Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Re: Star Wars Episode VIII - May 26, 2017

Yes, TFA is probably technically a superior film, but it's impossible for fans of a certain age to remove the nostalgia factor.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII - May 26, 2017

Nah, if I were to have nostalgia for something StarWars it would be for the PT, but I'm very sober about that one. TFA is in no way, nor close, superior to ANH or ESB (at least), technically, nor in any other category.

Probably in the same tier as Jedi though.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII - May 26, 2017

I'd argue that, from top to bottom, the acting performances in TFA are just as good as ANH and TESB.
I'd agree, in fact, TFA has just one noticeable cringe dialogue moment for me, while ANH has a couple :lol

I still chuckle every time at the 1st fight between Vader and Obi-Wan, it's almost baneposting dialogue.

But in everything else I'd say ANH and ESB are far superior, in fact initially I wanted TFA to surpass them because I do think the OT is put in a weird exaggerated pedestal, but I can honestly say TFA falls short imo.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

People underestimated Titanic in 1997. They underestimated Avatar in 2009. They're going to make the same mistake next year.

You simply cannot beat Based Jim, it's simply not possible. He's three steps ahead of the competition, a true zeitgeist wizard. I hope Disney chokes. Episode 8 wasn't "delayed", I'm sure that it was intentional. Disney is a bunch of Wattos.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

People underestimated Titanic in 1997. They underestimated Avatar in 2009. They're going to make the same mistake next year.

This is a sequel to something that has soured over time. If he does it a third time... then maybe he is King of the World. I wouldn't bet on it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Yeah, he's never taken over the world with a sequel. If Avatar 2 falls somewhere between ALIENS and T2 then that will be great fun for us but there's only so much you can do with motion capture and 3D these days. He's gonna have to bring the story and characters this time and those were the two areas in which the previous film was lacking.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

If he does it a third time... then maybe he is King of the World. I wouldn't bet on it.

Yee of little faith. Remember the initials.

Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

i heard the delay was because they are trying to write finn out
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Other than Titanic, Avatar 2 is a movie I have absolutely zero interest in seeing. I may change my mind -- and that will be the magic of Cameron.

Like Khev says, and for me, that 3D was so amazing and immersive it single-handedly catapulted the movie into a zone that no others can ever peek at. It was a "gimmick film" that resounded around the world. Going to be an Everest-high challenge to surmount not having that same gimmick and having to rely on a riveting story told by tall blue fairies. It's just not a world that I, or anyone I've ever talked to (other than a few people here), have any interest in revisiting.

Now I say this as a one-time huge Cameron fan, seeing everyone of his movies opening day in the 80's and early 90's.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII - May 26, 2017

I think 8 will top TFA; but without nostalgia for it, TFA tops the OT in my books.

I haven't watched Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back since seeing TFA, but I definitely found Rey to be far more compelling than Luke as a protagonist. Kylo-Ren has much more going on for him as a antagonist than Vader in the first Star Wars movie, so maybe Episode VIII will top Empire for me. I just like that movie so much because its Vader's film, and he's my favorite character. The OT came out before I was born, so hopefully I can feel something similar to folks back in 1980 when they saw Vader unleash on the big screen. I actually thought it was kind of boring as a kid, and I only appreciated it's impact upon re-watch last year as an adult. Although, I actually didn't love it at first. It was only after watching a bunch of films, so I could understand it's historical context. It's still looks pretty silly when his dialogue doesn't match up with his gestures though! :lol

I distinctly remember playing basketball with my cousin (who was in college) and telling him that he had to seeThe Phantom Menace. He asked me if it was better than Empire, and I said, it was waaaaaaaaaaayyyy better! :lol I thought Empire was the most boring one when I was a kid, and I didn't appreciate Darth Vader at all. When I re-watched The Phantom Menace in 2014, I was shocked that Maul was barely in the movie. In my kiddy brain, I thought that the whole movie was just him fighting with Obi-wan and Qui-gon! But, I was one of those kids that didn't think of movies as "good" or "bad" and all I needed was one good thing for me to love it, and I'd forget everything else! :lol Unfortunately, I wasn't too fond of Maul or any other part of the movie upon my re-watch as adult, but I guess it's more important that I liked it as a kid anyways.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

i heard the delay was because they are trying to write finn out

The delay is actually to give Rey, Finn and Poe bigger roles in the rewrite. They introduced two new characters, but wan't to focus on the trio.... thus the rewrite.
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