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I think I'll disagree. I think once they have the body they'll make a concerted effort to use it. But who knows. They never used the hobbit body for anything else.
A Joe line without the GI Janes would be a travesty. :exactly:

As for DC I hope it not SSCs "take" on those characters but rather a comic-accurate series. Artist specific would be great even so long as they shy away from Mcguinness.
Most definitely. Speaking of Zarana, did anyone snag one from SDCC or HTS? I completely forgot about her in all the Sideshow goodness.

I tried on Tuesday at HTS to get the 2 zaranas and Starscream/skystriker but the site was a mess, way too overloaded, waited about 20-30 min then gave up, I came in a little too late, I was being I know never to do that again :slap
I wholeheartedly agree. But not at launch. :nono

Fair enough. i suppose i should add Zatanna to that list as well.

I tried on Tuesday at HTS to get the 2 zaranas and Starscream/skystriker but the site was a mess, way too overloaded, waited about 20-30 min then gave up, I came in a little too late, I was being I know never to do that again :slap

Which, coming late, or being productive?
They are slowing down IMHO because there are a finite number of marketable and iconic characters left to make.

Personally I see left, from the core era

I could see all these being popular -

Major Bludd
Cobra EEL
Snow Serpents
Original Dreadknoks
Crimson Guard

I can see these being unique enough for production and get good interest -

Snow Job
Road Block

I think this group can get interest and has some light elements of unique loadout/nostaglia value, but starts to fringe on the "just another military figure" problem.

Lady Jaye
Gung Ho
Low Light
Tunnel Rat

Fringe ( I think there would be interest, I'm not sure if marketable concepts could be made) -

Wild Bill ( low gear loadout)
Recondo ( The Duke/Flint/Stalker/Dusty/Beachhead problem)
Mutt and Junkyard ( Dog creates cost/weight/box size problems)
Bazooka ( The Duke/Flint/Stalker/Dusty/Beachhead problem)
Alpine ( Complex tooling costs for one figure ie. mountain gear)
Quick Kick ( low gear loadout)
BlowTorch ( The Duke/Flint/Stalker/Dusty/Beachhead problem)
Tomax and Xamot ( Two pack creates size/cost problems for low variation between two figures)
Dial Tone ( The Duke/Flint/Stalker/Dusty/Beachhead problem)
Mainframe ( The Duke/Flint/Stalker/Dusty/Beachhead problem)
Lifeline ( The Duke/Flint/Stalker/Dusty/Beachhead problem)
Dr Mindbender ( low gear loadout)
Sci Fi ( Complex tooling costs for one figure)

After 87, the only figures I can see being marketable are Shockwave and Sgt Slaughter

I would love to see almost everyone on your list...I would also add a few others..
Pre-87' -
COBRA - Copperhead, Wild Weasel, Tele Viper
GI JOE - Footloose, Airborne, Grand Slam/Flash

Post-87' -
COBRA - Alley Viper, Croc Master, Techno Viper, Iron Grenadier, Night Creeper
GI JOE - Steel Brigade, Law and Order, Hit N Run
about environments in that article/interview

"They are giving them (and collectors wallets) a bit of a rest for now to concentrate on the figures."

Smart move Sideshow
Fair enough. i suppose i should add Zatanna to that list as well.

Which, coming late, or being productive?

being productive during while waiting for items to list for sale. I was up early that day, and waited around, finally did a project that took about 20-30 min and came back and they were luck :(
When did I ever say the word "cooties"?

Crazy idea for you, really crazy, there's this concept that just because you like something and will buy something that doesn't mean the majority of fans who are invested in this line heavily or casually will also do the same.

I didn't say I didn't want to see female Joe figures period, I said I hoped they would come at the very end of this line, after most or all of the marketable and iconic male characters had already been made.

