posts criticizing a SSC sculpt or paint job, but inevitably someone will come in and say, "You're a nitpicker and you should get over that because no figure is perfect" which also fuels the idea that there are SSC fanboys defending them from every criticism.

In both cases the person responding to the criticism is turning it personal against the poster, which IMO is lame.
If people don't like Sideshow, why hang out on a Sideshow oriented forum? Cause they distribute Medicom?

I like Pepsi, but I'm not going to sign onto a Walmart board cause they sell it and slam Coke in the process.

I was wondering the same thing myself.

This is what I dont undersand....It's people like you who stir the pot all the time.

And your usually one of the first people to name call or use a better than you attitude. :rollseyes:

Just because someone isnt thrilled about a sideshow release it automatically means we don't like Sideshow figures? And we shouldn't be here? I collect all the LOTR 12" and I think they are good figures. Could they be better? Of course. Could Medicom stuff be better? Of course.

The same can be said about Medicom too Nash. I mean you've seen a few people say they arent happy with Boba. Yet, a couple of your buddies here have railed on folks including Mr. Crawford for not being 110% behind it. Those people are getting said they don't like Medicom or some a little harsher than that. It doesn't mean those folks don't lik Medicom just that they aren't totally happy with Fett.

I collect Medicom's SW stuff but I know damn good and well I wouldn't be welcomed over at MW. Even if I never left the SS section because I've seen what you guys have said about me and how the fact I like SS the best is taken. All this despite the fact I like and collect Medicom so yes you and the other MW folks collect SS but I think most of you are here to just be dicks basically. All over toys.

You guys get upset because people "slam" sideshow's crappy base bodies? Well wake up, it is lacking compared to its competitors and that is a fact! How much more apparent can this be when Sideshow is asking a competitor "ala Hot Toys" to help them develop their bodies.

Are they the bestest bodies around. No probably not but I don't think they're crap either. Them working with Hot Toys is what any company trying to be the best would do use everything to your advantage. Get better even if you think you're doing ok.

A lot of people slam medicom's scale....well guess what, they are shorter, so what? Ive seen a lot of people talk about the smaller scale and still be a fan of certain figures from the company. Likewise, Ive seen a lot of people talk about the lacking bodies of sideshow and the often unproportionate body parts, yet they still like some of the products too.

Well, its ok for you and others who are supposedly "honest" about the faults with SS can trash the "crappy" bodies which is more "opinion" than anything. Yet, people can't talk about the scale of the Medicom figures and that they don't like it? The scale thing is "FACT" nash. It doesn't bother me on bit I like Medicom's stuff so I blow off the scale and price issue for the most part.

This may be a "sideshow" forum, but this is ultimately a public internet forum, and people are free to express whatever opinions they have on stuff as long as they don't break any rules. Get over it.

The same can be said towards MW or any Medicom product maybe you and the rest of the MW folks should buy into the stuff your selling.
I think what everybody needs to realize is that in fact, Nash and Josh and everybody else suck. Except for me. Only my awesomeness could allow me to make such an astute observation. You're welcome.
I watched the whole 'medicom vs Sideshow' bit on here for a while before I first posted. And after looking at the pics of Boba Fett, and some of the review, I decided to get one.

And I was a little disappointed. Especially for what I paid. I had to fix, and repair the outfit. Others did the same. And yet.. because I wasn't 'ohmygawd this is the best thing EVAR!!1!', I was.. mocked because of it? And people are saying that Medicoms Armoured Figs are better than Sideshows Armoured figs... When Sideshow doesn't have any.

As far as I can tell, there is a SMALL group of people who love Medicom, and loathe sideshow with a passion.. For no reason. And vice versa.

My Medicom Boba is currently in my Jabba Display. when Sideshow released their Boba, the Medicom will be moved for a display elsewhere.
Anyway... To return to the subject at hand, do you think that some of the current lack of popularity is due to the figure choices that SS has made? Here's what's been released so far (I'm not counting things that are only available for preorder).

Original Trilogy
Bespin Han Solo
Leia as Boushh
Dejarik Holochess Set
Jedi Luke
Jabba the Hutt
Salacious B. Crumb Creature Pack
Bib Fortuna
Jabba's Throne Environment
Buboicullaar Creature Pack
Endor Infantry (3)

Sith Anakin
ROTS Obi-Wan
Kit Fisto
Mace Windu
Plo Koon
Qui-Gon Jinn
Darth Maul
Sith Probe Droids
Holographic Darth Sidious

Expanded Universe
Asajj Ventress

At first glance, you might think that this is more or less even between the OT and the prequels, but a lot of the OT releases have had more limited appeal for a couple of reasons. First is the focus on Jabba's palace. People are unlikely to only buy, say, Bib Fortuna or one of the creature packs and not have Jabba. Secondly, the Endor troops are probably less appealing than established characters (not to mention that they don't in my opinion look different enough from generic military figures to make it obvious that they are even from Star Wars). And the holo-chess set doesn't really go with anything else in the line so far.

So in terms of original trilogy items with a broad general appeal, we've only got Jedi Luke and Bespin Han (who has some issues with the likeness). One reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm wondering if the more iconic upcoming OT figures like old Ben and Leia will be more popular. I think it's possible that they will create more interest in the line in general, although not as much as a well done Vader might.
It is interesting to see the difference in PT and OT offerings. I am a Jabba fan so for me the OT has been great so far. As for PT I only bought 3 of the figures so far and really can only think of getting a Jango if one would become available. Just not into the PT that much. Very excited about Old Ben and Bespin Luke coming. I plan on displaying the figures with their respective lightsabers so with these two guys coming my collection is becoming complete.

Sorry got off track. I would agree that I think it is what has been offered for the OT that has caused the slow down in interest. Jabba and company is a big investment that probably scared the casual collector. The Rebel troopers are fairly minor characters and to take up 3 figure slots really cuts down on the OT's offerings.
Character choice is everything in it, imo.

Who'd we get last year? Jedi Luke, ep 3 Anakin, ep3 Vader, ep 3 Obi Wan, Qui Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Han Solo, Darth Maul, Kit Fisto, Jabba the Hutt. Only one really minor character(kit) and one redo(Vader).

This year it's been Bib Fortuna(minor character), Plo Koon(minor character), 3 Endor Troopers(minor/nonexistant characters), Asaaj Ventress(not in any of the actual movies), Yavin Luke(redo), Leia as Boushh, and some very non-essential accessory sets. The only two figures(IIRC) that are left this year are Ben Kenobi from ep 4 and Leia from ep 4, both essential versions but both characters we've seen before. 5 of 8 of the characters made so far this year didn't even have any dialogue. It's nice to get the marginal characters too but not all year long.

I like the figures we've been getting, Asaaj turned out to be a very nice figure. I'm one of the few to really enjoy the Endor troopers. But we need some more actual characters that are not redos. Admiral Ackbar. Lando Calrissian. Count Dooku. Greedo. Boba Fett. Two of those five would really enhance my interest at this point. I mean, I've still been getting all the figures, and they're all ones I want(bib fortuna was pushing it) but I could use a boost.
Ive noticed some people here only critique the company rather than the individual products. For example, you go to a convention and meet Dusty or the other Sideshow employees, so now when a sub-par figure is released, you feel the need to cheer on your "friends" in the company rather than an honest on-point critique of something.

I don't need friends at sideshow, and I dont need friends at Medicom. I just buy what I like, and that's it, ive never been one to kiss anyones ass , ever. Everything I have in life, I earned by myself.


Post of the Decade !!!!