Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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You kill me. He is not mentioned on the box or in opening credits and I wasn't going to start watching it after that, HEHE.
He wasn't a "big" star yet. I believe he's in the end credits of the original, but he's in there. Remember him pulling Elias' dad out when his jands were getting frozen??
Mutant Jailer

Hey Ironman,
The Beneath the Planet of the Apes Mutant Jailer is SOLD OUT!!!!
Long Live the Apes!!!!

You see Sideshow, give it some time and the Ape fans will come through!!! Now bring on more Planet of the Apes figures
Ironman that's right I remember now. I'll have to watch it some time soon, hehe.
Dr. Zaius bares Great but sad news. The Jailer has sold out! :sob
Dr Z I have some POTA pics up under the gallery section, I don't know if you made it that way yet but in case you haven't.
By the way, Welcome aboard.
Great news [unless you didn't get one] but will selling out one of the last announced figures in the line be enough to pull it back into the mainstream of production?? Especially when they are busily enamored with their new Star Wars license? Funny too in a way. Without the success of earlier sci-fi films, like the POTA series, Star Wars may not have even been possible.
Mutant Onslaught!

The Mutants are coming!
I suggest we attack!!!
Especially when they are busily enamored with their new Star Wars license?

I dont know, we've seen what 2 new Buffy figures, 1 military, 2 new highlanders and what else have I missed since they announced the SW line?
Viking28 said:
I dont know, we've seen what 2 new Buffy figures, 1 military, 2 new highlanders and what else have I missed since they announced the SW line?

True, but those lines haven't been placed on hiatus as the Apes line has. That's what I was referring to.
Hiatus? The POTA line hasn't even been placed on hiatus yet. Have no fear Ironman, with us by your side the POTA line still has a future in it. Remember that Toy Fair 06 in 4.5 months. I'm sure that we will see some Apeonauts or even Aldo by then. Well we better!
It hasn't been officially cancelled [which is good] but it definitely sounds like its been put on the shelf. I hope that we can get them to keep it going, even on a slower pace of only 2-4 figures a year. :D
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I agree. I would be happy if SS announced only 2-4 figures a year now. My wallet has a hole in it and needs some closed time. I just bought 3 more dirty apes from so I need to chill out.
I can deal with that

Hey Stickman, I just found the gallery section and your pics are really good. I hope you post more.

My wallet could also use the break. I could be overjoyed if SS only released 2 or 3 Ape figures a year. I think that we will eventually see all the Ape Figures sell out on Sideshow. I think that them releasing so many at one is the very big factor as to why they aren't all sold out now.
Thanks a lot DR. I'll try to get some new pics up, but it's hard without any props (Hint SSTC) like a slave jail, FZ subway tunnel, or Doomsday bomb Platform. I bought a Naked General U.S. Grant from for only $8 and added some brown shoe polish to dirty him up then added the Slave Taylor top. I just wish his hair wasn't so neat. I plan on using him as a stand in human for a couple of "Ape Hunt" pictures. :D
I bet even though his hair is neat after you doctor him up a bit he will be a neat additon as a stand in human.
I went out with my girlfriend tonight and saw the 40 year old virgin. She made fun of me because he had a lot of Sideshow action figures also on display. They show a pretty good shot of the Dr. Zaius regular addition figure on the movie.
I'll try to get some new pictures up soon but it might be a while. The woman and I are really busy this weekend and I'm starting film school on Monday so we'll see how it goes.
How many do you HONESTLY think these will sell?

I'm asking for your most impartial view.

General Urko -Edition Size ____
Peter Burke - Edition Size ____
Alan Virdon - Edition Size ____
Galen - Edition Size ____
Booth Coleman's Zaius - Edition Size ____
Any exclusives?

Assuming that tihe likenesses are better than the ones in the attached photos. :rolleyes:

As for me... I think the Ape-O-Nauts would out sell them all! :D