Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Hey! Those are the "2 bananas" that I bought! :lol

Does everyone actually "see" now? No one really wants these custom ape sculpts. They only want the actual 12" figures from Sideshow and Hot Toys. :naughty
Well, I guess thats that. I'll tell the guy who I was working on that surprise to just forget it.
Oh, waitaminute! Jess, I know I haven't paid for your sculpts yet, but was I not one of the first to express interest in ALL of them?

True dat!! It's because nobody wants to put the finances and time together for a customized figure. They all want instant gratification, something that Hot Toys and Sideshow will provide.

IM--I know you're in a bind now. Take care of your family first...the same with you Kfog. Take care of business first before fun.
I truly appreciate your understanding Jess. If you have enough faith in me, could you please post pics of your available sculpts again, or email them to me, and cast one of each up for me when you are doing it. I will buy one of each from you.
I can't agree with no one wanting to put together a custom theory though. Thats pretty much all we do around here. And popping a custom head onto a Sideshow preoutfitted gorilla, chimp or orangutan is fairly simple.
Hey!! Look what I thought to do today! This is Apethoven's ape mask on a Hot Toys gorilla!! He unbelievably has very gorilla-like features!!! He just needs eyeballs and a forehead removal...


I think that Apethoven mask looks great as a Sideshow AND a HT simain head!!
You will be happyy to know IM that I resculpted Link! It didn't take as long as I had feared. I can't wait to get cracking on his hair, but I really should wait until his body arrives so that I can make sure it (his head) is a good size.
Listen guys, I had a couple members write me last night about the cameras. If W.G. is still interested in a apes camera/tripod. We've got 4 cameras sold. These guys are looking for just one more person who might want one. Can you be the one to help them?

Thanks for the pics. It looks good but to be honest not as good as I expected. I collect many toy lines so I don't plan to have lots of elements of the ape's universe. Just a few so I have to be completely satisfied with them. Actually I'd like to think I can almost take a real photo with it !:D I hope you understand why I won't finally buy one. Sorry !
Oh, waitaminute! Jess, I know I haven't paid for your sculpts yet, but was I not one of the first to express interest in ALL of them?

Over the last 2-3 years Steve you’ve always been the first to express an interest in everything! EVERYTHING!

I truly appreciate your understanding Jess. If you have enough faith in me, could you please post pics of your available sculpts again, or email them to me, and cast one of each up for me when you are doing it. I will buy one of each from you.

Ironman what are you trying to say now? “I truly appreciate your understanding Jess.” I really like the word you emphasized. As usual, and once again, your comments are improper. I can’t stand your malicious comments.
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Thanks for the pics. It looks good but to be honest not as good as I expected. I collect many toy lines so I don't plan to have lots of elements of the ape's universe. Just a few so I have to be completely satisfied with them. Actually I'd like to think I can almost take a real photo with it !:D I hope you understand why I won't finally buy one. Sorry !

That's fine W.G. Actually I’m really glad to hear this. I was only doing this as a favor to the guys who really wanted them. I was starting to have second thoughts about this project anyways. I regret that I offered them to each of you for such a low price. I always seem to underestimate my time for custom items.
Over the last 2-3 years Steve you’ve always been the first to express an interest in everything! EVERYTHING!

Ironman what are you trying to say now? “I truly appreciate your understanding Jess.” I really like the word you emphasized. As usual, and once again, your comments are improper. I can’t stand your malicious comments.

Angel, you are a valuable part of this thread. But, who the "F" do you think you are to call my comments improper OR malicious?
You whine like a baby when folks don't jump thru hoops to grab what you offer on limited terms.
If, you'll go back in time I contacted you, after the initial run, to get a Caesar statue. You had originally said that once the first set was done you would sell them again at set prices. I believe it was $100 for an unpainted one. You told me you wouldn't be doing them again for a while. A short time later you sent me a link to bid on one on ebay. Bid on one? WTF?
You seem to always be showing how much you are offering to all of us, but then you're always crying about not charging us enough. Thats offensive and malicious.
I regret that I offered them to each of you for such a low price.

When your wagon is completed, I would have earned notta, zip, and zilch for all my efforts.

I should have charged you by the hour and kept the molds! That would have been much wiser of me. If that were the case, I would have made something for all my efforts on your project.

