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I can see Sideshow doing three versions of THE BARONESS.

The classic black outfit.

The blue outfit (i.e. to compliment the regular edition COBRA COMMANDER).

A crimson red outfit version to compliment the crimson red COBRA COMMANDER.

Maybe a fourth version with THE BARONESS in disguise as a female JOE.

In fact . . . LADY JAYE could be done in two versions. The classic RAH look with the green jump suit (i.e. 3.75" figure and comic book) OR the look based on the cartoon series.

The anticipation & potential for some awesome female JOE greatness is there. We can only wait.
I just came here now see if they had announced a Scarlett figure yet...and just look at the *interesting* conversation I stumble across.

It is pretty sad that the possibility of what, the 2-3 female characters max that this line might produce, leads to such a truly ludicrous fanboy rant.

As a girl, I had the chance to read the G.I. Joe comics regularly and always loved the Snake-Eyes and Scarlett relationship above all else. Having them in my collection as 1:6 scale figures would be fab.

Yet no force other than female characters would make me buy something in this line. But a Scarlett leads to Snake-eyes and maybe their mate, Stalker, or frenemy, Stormshadow. A Baroness might make me get Destro, and then I might want Cobra Commander....
If the line dies becuase of a couple females, oh well, I am really surprised it lasted this long at the price point. Of course I hope it continues for a good long time, I don't think they would mention making vehicles unless they are fully committed to this line. I think it will do well for some time.

And the gear on the females, hopefully is minimal, I love all the gear that comes with the males, but some of it is REALLY bulky. I prefer swap out heads, and parts, different weapons, maybe different types of clothing like stalker has his sweater, Scarlett could come with a leather jacket like in the movie (just saying as an example).

Even though alot, if the females cost $150+, I really wouldn't care all that much. I have been wanting them since the line started.
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Personally, I'm looking forward to Scarlett, Baroness, and Lady Jaye. To me the are A-list characters who would be welcome additions to license.