Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2)

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Didn't he say he was gonna do his wife and stare his Spidey HT in the eyes while doing it? :rotfl :rotfl

Holy cow this thread in the last couple of hours. :lol
raveneye left though, hes not back. what makes you say hes uncharted? WTF that cant be right

Slicky the sloth told me he was celticpredator. HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW IT WAS ZACH WTF im not even joking wtf
i do hope he returns. i need the entertainment :rotfl

RIP Franken Berry

Don't worry crows, always two there are . . . a master and an apprentice.
Its a pretty big sign of mental
Illness to create an alter ego to agree with yourself....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
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Commissar ties false flag anti KK altright group to all opposition.

The hatred that a number of fans have spewed online has led to actresses Daisy Ridley and Kelly Marie Tran completely erasing their social media accounts. For whatever reason, some people blamed the actresses personally for the issues in the movie, while other people hated the actresses because they felt as though giving the Star Wars franchise female heroes was "forced" and "unnatural." Regardless of the reason, the hatred that these fans spewed was crude and unnecessary, and has put a horrible vibe around the entire Star Wars fanbase.
Going back to the actual movie for a second I find it interesting how wildly out of context that interview that was posted re: George Lucas saying "Luke shouldn't die because it's a fairy tale" is in light of TLJ.

1. He and Kasdan were discussing what should happen to the *primary* hero in the final chapter of the trilogy (as opposed to a mentor character in the dark middle chapter.)

2. Lucas said that no one good should die because it's a fairy tale. Since when does no one die in fairy tales? Sounds like George meant that he wanted Star Wars to be a *Disney* fairy tale (where no one good ever does die in the third act.) Which is ironic since that was long before the sale to Disney itself (who then ironically enough has dared to embrace a tone much darker at times than anyone likes to give them credit for.)

3. It was Lawrence freaking Kasdan who was arguing with him, not whipping boy Rian Johnson. That's some pretty good company RJ is in. I *never* want the Saga run by another Rick McCallum "George Lucas yes man" ever again. So people can post quotes from George all they want, he's still the same guy that wanted little people inside Luke's head driving him around like a school bus.