Sideshow 1/6 Yoda Teaser

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I can't understand why the OT Yoda could possibly need replacing. If he's going to spend more time on it, he should work on making sure Greedo doesn't get a shot off, that the Jabba cut scene from ANH finds its way back to the cutting room floor, and that Lapti Nek is the song Oola dies to.
I take comments from the people involved in the production with a grain of salt. I can think of numerous times, you watch an interview with someone involved with the CGI and they've poured so much of their life, they talk it up like it's great, totally believable, blah blah blah, but then you watch it and it looks fake.

Yes, the puppet Yoda had a pretty muppet quality to his facial movements for speech and all compared to a CGI creation, but I also think Rob's to close to what he does to really speak objectively about things.

That wasn't from an interview (I don't think). If memory serves it was something he said to one of the animators on that same documentary.
That pupet looked more realistic than that CGI crap. I'll take ESB yoda over any of the CGI characters in the entire PT. They just don't seem like they take up space... they still all seem way to "fake" to me.

Look, we all know that Yoda is make believe, that isn't even a question. That means we all agree that the puppet looks like a puppet and the CGI doesn't look like the puppet, and at some points looks like CGI. But to say he doesn't look photo realistic through good portions of ROTS is simple denial.

Point is, the CGI version of the make belief character has realistic facial expressions and can convey far more human emotion than the puppet ever could. Period.
I can't understand why the OT Yoda could possibly need replacing. If he's going to spend more time on it, he should work on making sure Greedo doesn't get a shot off, that the Jabba cut scene from ANH finds its way back to the cutting room floor, and that Lapti Nek is the song Oola dies to.

Sounds like you already have the Star Wars movies you want then :)
Aside from the great Yoda debate I am really excited to see how SS pulls off their Yoda. One thing they do well is creatures. Also the CGI Yoda needs to replace that down-syndrome version of Yoda in TPM. Ugh, ugly little avatard.
Look, we all know that Yoda is make believe, that isn't even a question. That means we all agree that the puppet looks like a puppet and the CGI doesn't look like the puppet, and at some points looks like CGI. But to say he doesn't look photo realistic through good portions of ROTS is simple denial.

Point is, the CGI version of the make belief character has realistic facial expressions and can convey far more human emotion than the puppet ever could. Period.

The emotion is there but OT Yoda looks like he is in the universe. He takes up space because he is really there. The CGI yoda looks good but he is not really there and doesn't move in real space... he moves in computer space. Maybe I just can't explain it very well. Its just something that bugs me with all CGI characters in any movie.
when it comes to CGI, it boils down to letting yourself actually accept something that looks real that your mind knows isn't. With a puppet that looks like a puppet it is easier for your mind to accept because you know there is a hand in its head :)
I have never had a problem allowing effects of any kind play their role. The CGI in the prequels has never jumped out at me as unbelievable.

That said, the puppet Yoda in TPM looked bad. Just poor esthetics. The puppet Yoda in ESB was brilliant, and with the added advantage of sharing real space with Luke, I can honestly say that the fact he was a puppet never registered in the front of my mind. I obviously know he's a puppet, but he has always impacted upon my perception as real. He has never looked artificial. He was definitely never short on emotion.

I can almost say the same for Yoda from AOTC and ROTS, but it's easier for me to be conscious of the illusion if I put the effort into it.
I wouldn't want a CGI Yoda in OT. I guess its nostalgia, but it just wouldn't look right. I also like the CGI Yoda, he's just awesome in the prequels. It was great getting to see the little guy in action, and there's no way the puppet could do that. My only problem between the two films is how different the two look. I've never felt like aging 22 years (or maybe more due to stress and sorrow) would make such changes, skin color being the largest problem.

I think they got Yoda relatively right in AOTC and ROTS. He looks pretty close to the OT Yoda, just more cleaned up. And to your point, I always thought they tried too hard to make him "younger" for TPM. That puppet looked ridiculously different and just plain terrible. 22 years is relatively nothing in a 900 year lifespan. It's like aging 2 years for you and me.
Yeah, on crappy non-anamorphic dvd.

Yeah, but even so, they look better than they did when they were originally released in the theatres!

Seriously, if I really want to feel the nostalgia, I throw in my crappy pan-and-scan vhs! That's more the experience I remember as a kid!
Thing is, it's not a public tease, as far as I can tell, Rebelscum is the only source, I would think if it were really close to a full unveiling, something on their own site would be published to make sure they reach customers who may not be aware of Rebelscum or follow that site.
The problem with CG Yoda like many other CG characters is that they lack "weight". Movements are floaty, lending to that perception that they look fake.
That's what I notice the most with CG living things, the graphics can look real, but often it is movement that gives it away. I find with unclothed CGI creations, the movements almost seem to lack a skeletal structure, almost like the body is a big piece of rubber. The skin looks real, but the motions look unlike any living creature when it moves.
Thing is, it's not a public tease, as far as I can tell, Rebelscum is the only source, I would think if it were really close to a full unveiling, something on their own site would be published to make sure they reach customers who may not be aware of Rebelscum or follow that site.

They posted it on facebook and twitter too.
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