Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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C3PO told a better story explaining the events of the OT at the end of ROTJ to a bunch of primitives in another language than whatever they did with this movie.
So, if Rey's parents are "dead in a paupers grave on Jakku" as Kylo states - is he lying, exaggerating or was the vision that Rey had of a ship taking off and leaving her on Jakku wrong, wishful thinking, implanted memory? I'd doubt it's any of these as she's already shown she can see the future, and everything else in that vision was true. Why would they be buried on Jakku of they took off from the planet?
So, if Rey's parents are "dead in a paupers grave on Jakku" as Kylo states - is he lying, exaggerating or was the vision that Rey had of a ship taking off and leaving her on Jakku wrong, wishful thinking, implanted memory? I'd doubt it's any of these as she's already shown she can see the future, and everything else in that vision was true. Why would they be buried on Jakku of they took off from the planet?

Or he could just be playing games with her to get her to flip to the Darkside
Also, if Luke was going to project himself, wouldn't he have picked the green lightsaber to use instead of Anakins? The same one that Kylo just helped tear apart on the star destroyer? Not good planning on Luke's part - could have blown the whole ruse.
So, if Rey's parents are "dead in a paupers grave on Jakku" as Kylo states - is he lying, exaggerating or was the vision that Rey had of a ship taking off and leaving her on Jakku wrong, wishful thinking, implanted memory? I'd doubt it's any of these as she's already shown she can see the future, and everything else in that vision was true. Why would they be buried on Jakku of they took off from the planet?

I thought of this as well. I don't think Kylo is a reliable source. Even in the theatre I wasn't buying it. They've really botched this up, if they're making a mystery for no reason it's just silly.
Well, in the EU, the Empire finds it and makes a clone of Luke

An evil clone is coming...kinda like Logan. Then **** will really hit the fan.

Snoke should have been that clone. AOTC already shows the technology to clone people, which makes me wonder why people need mechanical libs if they can grow full human beings? Surely a hand or a leg shouldn't be that tough.
Good god this thread grows by 20 pages every hour. Hard to keep up.

Anyone who hated this movie change their mind because of convincing or otherwise clever arguments in here?

The theory of Rian Johnson hating TFA makes some logical sense.

It really does answer why nothing makes sense

He DIDNT wanted it to make sense. He wanted to change the course of this franchise.

Thats also why he offered to make a new trilogy.
He wants make sure nothing in the force awakens ever gets finished or explained
I thought of this as well. I don't think Kylo is a reliable source. Even in the theatre I wasn't buying it. They've really botched this up, if they're making a mystery for no reason it's just silly.

Rian's own words on the situation:

“I don’t think he’s lying in that moment—I think he is like telling what he saw and I think that Rey seems like she believes it in that moment. So for me, I wrote it as an honest revelation and as an honest kind of reaction to it, as opposed to a move in a game of chess.

“Now as we know in these movies, you know the whole idea of a certain point of view comes into play and as you know I’m not involved in writing the next movie. JJ [Abrams] and Chris [Terrio] are writing it so, I want to make it clear I’m not sure how it’s going to get resolved. For me, the important part was saying it was an emotionally honest revelation, I feel like it, I don’t know, I believed it.”

According to Rian it's the truth for now, but JJ can do anything he wants with it. There's no point speculating with these movies because they're being made up as they go along, there's no plan. JJ can reverse everything again if he wants to.
Maybe it's a money thing. I dunno

Time thing as well. In the EU, The rebellion offered to grow Luke a new hand. Problem was it would have taken months, during which time he wouldn't have been able to fight. It was easier just to get a prosthetic which was almost as good as the real thing and was able to get him back in the fight in a few hours.
Time thing as well. In the EU, The rebellion offered to grow Luke a new hand. Problem was it would have taken months, during which time he wouldn't have been able to fight. It was easier just to get a prosthetic which was almost as good as the real thing and was able to get him back in the fight in a few hours.

Can't he wear the metal hand while they grow the real hand separately?
So Yoda and Ben becoming powerful through years of devoted training is fine, and Luke blowing up a Death Star or Rey resisting Kylo after a single pep talk from a mentor is also fine.

Even by the beginning of ESB Luke had difficulty moving a Lightsaber on command.

Rey doesn't even know that these kinds of things are possible and she is doing it in TFA. And by the end of this movie she was moving what had to be hundreds of tins of rock. Even if they had some kind of scene setting up her learning what basic force powers were I would buy it more.

Luke already had that skill from being a lifelong pilot. He even points out in the movie how he makes similar shots with his t-16. Making the shot was not a completely new discipline for him. All he used the force for was calming his nerves and trusting himself.

Then what is even the point of a hero's journey if she already has all the skills she needs?

I have to agree with ShadowX81. Khev you are playing Mad Libs with the new Star Wars films

Poe's plan with the bombers was sound. Only a fluke caused the disaster. I actually thought that was a really nice touch. Even the FO was like "aw crap, here come the script immune Rebels" when the bombers came out of hyperspace but then TLJ showed that even the good guys can be victims of absolutely awful bad luck.

Actually had Poe not blown up the ship with the rebel bombers the Rebelion would have been wiped out once the New order caught up with them.... They would have had their fleet killing ship and taking them all out..

Granted he was wrong at the time to continue but in the long run he was right and probably saved the rebellion...

Now why all the ships did not go their separate ways into hyperspace is beyond me... I mean they can't track them all.. Again just Proof that Laura Derns character was awful as a leader and that the writers of this film suck :lol

100% more than Rey and Broom kid.

Something, anything would have been enough.

Yes... You have to figure it took a while for the falcon to make it to the bespin system without Hyperdrive.. Even if it was for only 2 hours is was more then Rey got.. :lol Rey got some bitter lessons... But hey should cut a rock in half and by the end of the film lift a ton of bolders.. Luke could not even lift the X wing.. Fact is... Rey is a Mary Sue.. Nothing more and nothing less :lol
Once again JAWS and I see totally eye to eye on a new event movie, lol.

In other news I swung by Target during business hours today and snagged the last two talking Porgs for each of my kiddos. Boo ya, roast Porg on Christmas Day! :rock

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