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So the only big difference is the two halves breaks apart faster than in the movie -- the bow portion no longer dragging the stern up so DiCaprio can stand up as it is pulled down.

Man, that must bug Cameron. He's going to go in and recut that ending, I just know it. As soon as Avatar 2 and 3 don't perform, he's going back to play with Titanic.

Hopefully he can CGI Billy Zane out of the movie.
Lol so uhhhh anybody still remember that Star Wars movie that came out a couple weeks ago? The final one in the trilogy? No? Ok
So the only big difference is the two halves breaks apart faster than in the movie -- the bow portion no longer dragging the stern up so DiCaprio can stand up as it is pulled down.

Man, that must bug Cameron. He's going to go in and recut that ending, I just know it. As soon as Avatar 2 and 3 don't perform, he's going back to play with Titanic.

Hopefully he can CGI Billy Zane out of the movie.

Maybe he'll recruit GL and RJ to lend him a hand. In the new cut Billy Zane's character will shoot that ship officer before he blows his own brains out, and Rose will commandeer a lifeboat in an effort to save the one she loves, but tragically she rams the prow into Jack's skull, instantly (& ironically) killing him.
Updated pic of the Best Buy 4K Skywalker set:


Someone pointed out that the blu-ray discs appear to match the already released Disney versions which are reprints of the 2011 set. That means there will be two versions of the OT in one set (both SE's of course,) the 2011 versions on blu-ray and then the 2019 Disney+ ("Maclunkey") versions on 4K.

The TLJ 4K (Rey holding the saber on Ahch-To) and blu-ray (Kylo looking at the AT-AT's) discs are the exact same ones that are currently available at retail so those appear to be straight reissues as well.
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I agree so hopefully Harmy uses the new 4K transfers to redo the Despecialized trilogy.

I haven't decided if I'll bother with that whole set or just pick up the PT + TFA/TROS on 4K individually.
I'll wait for the individual releases. I got myself a 4K TV finally so I was looking forward to Star Wars and Lord of the Rings on 4K. Although I really think the sequel trilogy makes the 9 films a Palpatine Saga and not a Skywalker Saga.
I know there is a 4k star wars project by team negative 1, They are doing all 3 films. I have the grindhouse versions of the original trilogy and they are pretty much as close as you can get to original grainy theatrical prints. The harmy versions are sharper but I like both versions.
Yes I'm happy with my current Harmy trilogy and the TN1 "Silver Screen Edition" of the original SW as well. I just ordered the 4K77 version off ebay and am looking forward to the seeing the improved film scan at home when it arrives.
Updated pic of the Best Buy 4K Skywalker set:


Someone pointed out that the blu-ray discs appear to match the already released Disney versions which are reprints of the 2011 set. That means there will be two versions of the OT in one set (both SE's of course,) the 2011 versions on blu-ray and then the 2019 Disney+ ("Maclunkey") versions on 4K.

The TLJ 4K (Rey holding the saber on Ahch-To) and blu-ray (Kylo looking at the AT-AT's) discs are the exact same ones that are currently available at retail so those appear to be straight reissues as well.

Looks like Disney just arrived with the blushing ST, all ready for the shotgun wedding to the OT. Bob Iger and KK looking their finest too.

Yeah I know Disney bought the rights to exploit the OT but I'm not buying anything with the words "Skywalker saga" attached to Rey.
Obviously, without actual video footage of the event it's all evidence/witness-based theory but this is the more recent one and it seems more plausible than what was in Cameron's movie.

In the film I don't think there's any listing depicted. The biggest thing though - the breaking up of the ship - it's far too visible and dramatic - with the stern going up so high and then belly-flopping back down onto the sea causing these massive waves - far more survivors would have been able to report the breakup than actually did.

It wasn't certain that the ship broke up until the wreck was found - I think if it had actually happened the way it does in Cameron's film there never would have been any doubt. So with this more recent model of the sinking I can more readily accept OK, not everyone would have seen or known that was happening - it could have been too dark or they'd rowed too far away to see it. Most potential witnesses in the water or still on the ship would have died.
While on the subject of Star Wars and the Titanic, here is what Bill Burr thinks of the film...

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