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it does man! a local shop has one and everytime im there, it gets quite tempting....
Hey Guys, I just recently responded to the poll on here and have been following this thread for a long time and finally decided to join to respond to that. I thought that I might as well respond to the main thread too; at least so that I could ask a few things that I would like to know more about with this line. The main thing I would like to know is regarding Ssj Vegeta figure. Is there any news at all right now on the re-release status of him, or at least a rumor? I would assume as he is a popular form of a main character that he would be high up there on many people's lists, yet he is so expensive! I imagine this would be a priority to Tamashii to allow more people to get their hands on him, but I don't know. Also, what happened with Nappa, 17, and 18? I remember them being previewed and I was very pumped for them, but now it seems as if they aren't going to be released at all... And were they just held off for now or were the protos scrapped? Thanks guys I am fairly new to this line, found out in maybe July but got my first one in August and I swear its so hard not to just buy them all at once! Oh and what caused Super Saiyan Vegeta to get that high in the first place if he started off at regular pricing and what other figures are likely to go that route (besides Trunks who I have and already seems to be getting there)?
Hey Guys, I just recently responded to the poll on here and have been following this thread for a long time and finally decided to join to respond to that. I thought that I might as well respond to the main thread too; at least so that I could ask a few things that I would like to know more about with this line. The main thing I would like to know is regarding Ssj Vegeta figure. Is there any news at all right now on the re-release status of him, or at least a rumor? I would assume as he is a popular form of a main character that he would be high up there on many people's lists, yet he is so expensive! I imagine this would be a priority to Tamashii to allow more people to get their hands on him, but I don't know. Also, what happened with Nappa, 17, and 18? I remember them being previewed and I was very pumped for them, but now it seems as if they aren't going to be released at all... And were they just held off for now or were the protos scrapped? Thanks guys I am fairly new to this line, found out in maybe July but got my first one in August and I swear its so hard not to just buy them all at once! Oh and what caused Super Saiyan Vegeta to get that high in the first place if he started off at regular pricing and what other figures are likely to go that route (besides Trunks who I have and already seems to be getting there)?

Welcome, thats a lot of questions :eek:

Is no concrete news on Vegeta, there is a tendency to release a repaint of a previous character at SDCC (first Goku, then Gohan and finally Piccolo). This points to a possible release but the three examples given were all changed from Manga colour scheme to the anime. Vegeta was originally released in anime colours so this route seems less likely.

However original Goku and Piccolo were definitely rereleased after selling out so there is hope there and the crazy prices only make it more likely:) I remember someone on this forum saying Trunks had a rerelease but I dont think that was in large quantities.

As for the high price lots of people bought doubles to make a saiyan armour Trunks and then again when they realised they could combine him with the spare head from Saiyan Saga Vegeta.

As for future releases, noone knows! Before SDCC this year I assumed they were getting staight on to the twins after normal Goku. But, as has been mentioned on here a few times already, the Japanese market is becoming the dominant factor in character selection and they're all about the core Saiyans. All prototypes shown are just that and apparently Bandai have no immediate plans to go into production. This bit of gossip absolutely gutted me and I will probably start skipping most of the releases after Krillin if it turns out to be true :(
We know that SSJ Vegeta was a web exclusive in Japan and that Japan is their primary market, BUT, recently in an interview at nycc13 people talked about a different line and rereleases and that conversation seemed to imply it's not impossible for a web exclusive to be re-released. We also know this is one of their best selling lines and everybody knows Vegeta is one of the 3 most popular characters. Lastly, ssj Goku has had a re-release (but was not a web exclusive). There's a good chance I think they'll re-release more but chronologically ssj Gohan would precede Vegeta and considering they're probably going to release a majin Vegeta sometime in the coming years, it's possible they'll forget about ssj Vegeta for quite a while. It's also still possible we'll see him next year along side Normal Goku (this year we had the reversed). A third possibility is a limited sdcc re-release. It's really hard to say but nothing is remotely guaranteed.

