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The ST was never planned out just by the mere fact they never knew who Rey was going to be as confirmed by Daisy.

Exactly. Whether you hate zack snyder or not that guy had a plan for his movies starting from bvs all the way thru his 4 hour justice league epic (which was originally supposed to be 2 movies). So he basically mapped out a whole trilogy worth of story material prior to compeleting bvs with threads that connect all the way through the movies. Warner ****ed up that plan which was why justic league was so bad, you can sort of compare it too disney knee jerk reaction to tlj. In either case if they had plan at some point to connect all the story threads they failed miserably doing it. A good plan would have mapped out reys arc from the start in a logical way or even planted the seeds for the real villain in tfa, if it wasnt supposed to be snoke to begin with

Take man of steel and bvs the zod battle mirrors each other in mind blowing perfect detail just from different perspectives. Disney couldnt even link the end of tfa with the beginning of tlj without it feeling jarring- luke all serious to luke being a dumb **** tossing the saber over his shoulder
The ST was never planned out just by the mere fact they never knew who Rey was going to be as confirmed by Daisy.

Well, they knew she was going to be a force wielder. I was going to say Jedi, but caught myself. :lol

My jaw is on the floor I got goosebumps and tears watching that.

I know right! Gotta watch it again...

Hell even ironwez is going to appreciate that lol


Absolute insanity

That JUST MIGHT make II better than I AND IV crowning it the best F13th movie!

I am dying to see this cut.


Is the general consensus among F13 fans that I and IV are the "best?" I've always like II the most by a good margin, mostly due to finding the cast of doomed counselors the most likable of the bunch but then again it was also the first film in the series that I saw so I'm sure that plays a part as well. But Ginny stumbling on the Pamela shrine in the middle of the woods has always been one of the most haunting and disturbing elements of any slasher film and it really stuck with me growing up.
I?d say the MCU is done also, and the DCU.

They have pretty much the same staying power with the general public

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I?m honestly waiting on there take on Xmen and ff and galactus. I think that?ll be cool. If they didn?t have these characters back I wouldn?t of cared less. Only would of cane back for black panther and spidey .

Who tf wants to see Shang chi and the eternal s
I know right! Gotta watch it again...


Is the general consensus among F13 fans that I and IV are the "best?" I've always like II the most by a good margin, mostly due to finding the cast of doomed counselors the most likable of the bunch but then again it was also the first film in the series that I saw so I'm sure that plays a part as well. But Ginny stumbling on the Pamela shrine in the middle of the woods has always been one of the most haunting and disturbing elements of any slasher film and it really stuck with me growing up.

I am not a huge fan of the series but i like ii as well. I did t care for the mom as the killer its all about jason for me
The ST was never planned out just by the mere fact they never knew who Rey was going to be as confirmed by Daisy.

Yup. Why wouldn?t you know who your main character was and just make stuff up as you go. Why set up all this crap that lead nowhere? Makes no sense
I know right! Lucas was so clueless changing the lineage of both Luke and Vader for ESB.

The lineage didnt matter in a new hope, all we needed to know at that point was luke was anakins son and he was a war hero (which is still true even with him becoming vader) so when he made these changes in empire it didnt effect the cohesiveness of the story at all, it wasnt like tfa where they gave you all these hints that rey was a skywaker then in last jedi act like none of that ever happened.
I know right! Lucas was so clueless changing the lineage of both Luke and Vader for ESB.

The OT planning process, in the 70s/80s, has nothing to do with the ST planning process of the 10s.

A past error or mistake isn’t justification for current errors and mistakes.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I don’t know why you try justifying awful decisions with past awful decisions.
The lineage didnt matter in a new hope, all we needed to know at that point was luke was anakins son and he was a war hero (which is still true even with him becoming vader) so when he made these changes in empire it didnt effect the cohesiveness of the story at all,

Changing the main hero's lineage after the first film in the trilogy:

1. Made Obi-Wan Kenobi (good guy) a bold-faced liar
2. Made Kylo Ren (bad guy) a bold-faced liar

So which is the more cohesive end result? That's what I thought, lol.

Interestingly enough both trilogies make a guy with two names (one of them being Ben) a bold-faced liar.

Changing the main heroes lineage after the first film in the trilogy:

1. Made Obi-Wan Kenobi (good guy) a bold-faced liar
2. Made Kylo Ren (bad guy) a bold-faced liar

So which is the more cohesive end result? That's what I thought, lol.

Interestingly enough both trilogies make a guy with two names (one of them being Ben) a bold-faced liar.

Common you know obi wan lied to protect luke and cause he wanted him to kill his father knowing damn well it would be harder for him to do if he knew the truth from the start. Atleast there is a logical explantation for that. You dont tell a kid you have been protecting and grooming to be the next hope that his father is a homicidal maniac from the get go. He probably wouldnt have believed obi wan anyway at that time. Ben didnt lie really vader did kill anakin from a certain point of view (he killed him from within). Thats what kylo was trying to do to ben the entire st, kill the light within him
The OT planning process, in the 70s/80s, has nothing to do with the ST planning process of the 10s.

A past error or mistake isn’t justification for current errors and mistakes.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I don’t know why you try justifying awful decisions with past awful decisions.

That's what you just don't get youngling. It was not a "wrong" in *either* trilogy. So making Luke and Vader related retro-actively was an "awful decision?" Wow...
We all know about it, and we all see it. It's obvious. Nobody ever wants to admit it, but it's there.

The PT are great movies. The first question to ask: why? Why is it great? The obvious answer: George Lucas is a genius. He knows real Star Wars.

Likely explanation: I know that most of you are around 44 or 45 years old. That means you got into Star Wars 40 years ago. So you never took off those rose tinted nostalgia glasses.

And because you never took those glasses off, you try to compensate for that by diving into all-time gross and analyzing RT scores. But here's the thing: good movies don?t show up on Excel spreadsheets. The moment somebody brings up "TLJ was good? or "Rey Skywalker? I know they know nothing about Star Wars. PT being great cannot be encapsulated by one measurement. It?s the second best Star Wars trilogy ever, and one of the 5 best trilogies to ever see the screen.

So when I hear somebody say that the ST is better than PT, I laugh, because I know that anybody who watched the PT wouldn't think that. Unlike you guys, I have watched the PT for a significant amount of time, so I know that PT is better.

You might be jealous of PTs merch sales or jealous of the fact it is quickly becoming the greatest trilogy in Star Wars history, or whatever. Unless you're a Jurassic Park fan who watched movies in the 90s, or an LOTR fan who watched movies in the 2000s, you don't know what real, fun, beloved, world building movies looks like. And there's nothing wrong with that. This forum would make you think that PT isn't even a top 100 trilogy ever.

So don't go spouting ******** about movies you didn't watch. Talk about your "greats" like OT, but leave the PT talk to the young adults. Fair?