I also talked about tooling costs creating price spikes, implied the risk of QC problems and it's impact on consumer expectations and the natural desire by SSC, based on prior history, to create variations and oversaturate on a specific theme to try to recoup costs. SSC Indy had a floppy body. This is well documented. He also came at a higher price point than what was considered average at the time for SSC figures. The risk of a Scarlett or Baroness being a female Prometheus "rubber duck" figure is actually IMHO a huge risk. If it's poorly received, that's a buttload of tooling costs, including all the established male oriented gear that can't be reused, that raises the cost structure of the Joe line across the board without what might considered an acceptable enough return.

The reason you see every hero Joe with the same pistol and many with the same web gear, despite different color schemes, and the same Snake Eyes style tactical bdu pants despite different color schemes and endless stock Cobra guys and now a second Ninja exclusive is the result of the brand trying to make the most mileage out of it's tooling and R&D costs. If and when Baroness comes out, and if shes the first "rubber duck" for a new SSC female body, likely it's not just going to be her alone. It's going to be her and Scarlett and Lady Jaye and then some variations to try to recoup costs. Historically, female character action figures have NOT sold well in the toy industry, that's why they were commonly "short packed" per case to retailers. This has some benefit to secondary market sellers because of rarity but its not indicative of strength of the line. Unfortunately, this side of the hobby does not short pack, it just has different edition runs. So what does a smaller edition run and added tooling/R&D costs give you? It gives you a higher cost basis per unit, which means a higher MSRP for the consumer. You start raising prices, you get more people to weigh out if they want this upcoming Joe or to preorder another in the long line of HT figures already on tap.

I can only speak for me, I "don't care" how crucial Scarlett's role to the Joe team was or is or will be. I think that has bearing on her iconic nature to her potential to get made or not, I don't think it has any bearing on IF THIS LINE SURVIVES OR NOT. I "care" if the product that comes out for this line sells well or not. If it doesn't sell well, it dies. The equation has always been simple in that regard. And SSC has KILLED lines all the time on a dime. Ask Buffy fans or LOTR fans or The Dead fans how FAST SSC just axed their favorite lines with a snap of the fingers.

My personal take on it is pump out the male Joes first. There is some basic consumer confidence and expectations right now on what SSC Joes will probably cost and what quality will probably be present. Let SSC run a DC female figure as it's "rubber duck" first female Prometheus. Let that figure take the brunt of any QC glitches that need to be changed down the road and the natural reset in price points for any new female figure. Would Joe fans rather have a faster possibly floppier Scarlett with her arms falling off at a new price point they might not be ready for, or would they rather wait, get more established male Joes and then get a figure made after SSC learns something about improved paint and tighter joints and molded vs rooted hair from a Star Wars or DC figure and get a better idea of female pricing?

SSC keeps making these Joe figures based on how they sell. How any of us feel as Joe fans is secondary to that consideration when it comes to the viability of this line. I want the line to continue, hence I naturally want all the Joes they do make, even if I don't personally like them, to sell as well as possible and avoid as much upfront risk as possible.

longest post ever
about environments in that article/interview

"They are giving them (and collectors wallets) a bit of a rest for now to concentrate on the figures."

Smart move Sideshow

Translation, no one is buying this ____

Meathook, great posts, long but good, I agree with you on many points
In the Interview/write up,they did say the line is doing very well! Some Joes sell better than others.Moving into specific environment joes is a great idea for those unique characters such as Snow Job and Alpine etc..... Sideshow went overboard on the environments along with a poor selection of them that are not really related to G.I.Joe

after seeing Zartan,its time for Major Bludd!
I think Meat Hook makes some interesting points, but points that have absolutely zero to do with female figures.
Your analysis can pertain to the Zartan figure itself. Why didn't you tie your analysis to that, because you like the figure?
He's putting way to much thought into this.

He's waiting to post, not reading. We've provided plenty of evidence to counter his theory and yet, he keeps dropping novellas. :huh

I think Meat Hook makes some interesting points, but points that have absolutely zero to do with female figures.
Your analysis can pertain to the Zartan figure itself. Why didn't you tie your analysis to that, because you like the figure?

Because he has no argument as far as female figures are concerned. He's comparing apples to oranges. :lol