Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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ANG - You are always so generous with the group and I fall at the top of this category. I still can't stop looking at that dead-on accurate Caesar chair you made. This time I'm sending you something.

PZ/ANG - Please accept my apology over the Sideshow POTA incident. My behavior was both irrrational and immature.

It’s been a while, so I thought it was time to drop in, show my support and see what’s new. Wow doesn’t even begin to say it for me! I am simply amazed at the Sideshow ape supporters within this creative little group! Both Jungle Jom and Angel are churning out some attention-grabbing clothes and other clever ape gear. Stunning! Wonderful! You guys should mass-produce everything here and then open an Ape-R-Us online store. I’m just blown away. Incredible!

Angel, I just sent you a PM and would appreciate a reply.

I much appreciate the Luscius head. It's just great, I'm a little afraid to paint it. His eyes are so tiny. I don't know how to go about working on such a small scale. I may have to paint the pupils and Iris with the tip of a pin! It will have to wait though, I barely had time for a haircut today which was way overdue.

Now let me as you a question. Is the brown material what you used to fix the swiss cheese head problem? Is it the same material the rest of the head is made of? I know it will all be covered by paint; I'm just curious about the process. Is the material resin? Is the white also resin?

Now another question. When I get the Cornelius Body how do I remove the head? More importantly, How do I attach the Luscius head? I know you know what you are doing seeing all the transplants you have performed.

I don't feel the eyes of the other item will be as much of a problem, they are open a little wider. When the time becomes available to me, I think I will start on it first. Once it is painted up It will fit right in with the rest of the collection. A much wanted and welcome addition. The accuracy of the sculpt is quite amazing. I can't thank you enough!

By the way, I hope you enjoyed the film last night. I can't wait to hear about it. Again no spoilers!
I just bought a couple new paintbrushes last night Jom.

One of them is a 5/0 Sapphire S85 ROBERT SIMMONS paintbrush. It was 40%off at A.C. Moore and I still had to pay $5.00 for it. Ouch! There are only a few hairs on it... that' crazy. It'll be great for painting the eyes and other small details. (And believe it or not, I have used a pin for the final white dot. (The final white speck on the eye that gives it a reflection kind of look.)

I also use a couple of small chisel brushes when painting.

You know something? I did some painting this morning on three chimp heads. I don't even want to call it painting because I use so little paint. I use a dry brush technique for everything, except for the base coat. I would suggest keeping the base coat very thin. If it's too heavy it'll hide the smaller details like wrinkles or hair.

I have to go. My kids are in several plays this weekend at our local community center... and in church.

I'll give you a couple pointers that I use when I return. I think you and KFog will benefit.

By the way Jom, The white is hardened resin and the orange is apoxie.
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Hey Angel! Those are some nice presentations of painting. Thanks again.:mona
Hey Angel! Those are some nice presentations of painting. Thanks again.:mona

KFog - I'll post some pictures showing the base coat, and the finished eyes which I painted on three of my chimp sculpts today.

Shomp - I sent you a PM regarding those items you asked about.

Sticks - I'd like to hear more from you buddy. Where are the founding members of this thread? Proto has been holding down the fort for both Sticks and Ironman.

Ironman - Welcome back to your thread. PZ, JJ and I have been posting up a storm while you've been MIA. It's not right that you're gone so long without a post. The troops have been slacking without it's leader.
Sorry Angel, and all of you guys. Been battling some personal problems, trying to get some other things off the ground, trying to keep the family together and stay out of depression. Hopefully the new year will bring many more postings and see the fruition of getting back to some long overlooked projects.
Hey Angel...

You still didn't explain to me how I remove the Cornelius head and how to affix the Luscius head.

By the way how did you like "I am Legend"? On every talk show I've seen Will Smith on he makes an apology to the people of NYC for the inconveniences the shooting made for us here.

I remember one night the whole street for like 20 blocks was lit up. Apparently they were shooting a shot where the background was a large area of the city so the buildings had to be lit. I've lived here a long time and have seen a lot of film shoots but I can not remember such an elaborate set up for a shot. Many lights on many buildings for at least one square mile!

Those chimps look as good as Sideshow's paint applications!!!!!!

And that is a compliment!

I don't know how you managed Luscius's eyes. The rest of the people don't know what an accomplishment that is, but I do. He is squinting and the area of the eyes is so so so tiny, having one in hand.

I envision the head may be making a return trip to West Virginia just for an eye job. I think I can handle the skin tones and hair... but those eyes. That other project may be hitching a ride also. You really nailed the eyes!

One quick point, I noticed on the Cornelius head that there are some brown brush strokes on the muzzle. I couldn't tell from your pictures if they are present on the newly painted chimp heads.
To Angel :

Your paint job is excellent .......!!! :cool:
They do not resemble has “zombie chimps” .....!!! :rolleyes:

For example, here are photos at various stages of accomplishments ......!!!

I hope that it will be useful !!!
Hey Angel...

By the way how did you like "I am Legend"? On every talk show I've seen Will Smith on he makes an apology to the people of NYC for the inconveniences the shooting made for us here.

I remember one night the whole street for like 20 blocks was lit up. Apparently they were shooting a shot where the background was a large area of the city so the buildings had to be lit. I've lived here a long time and have seen a lot of film shoots but I can not remember such an elaborate set up for a shot. Many lights on many buildings for at least one square mile!

Most of my favorite scenes in The Omega Man are near the beginning to mid film. The scenes of Charlton Heston driving through the deserted city were always incredible to me. Likewise, the intro to I Am Legend had me very excited in the same kind of way. The scenery of Will Smith cruising along the abandoned streets in his car through an uninhabited city was very awesome! You’ll love that! They don't quite follow the books storyline of I Am Legend. [i.e. you'll never see a wooden stake.]

