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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

JJ getting in his car after making fun of KK and getting the entire crowd to laugh at her:

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah I feel JJ is still right on track with whatever story he had originally planned, just with Palps in place of Snoke after his silly death. Everything shown so far seems to dismiss the direction TLJ was going in completely.

It’s like one guy was saying, Rian was even trying to distance SW from the Skywalkers, and... so much for that lol. They’re right in the freakin title now.

Can't ever undo the horrendous episode 8 but the trailer and film title does seem to undermine it. Who knows to what degree in the actual film.

What a terrific plan it was to have different directors with completely different agendas make a Star Wars trilogy.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Lol damn they did t even try to be unique

I guess they figured hardly anyone buys this **** (the new ST merch) anyway, so why bother spending money on new marketing materials.....

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I think the title is...


I mean, they’ve already had every other major SW term in the titles - Jedi, Sith, Force - so why not the name of the family the saga is actually about?

Maybe it also serves as a title for the entire nine-part series, as we’ve already seen two rises of Skywalkers.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I wonder if JJ’s plan is to go with what Rian did, end the Jedi and start over with a new group of force users called the Skywalkers?
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

At this point if it’s not already obvious that Rey is Vader reborn then I don’t know what else to say to you lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

At this point if it’s not already obvious that Rey is Vader reborn then I don’t know what else to say to you lol

I’d prefer that to her being Luke’s daughter - since Jedi aren’t supposed to fornicate.

Did JJ basically confirm Rey is a Skywalker by saying it’s about the new generation and what “they’ve” inherited? Or was he using a singular “they”?

Also, I was getting tired of all the fan service and callbacks in SW, but the DS wreckage has me intrigued.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What's obvious is, if it's true that Palps made Anakin through the force, since he's still alive perhaps he made Rey too? V2.0 for the win! And since Ani was a whiny entitled male, this time he'd fix the flaws and went with the superior female...

Luke figured it out, then hid her on yet another desert planet. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I wonder if JJ’s plan is to go with what Rian did, end the Jedi and start over with a new group of force users called the Skywalkers?

That's kinda what I'm getting from everything that was revealed today. But all I keep reading here makes me think I'm way off base.

During the panel, I heard JJ emphasizing that this last film is about the new generation, and how they'll deal with the great evil. That made me think that the inference there is that they'll forge a new way forward that sets them apart from the previous generation. They're not going to be like the old Jedi, or the old Rebellion; they're going to take a new approach. A new way for a new day.

Then the title gets revealed to be: "The Rise of Skywalker." Immediately I assumed that "Skywalker" wasn't referring to a single individual (no other SW movie has been that narrow in focus). So, my assumption was that a new form of Jedi would use "Skywalker" as their title. What new Jedi? Perhaps those inspired by the legend of Luke Skywalker from 30+ years prior who took his name and adopted it in tribute.

And the last bit of dialogue from Luke in TLJ was about how he wasn't the last Jedi (then a pan to Rey). Fast forward more than a year later, and the first bit of footage from the sequel is Luke's voice reinforcing the same message. I saw nothing but synergy there. From the theme of new generations taking inspiration and forging on in new ways (with inspiration, rather than lineage, being enough impetus), to Luke specifically reciting a line from one film to the next.

I must be crazy, though, since the prevailing wisdom here is that the teaser shows a dramatic departure from TLJ. I'm good either way (loved the teaser!), but I just wish I could see what I'm missing that everyone else is picking up on.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Hope Hamill is happy now I mean christ they went and named a movie after his character it’s not like they called it The Rise of Solo.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Immediately I assumed that "Skywalker" wasn't referring to a single individual (no other SW movie has been that narrow in focus).

I always assumed the "Jedi" in ROTJ referred to the return of the order via Luke, but others interpret it as the return of Anakin as a Jedi. Which is correct - or does it mean both?

So, my assumption was that a new form of Jedi would use "Skywalker" as their title. What new Jedi? Perhaps those inspired by the legend of Luke Skywalker from 30+ years prior who took his name and adopted it in tribute.

