Star Wars Mythos Darth Maul

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Atlantic Ocean

It's no secret that I think the SW Mythos line is the best thing to happen to SW in a long time. These pieces are more then just a representation of the character they depict. They are a three dimensional story. Your imagination is forced to kick into gear when you look at these pieces. You wonder where these characters have been, why are they here, and where are they going.

These pieces remind me of a time before the prequel trilogy when I had to use my imagination to fill in the blanks. Oh and I liked what my imagination did for the backstory more then Lucas' films.

Anyways, all of these pieces are so far outstanding. I had originally ordered only Fett and Vader but decided to complete the villain trio and bought Maul from a fellow member. Now I am no huge fan of the PT but Maul is bad a$$ and is the best thing about the PT. So I figured why not? I am glad I figured that. :) Anyways on to the review.

Face sculpt - 5 out of 5 This figure comes with two portraits and both are outstanding. This is Ray Park as Darth Maul. Even though this piece is at a smaller 1/5 scale size, all of the detail is there. From his tattoos to the pours on his skin. Absolutely fantastic work.

Body Sculpt - 5out of 5 / Pose - 5 out of 5 - Total - 5 out of 5

Let me start off by saying that the body sculpt is really a 5 out of 5. The definition in his muscles, the attention to detail in his clothing, the flow of his clothing moving in the air. All fantastic. I took off a whole point because his lightsaber is slightly crooked. You can't see this at all angles but you can tell from some. Mine does not seem to be the only one either as I have noticed it in other members photos.

The pose is very dynamic and allows you to create any kind of story you would want. Perhaps he is a sith in training, perhaps he just killed a Master Jedi and took his staff, or perhaps it is something else entirely.. It's all up to you and where your imagination will take you.

Note: I was able to put the saber in some boiling water and then bend it just a tad so Now the saber is straight thus I adjusted the score!

Paint - 5 out of 5 - How did SSC pull this off?? There is so much possibility to screw this up with all of Mauls Tattoos and yet they are done perfectly. By far, IMO, some of the best paint apps done by SSC and from what I can tell most owners of this piece have not had any issues with theirs either. Fantastic.

Base - 5 out of 5 I originally thought the bases on these were sort of boring but when I got this in hand all I could think of was Classy. No complaints from me. Simple and perfect.

Overall - 5 out of 5 For fans of Maul this is a must have. For those who like him but don't care for the PT, well IMO this is one of the best items out there to get. I have never seen the PF in person but I like this sculpt better.. Especially the Angry face. the Legacy Scale is nice but his almost full scale lightsaber almost ruins the presence of that piece. Plus at 1800.00 less, I think the Maul Mythos is by far the best way to go.

Anyways here is the story that I created for this Maul statue. I stole the idea of the Staff belonging to another Jedi but I made else up. This is not meant to be a great work of fiction. I don't write but this is the story I have given this piece and why he is in the state he is in.

Darth Sidious discovers the whereabouts of the Jedi Master who threw him out of Jedi training as a youngling because he could sense the anger and rage that was in him. This Jedi Master was named Amon Toth and though he almost lost his leg in battle and required the help of a staff to walk, he was a very powerful Jedi... However he grew tired of the politics of the Jedi council and went to the caves of a far off planet to study the force and live in piece.

After finding out his whereabouts Sidious Sends his Sith Apprentice Darth Maul out to kill his old Jedi teacher and orders him to bring back his walking staff as proof of his victory. Then he will be a true Sith. Maul locates Amon in his caves teaching monk like students the ways of the force.

Maul makes his intentions to Amon known and though Amon is resistant he tells his students to stand down, draws his saber, and begins his duel.

The battle is hard Fought and very even. Amon uses his saber as well as his staff to keep Maul at bay but as time passes Mauls anger and rage as well as Amon's age begins to take it's toll. Maul begins to toy with Amon. Until finally Maul runs Amon through with his saber.

As Amon falls to his knees still clutching his staff, Maul bends down, holding the staff as well, and smiles at Amon. He then rips the staff out of Amon's hands and turns to show his the Jedi Masters Students his new trophy as Amon's lifeless body falls to the ground.

After Maul take takes out the dead Masters followers, He returns to his own Master... After showing him the staff, Sidious tells him to keep it as a reminder of his triumph. Sidious then tells him about a plan he has to take control of the Senate and the galaxy.