1/6 Sideshow Mythos Boba Fett Figure.

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I was going to pick this version up, but i've my fingers in too many pies figure wise.

I did pick up the helmet though, and while it's far from perfect SS did a great job with the overall shape...especially the shape and curve of the visor which easily beats all of HT offerings.
It is a tad on the narrow side which is made more so by the cheek indents not running deep enough. Shame as SS came so close to perfect.

Anyways for those interested here's the Mythos bucket on the HT ROTJ version:)

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Amazing pics, Matrix.:clap And yeah, looks great except the flair and the cheeks - an that sculpted line within the cheek is unfortunate (and a repeat error from the older SSC ESB Fett.) I also bought one of these hlemets just to check it out but haven't gotten it yet. Maybe there's a way I can cast the cheeks from the Marmit and do a hybrid helmet of Mythos helmet but with Marmit cheeks.
And here he is



sneak peek behind the scenes

Just received the helmet and concur with Matrix's thoughts - the cheeks are too shallow, wrongly shaped and overall the helmet is a bit narrow (even noticeable on the dome which is unusual) The paint is incredible though and the "squint" is great, along with the maroon strips being really well done proportionately. The HT helmets both had the squint not narrow enough.

I wish there was a way to widen it without cracking/damaging the helmet - not sure boiling water would do much to thick hard plastic like this.

This almost looks like its a slight redo of the ESB Boba helmet - it has some of the same inaccuracies (cheeks, narrowness.) The back half and the antenna are different though.

I also got the rifle from this and it's gorgeous.
Fantastic gallery there! He looks great! (Love the pedestal for shot too....nothing like a multipurpose collectible, eh?)

Looking forward to digging in over the weekend with this one. Post more shots please!
Thanks guys!


It needs to stop raining so I can take this guy to the beach and get him dirty lol. I hate when I have a pose for a picture ready to go but can't take the picture yet. So here's a preview and a pose inspiration maybe lol





One thing that was bugging the HELL out of my was that the hip pouch just didn't lay flat (like it does in the box pic) which is something I've seen in everyone elses photos too. I figured out that you need to make sure that the straps that run from the pouch to the main belt are set as wide apart (you can slide/adjust them) along the belt as possible.


So see one strap here is all the way to the back by the Velcro

For the hip pouch, put a nickel or two in it - helps with just a tad of weight.

Right next to the hip pouch is a small loop. I assume for the small gun? anyone find a good way to actually hang the gun in it?

How does the red sash come off? is it just traditional straps? Was going to try to work on the floppy body, but lost my courage
Great pose and futzing! And thanks for the advice on the hip pouch.

I'll try the nickels too, Matt. As for that loop, will the small pistol sling in there?
Ah, okay...

Unboxed him tonight.

Let me get the nits out of the way first. I can't believe that after all this time, Sideshow is STILL using this insane hook system to attached the jet pack when they've used magnets with other figures (Rex and Wolffe) It's a royal pain, made even more so by having to fold and futz the cloth behind it. Ugh...drained a little of the fun fighting to get it on. And final nit. What happened with the base body? The one used for Mythos Kenobi was solid and tight! This one is just shy of a rag doll. Very disappointing.

Now, that's enough of the complaining...let's move on to the fun! And yes, plenty of fun to be had...looks great! I really like the distressed fabric, the belts, the gloved hands, the weapons...everything detailed really well. He definitely makes an impressive display piece and like Mythos Kenobi before him, I'll have a great time futzing and adjusting (jetpack not withstanding) and snapping lots of shots. He'll be taking a trip out west later this year to some of my favorite locations for some outdoor shots for sure.

I'll be following the thread for more shots and thoughts from folks and especially for any body swaps/mods that may be taken to improve the base body.
In the meantime, someone asked a few pages back how he'd look on the dewback....pretty doggone cool actually!




I'll get more shots up over the weekend once I have the time to really futz and adjust. Despite the two nits, I'm very glad to have him in the collection. Aother great Fett!
I was going to pick this version up, but i've my fingers in too many pies figure wise.

I did pick up the helmet though, and while it's far from perfect SS did a great job with the overall shape...especially the shape and curve of the visor which easily beats all of HT offerings.
It is a tad on the narrow side which is made more so by the cheek indents not running deep enough. Shame as SS came so close to perfect.

Anyways for those interested here's the Mythos bucket on the HT ROTJ version:)

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Holy crap, that looks so much more like the ROTJ Boba now. How would someone remove the "eye" decals without wrecking the rest of the paint job?
Finally unboxed.

I love this figure. He is gorgeous. No regrets.

As others have mentioned, he's very loose-jointed. This is both a minus and a plus. Ease of posing, but if you touch the figure to adjust something, you have to reposition all over again. Hip-shot? torso curved to one side? head tilted? This guy can do it all and more.

The stand really ticks me off. Here's why: If you touch the figure, the wire part of the stand just retracts back into the base, and your figure is unsupported. GAH STOP IT!!! I may actually switch stands over this, and come to think of it I think I have a few generic ones stashed somewhere, until I can get my make-a-desert-stand-or-not issues sorted. Its a nice stand, just not really sturdy.

Wookie scalps are a pain, especially one of them. Its the longest one, and it has really curly ends which I am considering trimming to avoid that Barbie-hair look.

I was unable to make the long rifle do what I want, so its in the box for now. Its funny.... its almost like poseable figures have their own ideas for what they do and don't want to do.. I've noticed this before. "As you wish.... NOT" :)

THANK YOU MATT for the nickel trick regarding the brown gear bag; that worked great.

In return, I will pass along this little trick for those having problems with stuff like getting the jetpack on: what you need is one bamboo skewer. A toothpick might work in a pinch, but bamboo skewers are gold [you have more leverage]. I have been in the fashion doll and model horse hobbies for years, and I say unto you: YOU NEED ONE. Why? Because that little skewer point lets you get into areas too tiny for fingers, such as when you need to keep that little square black ring flipped UP as you try to hook the jetpack on it. Also good for tucking fabric tightly into joints, adding folds, arranging hair [if applicable], levering tiny weapons out of stiff plastic box-trays without breaking the weapon - and so much more!

I got that jetpack on, with the poncho underneath it[!] in a trice, using a bamboo skewer. Add one to your repertoire: they're almost free, and you'll wonder how you did without it.

p.s. Great pix, Jedi. <3
Great tip about the bamboo skewer...I'll definitely give that a go...the jet pack is VERY frustrating to deal with. So the body on yours is loose too, eh? The one on mine is REALLY loose. Can barely stand up let alone hold a pose before it topples over, even on the stand. That aspect of this figure is extremely frustrating.
I'm going to experiment more with some poses and pics over the weekend, but I'm seriously considering a return. I really like the look of this figure and futzing and re-futzing all of the gear and details on the figure doesn't bother me. Doing that over and over again because the figure can barely even stand in a museum pose before falling over is not going to be acceptable,,,not for what this bad boy cost.

I got ONE good shot today in an hour of working with him....


It;s good that he looks so cool on the dewback. If I decide to keep him, that may be where he ends up on display. We'll see how it goes.