And the last bit of dialogue from Luke in TLJ was about how he wasn't the last Jedi (then a pan to Rey). Fast forward more than a year later, and the first bit of footage from the sequel is Luke's voice reinforcing the same message. I saw nothing but synergy there. From the theme of new generations taking inspiration and forging on in new ways (with inspiration, rather than lineage, being enough impetus), to Luke specifically reciting a line from one film to the next.

My takeaway from the "last Jedi" quote was that the Jedi name would live on. But yes it could literally mean Rey will be the last of the Jedi.

Hope Hamill is happy now I mean christ they went and named a movie after his character it’s not like they called it The Rise of Solo.

Yet Solo, who's supposed to be an unassuming everyman, got his own-named movie first. :dunno
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I must be crazy, though, since the prevailing wisdom here is that the teaser shows a dramatic departure from TLJ.

Obviously we won't know until we see the movie but I don't think that TROS will act like TLJ didn't happen or anything but rather it just appears that it is aiming in part to make TLJ superfluous. Kind of how TPM really could have been summed up int AOTC's opening crawl if they wanted to, I think that TLJ might become a glorified opening crawl going forward.

Luke sounds how I assumed he'd be in TLJ, Phasma is assumedly gone (since she could have stayed dead after TFA anyway), the TFA X-Wing pilots are inexplicably back again if Snap Wexley is any indication, Rey is the same badass she's been the last two films. Kylo is back in the mask, it all just feels very TFA-ish and like the sequel Episode VIII would have been if they had advanced the timeline months or years past TFA which ESB, ROTJ, AOTC, and ROTS all did compared to their prior films.

Snoke could have just been a glorified Tarkin who died when they blew up Starkiller Base and now they're on to the real threat. Again I'm not saying that they're retconning TLJ out of the canon but that they seem to be "course correcting" the way TFA did with the cold shoulder it gave the PT.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Hope Hamill is happy now I mean christ they went and named a movie after his character it’s not like they called it The Rise of Solo.

Yep the last thing to "rise" was the FO from the ashes of the Empire. Now JJ is saying from the ashes of tossed sabers and titty milk I give you Skywalker reborn, lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Be interesting to discover if Snoke was originally intended to be Palpatine or Plagueis incarnate. The fact he had risen from the dead suggested a rich back story.

After RJ killed him off (again) JJ may have been forced to bring back the real Palps.

What's obvious is, if it's true that Palps made Anakin through the force, since he's still alive perhaps he made Rey too?

Would that be enough to make her a Skywalker?

the TFA X-Wing pilots are inexplicably back again if Snap Wexley is any indication

It's explained in the Poe Dameron comic, but people shouldn't be expected to seek that out.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

My gut feeling is that 10 years from now we’ll all be able to skip TLJ without missing a beat when we sit down to watch this series of movies. I think that’s what people mean when talking about them undoing or ignoring what happened in TLJ. But that’s just the sense I get from the trailer. And from having watched TLJ before, lol.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I was thinking the title didn't really need the "the".

Then I realised eight of the nine films have "the" in the title.

Also, I can feel a poll coming on for "best movie with rise/rises in the title".
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Obviously we won't know until we see the movie but I don't think that TROS will act like TLJ didn't happen or anything but rather it just appears that it is aiming in part to make TLJ superfluous. Kind of how TPM really could have been summed up int AOTC's opening crawl if they wanted to, I think that TLJ might become a glorified opening crawl going forward.

Yeah, I suppose you're going to be proven correct about this since the overwhelming sentiment here seems aligned with your interpretation. LFL and Disney better hope that you are indeed correct, because if TROS doubles down on "anyone can use the force and be a Jedi/Skywalker" and keeps Rey's lineage as it was in TLJ, there's going to be a lot of the same sort of angry criticisms because of unmet expectations.

Reading posts here today gives me the sense that fans are pouring gunpowder down by assuming a lot of things. If it doesn't go their way, it'll be an explosion.