SS Kanamit into Chewie and Darth--- HELP!!!

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I'm afraid that I've gotten sidetracked but here's the newest addition to my collection-- a phenomenal custom by Hurricane.

He's finally arrived and I couldn't be any happier--
The evolution of the last Jedi is complete (thanks to Hurricane).

:chew is on hold as through KitFisto's help I was finally able to add a good 1/6 representation to my collection...

And some Jabba prisoner wookie...

I'm still going to tinker with the materials that I've got and the 14" Kanamit body... A :vader as well perhaps... Oh well, any updates and I'll post them here.
Not... I repeat, not a necro-post (although I did have to go to page 17 to unearth this thread :monkey3) but all the talk of a wookie in the SW section has got me thinking that it's time I got back to this project.
Yeah, this was a great thread for a while. Lets see some finished pics!!

Finished pics?... My friend, I'm at cannibalising Hasbro Chewie #2 stage:chew:chew. I do have faux fur that I could use but it seems too short and much too dark for Han's co-pilot. I'll start posting pics as the work is on-going... hopefully the finished product might be somewhat OK...
That body would work VERy well. EXCELLENT!

To make Chewie, I just cannibalised two furry Hasbro Chewies. I made my Vader 13 inch and Chewie 14. First, cut both Chewies fur suits up the back and carefully rip the fur clothes off of the Hasbro Chewie wire armature. There's no body in there! You will have to cut the wire from the feet and wrists to get a full "Chewie fur suit". Once you have the two Chewies 'skinned', I cut one in half just under the arm pits and the other in half just above the legs. I sewed the two together to add height to Chewis body suit. Hasbros is kinds short! You can dress your 14 inch body in the suit ( I sewed mine on in the back) and attach the wrists and legs to the SS Kanamit by adding the pivot joints to the inside of the Chewie suits hands and feet and re-attaching them to the SS body. I cut the head of Chewie off from the body suit to simulate the real costume. I took the spare Chewie head from the discarded Chewie I had left over to do the head. I sculpted onto a GI Joe head the muzzle and snout of Chewie, leaving the eyes alone. Make sure the eyes are blue! :D
Add the fur to the head creating a mask that overlaps onto the chest like the real costume and you have it! Just mod the bandolier and bowcaster and you are in for some Chewie fun!:chew


Let me know if any of my rambling didn't make sense.

Brinn 71

Going to go old-school and use Brinn's idea here as I've got two Hasbro Chewies....
Going to go old-school and use Brinn's idea here as I've got two Hasbro Chewies....

What exactly does Brinn mean by: sculpt the snout to the GI Joe head? Why do you have to use two Chewie heads?

Does Brinn mean cut the mouth and nose off Chewie and glue those onto the Joe head first, then pull the now hollow Chewie "fur mask" over the Joe head?
What exactly does Brinn mean by: sculpt the snout to the GI Joe head? Why do you have to use two Chewie heads?

Does Brinn mean cut the mouth and nose off Chewie and glue those onto the Joe head first, then pull the now hollow Chewie "fur mask" over the Joe head?

I don't think I'll be going in that direction-- I've got a great lollipop Chewie head (referenced earlier in the thread) that's perfect for a 1/6 ANH Chewie...
What exactly does Brinn mean by: sculpt the snout to the GI Joe head? Why do you have to use two Chewie heads?

Does Brinn mean cut the mouth and nose off Chewie and glue those onto the Joe head first, then ?

Hey all! You don't need to use two Chewie heads, just attach the Chewie Hasbro nose to the Joe head, then sculpt the mouth, chin, and muzzle onto the Joe head. Then, once that is the way you want it, pull the now hollow Chewie "fur mask" over the Joe head. If it looks the way it should, you can sew the 'mask' onto the Joe head. If not, like if the muzzle looks to big or too shallow, pull off the mask and adjust the sculpt on the Joe head. Then pull the Chewie "fur mask" over the Joe head again. Take a good look at it again. This may take a few tries to get it right. I'm going to have to adjust mine AGAIN! :monkey4
I don't think I'll be going in that direction-- I've got a great lollipop Chewie head (referenced earlier in the thread) that's perfect for a 1/6 ANH Chewie...

Yes, but look out. Adding fur to the lollipop Chewie may make the sculpt 'puff out'. The head underneath the Chewie fur mask won't look like Chewie. You must take into account the thickness of the fur mask for it to work.
Hey all! You don't need to use two Chewie heads, just attach the Chewie Hasbro nose to the Joe head, then sculpt the mouth, chin, and muzzle onto the Joe head.

Like this:


There's the Chewie 'undermask' behind the Fur mask on the table:

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Hey all! You don't need to use two Chewie heads, just attach the Chewie Hasbro nose to the Joe head, then sculpt the mouth, chin, and muzzle onto the Joe head. Then, once that is the way you want it, pull the now hollow Chewie "fur mask" over the Joe head. If it looks the way it should, you can sew the 'mask' onto the Joe head. If not, like if the muzzle looks to big or too shallow, pull off the mask and adjust the sculpt on the Joe head. Then pull the Chewie "fur mask" over the Joe head again. Take a good look at it again. This may take a few tries to get it right. I'm going to have to adjust mine AGAIN! :monkey4

Thanks for the explanation, Brinn...but UGH, I'm still confused. :)

OK, so first you CUT the nose off the Chewie head. Then you say "sculpt" the mouth, etc, to the head -- this word throws me off. You mean 'set' it in place? If so, do you also cut the mouth and muzzle and chin off Chewie? Not visualizing how you 'scult' the mouth and chin to the Joe head. Is the nose or mouth CUT from Chewie to begin with, or do you leave the mouth on the "fur mask"?
Thanks for the explanation, Brinn...but UGH, I'm still confused. :)

OK, so first you CUT the nose off the Chewie head. Then you say "sculpt" the mouth, etc, to the head -- this word throws me off. You mean 'set' it in place? If so, do you also cut the mouth and muzzle and chin off Chewie? Not visualizing how you 'scult' the mouth and chin to the Joe head. Is the nose or mouth CUT from Chewie to begin with, or do you leave the mouth on the "fur mask"?

Nope. What I did was cut off the Hasbro Chewie nose from the furry doll. It has a LONG back piece, so then I cut a hole in the GI Joe head and set the nose in there. Then, I used Magic Sculp Epoxy putty and sculpted the muzzle, chin and eye brow around the hasbro nose onto the GI Joe head, much like this:

This is what your modded GI Joe head should look like when you are ready to add the fur.

I hope this helps!
Nope. What I did was cut off the Hasbro Chewie nose from the furry doll. It has a LONG back piece, so then I cut a hole in the GI Joe head and set the nose in there. Then, I used Magic Sculp Epoxy putty and sculpted the muzzle, chin and eye brow around the hasbro nose onto the GI Joe head, much like this:

This is what your modded GI Joe head should look like when you are ready to add the fur.

I hope this helps!

Ah, OK, so it does requite some actual sculpting. That's where I got confused. Thanks though, that clears it up. Pretty good idea actually, modding the face, then applying the "fur mask" over the correct shape.

Well done!
Now that my Padme customs are done (mostly) I've decided to reopen this can of worms... :slap