I really liked I Am Legend and I’m already looking forward to the DVD coming out. I found myself thinking that over and over again as I watched this flick. You’ll enjoy it, but you’ll probably see a couple flaws in the storyline. That’s true of so many movies out there. Just enjoy it; it’s a very cool movie. No spoilers will be given, but I’ll say this: It does not end like the book, nor does it end like The Omega Man. That’s about all I’m going to say.

Check it out!
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Aside from the BATTLE chair, this is the first painting project that I’ve ever taken seriously. I painted all three of these chimps yesterday until about 1A.M. I’m so glad that’s over with. The eyes were actually easy to do. Just follow the directions I already provided. You absolutely must have the right brush or you’ll never pull it off. The hardest part to me was getting the skin tone right. After putting the highlights on the chimps, they often looked like “zombie chimps” to me. I had to redo them all over around 3 times each before settling for this painted version I’m sharing with you.

You knocked the Milo and Lucius heads out of the park! Maybe you can find a slightly smaller body for Lucius. I used a doctored Puppet Master body for mine.
To Angel :

Your paint job is excellent .......!!! :cool:
They do not resemble has “zombie chimps” .....!!! :rolleyes:

For example, here are photos at various stages of accomplishments ......!!!

I hope that it will be useful !!!

I am in awe of your talents KB. There is no doubt that you are a master painter. Your talents are far and away much better than the Sideshow painters, but seeing that Sideshows are for mass produced figures that is to be expected from a person of your expertise!

I'd love to see more of your work even if it is not Apecentric.
Awe go on JJ - as good as Sideshows? Perhaps in time I’ll get there with a lot more practice. This was my best first effort though. Once I figure out the exact colors for the skin tones, painting the chimps and orangutans will become much easier

I’d be willing to paint his eyes for you if you really want. That part was easy. If you do that I’m going to ask that you pay for the shipping to and from though. Please don’t ask me to paint the rest of the figure. I just don’t enjoy painting that much yet.

The Cornelius head does have some brown brush strokes on the muzzle JJ. I just couldn't nail it last night. I think I'll spray them with a clear non-refective spray today. Then perhaps afterwards, I'll go back and try adding the brown brush strokes on the muzzle

Many thanks to you for the offer to paint the eyes. Of course return postage will be included should I go that route. My eyes are not what they used to be and the tiny scale, I feel, will be daunting and taxing. You, my friend, seem to have the steadiest of hands and a keen eye. I feel I am up to the challenge for the rest of the paint application, it's just that fine work that has me worried.

I'll let you know what I decide to do in the future. Thanks again for the offer and everything else!
Most of my favorite scenes in The Omega Man are near the beginning to mid film. The scenes of Charlton Heston driving through the deserted city were always incredible to me. Likewise, the intro to I Am Legend had me very excited in the same kind of way. The scenery of Will Smith cruising along the abandoned streets in his car through an uninhabited city was very awesome! You’ll love that! They don't quite follow the books storyline of I Am Legend. [i.e. you'll never see a wooden stake.]

I really liked I Am Legend and I’m already looking forward to the DVD coming out. I found myself thinking that over and over again as I watched this flick. You’ll enjoy it, but you’ll probably see a couple flaws in the storyline. That’s true of so many movies out there. Just enjoy it; it’s a very cool movie. No spoilers will be given, but I’ll say this: It does not end like the book, nor does it end like The Omega Man. That’s about all I’m going to say.

Check it out!

I'm so glad you liked it Angel it gives me a great deal of hope; I've heard some very mixed reviews and was getting worried. I trust your opinion on these things and now I'm sure I will love it! I plan on seeing it with my sons the Saturday after Christmas. Yes, Yes, I'm working Christmas Day and Eve but will be off that Saturday.

My favorite part of Heston's "Omega Man" was also the beginning as he drove through a deserted LA with "There's a Summer Place" playing on the cassette player (or was it an 8-Track) in his car. He shoots out a window and then the haunting theme song begins. It still sends chills down my back.

I also loved the look of the Zombi/Vampire/Mutants with the black robes, white eyes and peeling white skin! I can't wait.

How is your Heston "Omega Man" progressing?
Kustom Boyz - Excellent work. Luv the wooden stand. It gives the figure a classy touch. Thx for the pix.

IRON - Hope all is well. If you don't check in before xmas have a great holiday.

JJ - Are you putting Lucius on a 12 inch body? If so are you going to shorten his legs at all? Any way, hope you'll be able to get some time off for the holidays.
My favorite part of Heston's "Omega Man" was also the beginning as he drove through a deserted LA with "There's a Summer Place" playing on the cassette player (or was it an 8-Track) in his car. He shoots out a window and then the haunting theme song begins. It still sends chills down my back.

I also loved the look of the Zombi/Vampire/Mutants with the black robes, white eyes and peeling white skin! I can't wait.

How is your Heston "Omega Man" progressing?

Is that the name of that song JJ? ("There's a Summer Place") It's just PERFECT, for that movie and that particular scene! That’s an excellent song. The sudden stop of his car and the shooting out of the windows as a dark silhouette darts past is a real attention getter! That's my favorite scene. Next up, would have to be the ambush as he pulls into his own garage!

I’m still waiting for some of my eBay items for arrive for my Omega Man figure. I’m waiting on the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), and a few other items. Once they arrive I’ll post some pictures. Creating that Safari jacket that Charlton Heston wears at the beginning is really going to be my biggest challenge for Robert Neville.

Of course, there’s really no point in creating Robert Neville unless I create a Zombie Mutant with the black robe, white eyes and the peeling white skin. I’ve got a black robe (with a hood) in waiting for this very purpose.