Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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C3P0 especially is always a bystander in the OT films. There are no great "Threepio saves the day" moments.

Well he did remember the comlink and got R2 to shut down the trash compactor at the very last minute in ANH.

Not sure how much he'll be used in the new movies, but I'm hopeful he at least gets used better than he was in the prequels.
None of those moments are exactly on the level of Han showing up to save Luke at the Death Star.

Of the pair Artoo is the noble one who is occasionally a hero. Threepio mainly serves the story by asking a narrative question or explaining the jeopardy of a situation.
I do like threepio's role as an interpreter though. One of the things that pissed me off from the get-go in TPM is we're introduced to these new aliens (Nute Gungray) and right off the bat they speak English, but with an accent. :slap

The created languages and the need for droids to translate helped with making the galaxy larger. Doesn't have to always be the case like with the Han and Greedo scene, but it worked for me.
I do like threepio's role as an interpreter though. One of the things that pissed me off from the get-go in TPM is we're introduced to these new aliens (Nute Gungray) and right off the bat they speak English, but with an accent. :slap

The created languages and the need for droids to translate helped with making the galaxy larger. Doesn't have to always be the case like with the Han and Greedo scene, but it worked for me.

This exactly. It was awesome that Han could understand Chewie and Jabba and Greedo. I thought that the multitude of languages in the galaxy was brilliantly used. I also thought the use of machine code as opposed to giving astromechs and other types of droids full lingual capabilities instantly got your brain working and allowed your imagination to fill in all these mysteries.

3PO was useful as the interpreter but other than that was predominantly a pain in the ass that bumbled his way through the universe. The best aspect about him in the films is that he lent human qualities to droids and therefore built their instant acceptance as identifiable characters.
I love R2 in that (obviously). And its a great picture.

I want those boots for when I get the HT Han -- which German boots are those? DiD?

Yes german DID long boots. I sanded the soles down as they're a little too thick.

Yeah, I have the same DID boots on my Han and it's like he's wearing pumps if you don't sand them down. They do also have some of the same "crinkly ankle" issues as the HT boots do - all pleather boots have that to some degree.

I do think that well sculpted boots such as the HT Red Skull boots (which are pretty much all gone now) are a better choice than the pleather style. They just look more in scale and thinner, especially in the foot/ankle area.
I really don't like the HT Han boots.

Hopefully that will get fixed with the new Han and Carbonite block figure.

Paramore came up with a decent fix to pad the ankle out, but the overall issues with that type of boot may be a "limits of scale" thing. It's remarkable that they can even do that with pleather.
Don't mean to interrupt Solo boot's conversation in a R2-D2 thread but does anyone have the new monthly code for sideshow ?