SDCC Exclusive Lt. Falcon

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I have always been an opener. Difference is I still save the package!!! with the 3 3/4, I would open the carded figures around the clear plastic bubble so I could take out the figure and put it back and make it look unopened when I needed.

That's why I love the Sideshow can open them up and put them back as if you never did. The packages and trays are made for it.

If you haven't opened these, you are definitely missing out. The main experience is spending hours gearing these guys up!!!
Pretty sweet figure. I hope this sets the precedent for future Joe SDCC EXs, as far as "second tier" characters (and before any Falcon fan gets his / her panties in a bunch and argues that the good lieutenant isn't a second tier character, there's a reason that's in quotes).

So in addition to the "missing" sling for the shotty and his dog tags, I'm assuming everyone else has no velcro spots on Falcon's chest for his code name tag?


Also, did any else else notice that Nemesis Enforcer / Immortal was referenced on Falcon's file card? Possible future figure?
Was he called Enforcer or Immortal on the card?


I'm not trying to look into things more than I should, but I don't think a character would be referenced unless he / she is a forthcoming release...

EDIT: I'm paraphrasing, since I can't remember the passage verbatim, but the card read Falcon's "hand to hand combat skils proved valuable when he faced off against NEMESIS IMMORTAL during the battle of Cobra-LA".

Nemesis Immortal was capitalized, and Falcon's quote read (again, paraphrasing) "Nothing is worse then emptying round after round into your opponent only to see him get back up".

Again, the comment was made in the Joe SDCC Panel two years ago (?) that they were moving away from the straight military characters to the more fantastical type. Who knows? :dunno
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Got my Falcon...


Nice shot.

Got mine yesterday. Pretty cool figure. Light on goodies. No tags, and two pouches with nothing to go in I missing something.

All in all, I like him. Gonna grab him a knife and I guess a few smoke grenades for those empty pouches..

Yea no laser rifle, toe boots or smoke grenades.

They even got the colors on his boots right. Total win by Sideshow. Just got Fett today, hopefully Falcon is still around when the SDCC smoke settles.


That is a nice picture.

I'm not trying to look into things more than I should, but I don't think a character would be referenced unless he / she is a forthcoming release...

The old school file cards on the back are taken directly from Hasbro. Sideshow must've used the card from the 25th Anniv. comic 2 pack rather than the original ARAH one. :nono

Sideshow's own "file cards" are what's written on the box interior, so I pay a lot more attention to that. With the Black Dragon Ninja, for example, the back story mentions them being brainwashed but makes no mention of Mindbender (unlike the file card), so I'm guessing the good doctor is not too high up on their list. Zartan's specifically mentions the Dreadnoks, so I think there must be plans for them. It'll be interesting to see if any mention of Tomax and Xamot is made with the CGs.
The old school file cards on the back are taken directly from Hasbro. Sideshow must've used the card from the 25th Anniv. comic 2 pack rather than the original ARAH one. :nono

Sideshow's own "file cards" are what's written on the box interior, so I pay a lot more attention to that. With the Black Dragon Ninja, for example, the back story mentions them being brainwashed but makes no mention of Mindbender (unlike the file card), so I'm guessing the good doctor is not too high up on their list. Zartan's specifically mentions the Dreadnoks, so I think there must be plans for them. It'll be interesting to see if any mention of Tomax and Xamot is made with the CGs.

Yes and no. The majority of the file card is taken from the RAH figure, but some changes are made.


The original RAH figure made no mention of Nemesis Enforcer / Immortal, and the "quote" is totally different.

I don't care either way, since Nemesis is not high on my list, but I was just noting it as a point of interest.
Yeah, Sideshow used this one...maybe because they had to call the character "Lt. Falcon" rather than just "Falcon."

Yeah, Sideshow used this one...maybe because they had to call the character "Lt. Falcon" rather than just "Falcon."


Gotcha. I guess that was the updated 25th Anniversary file card?

After the late 80's / early 90's, I was away from G.I. Joe until the Sideshow 1/6 releases came out.
Gotcha. I guess that was the updated 25th Anniversary file card?

After the late 80's / early 90's, I was away from G.I. Joe until the Sideshow 1/6 releases came out.

Yeah. The only reason Nemesis was mentioned was that he was paired with Falcon in that set.

More or less the same here. I started becoming very selective with Joes around 1988 and was basically done by 1990. Didn't come back until I stumbled on the first 25th Anniv. 5 packs in 2007.
Yeah, I guess they have to go with the updated code names and file cards. Never likes Falcon only being remembered for the cartoon movie and Don Johnson's voice. He was a bad ass in the comic (read the Cobra civil war in Marvel #72-75).

I would be surprised if SSC did Nemeis Endorcer (Immortal)...he would be cool, but would totally detract from the military element of G.I. Joe, which they have nailed.
After Tychus from StarCraft II Nemesis Enforcer should be a walk in the park for Sideshow.

I hope we get the entire Oktober Guard, Kwinn, Dr. Venom, and all the Cobra troop builders introduced in recent years (Para-Viper, Jungle Viper, Shock Trooper, etc.) before SSC resorts to Cobra La.
Totally agree...keep it military and stay away from the sci-fi stuff for as long as they can resist.

I don't want them to go over the top and make Cobra-la stuff, but the non military figures like the dreadnoks are a must.