Vegeta has skyrocketed so much because 1 he's the second most popular character, released in a version the majority of people deem DBZ's best period. 2 he was a web exclusive in Japan (is more limited production). 3 many bought 2 to use his body for the alternate Trunks head. 4 scalpers have increasingly catalysed the market into hyping him to a severely high price. 5 the line has picked up popularity after his release.

We also know that the protos where choices to show us what they can do and the choice of Nappa and the twins suited existent releases. However they've said nothing after Normal Goku is decided and apparently they have many more protos of characters. I personally still think we'll see the twins, as everyone responded positively. But it might just be a while longer then we had assumed. Nappa is a much bigger guess, fairly literally, as his size makes his release much more risky financially, and his proto was also a very crude one (compared to the polished versions of 17/18). To boot, villains are apparently way less marketable in Japan, and Nappa isn't even a prime villain.

I really, really hope to see the Androids next year and still don't see any release more imminent then them, but confirmed they are not.
Thanks Silrian and Magpie! I really hope that they rerelease Vegeta then :/ kinda constantly checking to see if that has been announced. Besides that all of the others I dont have just yet are relatively cheap. And yeah it was a lot of questions :D like I said I follow this forum but I have little to no idea about this stuff
Thanks Silrian and Magpie! I really hope that they rerelease Vegeta then :/ kinda constantly checking to see if that has been announced. Besides that all of the others I dont have just yet are relatively cheap. And yeah it was a lot of questions :D like I said I follow this forum but I have little to no idea about this stuff

A SS Vegeta rerelease is inevitable IMO. It's not a matter of if it will happen, just when it will happen.
The problem bluefin stated though, was that web exclusives dont get rereleases, ever, even though it was a regular release in America.

A slight repaint or a new box may fix that problem, but from what bluefin said its near impossible to get web exclusives rereleased. To tamashii, a web exclusive is the same as an sdcc exclusive, so its a big no-no.

I think we are better off hoping for a majin Vegeta with non majin faces.

For the record, im not one of those "exclusives should stay exclusive" guys, everyone should have a chance at owning every figure, but thats not how it works unfortunately.
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Where did they state this? Because Tamashii employees in an interview at nycc'13 heavily implied it's very well possible for an exclusive to be re-released... So not that I doubt your sincerity in any way, but I'd like to see/read it with my own eyes.

If it is indeed true than a sdcc release is probably the only possible option left. But that's slim. If they've stated explicitely that web exclusives don't get rereleases then we can forget about it. They're gonna release a zero version of the same Vegeta, I still think it's possible that's related to this.
Btw, I'm really close to buying Robot Damashii Epyon and Wingzero, does anyone following this thread happen to have those? Because I'd really like to see a picture of them next to any SHF DBZ release... I only have the MG Wing Gundam and I'm so used to that massive 1/100 scale that I find it hard to picture the smaller Damashii releases.
i have! they're a bit smaller than goku

i'll take a pic for you! hold on!
I actually found one from you a big while back in the thread here mate.:D
haha yeah, that group is bigger now though xD
but here's another, epyon is quite bigger than zero :p

haha yeah, that group is bigger now though xD
but here's another, epyon is quite bigger than zero :p


Hm, correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they about the same size in MSGW? Wingzero's gun is bigger though.:lol:slap

I'm just not sure on them. I dislike having different lines of a single franchise, especially if they're a different scale.

Anyway, thanks mate.:)


@Big D: Hm, apparently I missed that, guess it's selective hearing.:p Too bad, and kind of ridiculous with a character as iconic as that in probably his first or second most favoured appearance.

However, as I've said before there's a different scenario that might pan out for some: Armoured Trunks. If they release him a lot of people will I think start selling their second ssj Vegeta. That's why I think that character is a really valid next release: it's a Trunks many want, it's a Trunks for those who missed out on him and it might free up Vegeta's for those who missed him. Could satisfy a LOT of buyers.