Am I always interested in the things shown here? Yes I am. Umm, I started this thread because of my interest in the Apes stuff.
I have noticed, and have had a number of folks contact me off board in agreement, that you are most difficult if everyone doesn't see things your way. Some of them don't post here all that much, if at all, anymore.
Its great what you are able to accomplish, it truly is. But you get on everyone's case if they aren't producing according to when YOU think they should.
Last year while my wife was in and out of the hospital, I was out of work, my brother-in-law and mother died and you were busting my chops about not having any time in a day to customize.
I certainly wouldn't want this thread to be without you. You are inspirational in what you do. I would, however, like to see you climb down off the that high horse that you must sit upon and stay down here with us little folk.
I don't want to argue or get into a pissing match with you. The only thing that will accomplish is getting this whole thread locked.
Perhaps you, or maybe we, should try to look at the whole picture and all opinions with a little more objectivity before posting.
Angel, you are a valuable part of this thread. But, who the "F" do you think you are to call my comments improper OR malicious?
You whine like a baby when folks don't jump thru hoops to grab what you offer on limited terms.
If, you'll go back in time I contacted you, after the initial run, to get a Caesar statue. You had originally said that once the first set was done you would sell them again at set prices. I believe it was $100 for an unpainted one. You told me you wouldn't be doing them again for a while. A short time later you sent me a link to bid on one on ebay. Bid on one? WTF?
You seem to always be showing how much you are offering to all of us, but then you're always crying about not charging us enough. Thats offensive and malicious.

Am I always interested in the things shown here? Yes I am. Umm, I started this thread because of my interest in the Apes stuff.
I have noticed, and have had a number of folks contact me off board in agreement, that you are most difficult if everyone doesn't see things your way. Some of them don't post here all that much, if at all, anymore.
Its great what you are able to accomplish, it truly is. But you get on everyone's case if they aren't producing according to when YOU think they should.
Last year while my wife was in and out of the hospital, I was out of work, my brother-in-law and mother died and you were busting my chops about not having any time in a day to customize.
I certainly wouldn't want this thread to be without you. You are inspirational in what you do. I would, however, like to see you climb down off the that high horse that you must sit upon and stay down here with us little folk.
I don't want to argue or get into a pissing match with you. The only thing that will accomplish is getting this whole thread locked.
Perhaps you, or maybe we, should try to look at the whole picture and all opinions with a little more objectivity before posting.

Ouch! You are brutal. :monkey3
What started out as a few globs of dried up drip paint on the back of the Mego head I was painting blew up the whole painting project to square one. I first started to sand it down...this ate through the paint. I should have stopped right then and there. But NO...I just kept sanding it down like an idiot thinking it would get better...and then I ended up peeling all of the paint off. I have a few bits of paint left to pick off, but I'm done painting for the day. I'm so disgusted with myself. I should have been more careful and erased my error with some acetone on a Q-tip. Live and learn. That's it! No more painting for the day!!! Grrrr....
And, having had time to cool off, and not wanting this thread to go in that direction....
Angel I apologize if anything I posted upset you. I hope we can work past this as I would much rather consider you a friend than an adversary.
Ok, another two coats of paint on some simians and assorted associated pieces. If these come out right, then i have to give the teeth and eyes a go. Then I'll assemble and take some pix. I can't tell whether I like the Fat Man yet or not. Sometimes I think I did alright with the facial color others - only so-so.
Quick off-topic question 'cause it's driving me nuts: Ironman, why don't you edit your posts instead of posting one right after the other and the other and the other?


Ironman...glad to see you are calling for a truce. Families are not perfect and have the occasional bickerings even amongst brothers.

I am feeling so uninspired, especially with my latest painting fiasco. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4

I'm going to crank up the VCR and watch Escape from Planet of the Apes and enjoy it with a big bowl of ice cream.
I have noticed, and have had a number of folks contact me off board in agreement, that you are most difficult if everyone doesn't see things your way. Some of them don't post here all that much, if at all, anymore.
OMG Ironman! I have to thank you for bringing this truth to light. I really didn’t realize I had chased a number of folks away from this thread. I actually had no idea. I honestly thought everyone here was a friend; I guess I’ve been fooled by a number of folks and didn’t even know it. Thanks to you for letting me know.

Thanks for helping me to recognize that so many members are talking in private (with you) off the board about me. Thanks for being so direct. Considering how truthful you are being to me, I guess I don’t really know who is a friend here and who isn’t. This changes everything. I’ll take it to heart.