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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I don't see there being any possibility of a two-parter. That would screw up the entire system of multiple trilogies not to mention basically be a point blank admission that TLJ was a failure while unnecessarily risking alienating even more fans who just want the whole thing to be over already. Plus Ridley has already gone on record saying that she's done after the next movie.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I really hope they don't make this into two films. Not just because I like the idea of three trilogies forming the whole Skywalker Saga, but because all the inevitable complaining going on for two more movies instead of just the one would be exhausting. Keeping it to only one more movie would be merciful to both sides of the TLJ/ST debate. Just make Episode IX have a longer-than-usual run time if necessary.

Please let IX be titled The Last Jedi 2

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I'm all for it if there is enough material there to justify two films. As much as I don't want to see them stretch the story too thin just so they can make two, I really don't want to see them try to cram too much into one film.
If they do decide to make two, they absolutely have to title them Episodes IX and X. No way I want to see any "Episode IX - Part 2" horse****.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I just hope that we get tons more scenes of Rose violently attacking her friends in order to "save" them for certain destruction by the unharmed FO.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

There's only one truly satisfying way to end the saga, no matter how many movies it takes. One last surprise appearance, and final words ever uttered in the series: "Meesa back!!!"
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

More scenes of Rose riding (high) horses!

"Yeah! We made 'em hurt! It was so worth it to trash that town and ruin the lives of the people who sold us Poe's X-Wing so that we could blow up Starkiller Base! Take that businessmen who commit no crimes! You're the worst kind of evil! Now where are our replacement bombers!?"
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Proably take 2 films for JJ to turn all the cry baby fans back around....

Oh wait that cant be done....he made 2 very good Star Trek films and most “Trekkies” hated those as well....

They need to make just one film , soley because we would have to endure all the complaining/boycotting for 2 more...

In all seriousness, make as many more as they want, I have enjoyed them all and my childhood in still intact.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I highly doubt they'll go for two more.
All you really need to resolve is Kylo and Rey's stories, and you can do that in one movie.

Ep. IV: Vader kills Luke's new-found mentor - Ep. VII: Kylo kills Rey's new-found mentor
Ep. V: Vader and Luke fight, but their relationship dynamics change - Ep. VIII: Kylo and Rey's relationship dynamics change, but then they fight
Ep. VI: Luke finally comes into his own and saves Vader - Ep. IX: Rey finally comes into her own and saves Kylo

Not saying that's necessarily the way it will go, but it has a certain balance to it, it's like poetry. ;)
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I highly doubt they'll go for two more.
All you really need to resolve is Kylo and Rey's stories, and you can do that in one movie.

Ep. IV: Vader kills Luke's new-found mentor - Ep. VII: Kylo kills Rey's new-found mentor
Ep. V: Vader and Luke fight, but their relationship dynamics change - Ep. VIII: Kylo and Rey's relationship dynamics change, but then they fight
Ep. VI: Luke finally comes into his own and saves Vader - Ep. IX: Rey finally comes into her own and saves Kylo

Not saying that's necessarily the way it will go, but it has a certain balance to it, it's like poetry. ;)

Nicely done! :clap
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

"Yeah! We made 'em hurt! It was so worth it to trash that town and ruin the lives of the people who sold us Poe's X-Wing so that we could blow up Starkiller Base! Take that businessmen who commit no crimes! You're the worst kind of evil! Now where are our replacement bombers!?"

We won’t win by destroying what we hate. :lol

We win by tazing what we luv.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I don't see there being any possibility of a two-parter. That would screw up the entire system of multiple trilogies not to mention basically be a point blank admission that TLJ was a failure while unnecessarily risking alienating even more fans who just want the whole thing to be over already. Plus Ridley has already gone on record saying that she's done after the next movie.

Thats exactly why it needs to happen. JJ should've just done them all. I really liked TFA, it was a good set up. But what Rian did was unforgivable. If they do a PT2 thingy i'm fine with it. In fact, it's the least they could do.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Thats exactly why it needs to happen. JJ should've just done them all. I really liked TFA, it was a good set up. But what Rian did was unforgivable. If they do a PT2 thingy i'm fine with it. In fact, it's the least they could do.

Cause of course , Disney owes fans who didn’t like the film something they do like .....right?

Might as well start remaking Spiderman and Iron Man 2-3, Guardian 2 etc etc....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Ep. IX: Rey finally comes into her own and saves Kylo

Not saying that's necessarily the way it will go, but it has a certain balance to it, it's like poetry. ;)

Kylo will sacrifice himself to save Rey. In that way, he will finally fulfill his destiny and his personal desire: to finish what Vader began

Likely Rey will have something to do with Kylo coming to that realization, thus Rey will have "saved" him I guess, just like Luke did to Grandpa.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Abrams will be mad that Johnson killed his emperor character, so he'll immediately bring in Snoke's boss, who was really the bad guy all along. Snoke's Boss will be an old wrinkly white guy in a robe.

They'll be in a throne room and he'll be zapping Rey with Sith electricity and Kylo will save her, but die in the process.

I know what I've written sounds incredibly stupid, but I think there's more than a 60% chance it will actually be the way the movie ends.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Abrams will be mad that Johnson killed his emperor character, so he'll immediately bring in Snoke's boss, who was really the bad guy all along. Snoke's Boss will be an old wrinkly white guy in a robe.

They'll be in a throne room and he'll be zapping Rey with Sith electricity and Kylo will save her, but die in the process.

I know what I've written sounds incredibly stupid, but I think there's more than a 60% chance it will actually be the way the movie ends.

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I would accept a "crazy twist" if they decide to reveal that Snoke was nothing but a puppet and Maz Kanata was the super powerful Sith lord pulling the strings all along.

After all, it's not like she actually did anything heroic. She gave Rey the saber which was just one way to find Luke, which she wanted. She sent Rose and Finn on a pointless wild goose chase.

It would fit the narrative, since the narrative is already ridiculous horse slop.