Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

This is a funny page. Chris Hansen always looked like a predator to me.

And Luke is 19.

So Leia is 19.

So this movie is 19 years after the end of ROTS.

Come on, people, get with the program.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Being I was 10 when ANH came out, I am sure having the hots for an older gal was just fine.....

Strange after all these years I have only started to view them as teenagers recently.....I always viewed them as older than I was.....

So does that mean I have the mind of a 10 year old?

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Thrle test is do you PLAY with dolls?
Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

There's a simple test: do you collect dolls?

I do.....and still have fun with them......and I enjoy eating candy, and I play video games.......

Oh did a 10 year old get a mortgage and Student Loans???????

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I am a little confused to the whole question of how Vader turned to the was very clear back when I saw it as a kid......where is the question?

It always appeared to me that Vader was totally under the Emperors influence. He never once was trying to KILL Luke. He was bringing him to the Emporer, as the Emperor told him to. "You will bring him before me" " "He will come to me??? "

Vader tells Luke they should join and kill the Emperor... Because he knows Luke will kill the Emperor as he is more powerful than him.

If anything , LUKE tries to really kill Vader! Vader is toying with him trying to break him mentally down.

When Vader realizes Luke is not going to fall to the Dark, after he is beaten down so quickly, he knows that Luke can kill the Emperor and this is his chance to escape the Emperors power over him. I also felt the only reason Vader even attempts it is because Palpatine is distracted usimg all his power to subdue Luke.

All of this before the PT even came along.

Its even more clear that Palpy has a force of will over Anakin by telling him what he wants to hear. I always viewed Mace's death as a moment where Palpatine got considerably stronger because Anakin gave in and attacked Mace . This joining up with Palpatine, created a link between them where Palpatine is the main beneficiary of the pair. And his influence over Anakin was enhanced.

Only thing that got through the control was him watching his son be tortured to death.

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I always saw it as an internal struggle within Vader once he learned that his son and daughter were alive. You can note this in the OT given that Vader's fatherly instincts start to kick-in and he convinces the Emperor to allow him to try and turn his son to the dark side.

Also keep in mind that the relationship of the Sith Masters and Apprentices has always been one of "dominicide" (killing one's master). Palpatine is hinted to have killed his own master, and there are several EU examples of Sith Apprentice turning on their Master. As time passed, I'm sure Vader began to doubt Palpatine and quietly question some of his motives and tactics, but still lacked the true internal will and strength to challenge him. The Sith crave power, even amongst each other...and Vader was not exempt from wanting to usurp his Master and control the galaxy himself. Enter Luke, and Vader finds a potential ally to challenge the Emperor. At the same time, the light side and love start to tug at him and it isn't until the end of Return of the Jedi when he finally turns back to the light, killing the Emperor but also letting go of the overwhelming guilt he perhaps held (killing so many Jedi, almost killing his own children, etc.).
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Wedge left with Bail Organa, lol, just saw it a third time and heard him say "Antilles" is everything ready lol.

A heard that also in the background... But... Its another Antilles... The one who was on the Blockade Runner in A New Hope.
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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

A few observations from someone that loved the film:

I'm sure it's already mentioned but the fact that the film starts without the 20th Century Fox fanfare and the intro crawl was a little jarring. Not necessarily in a bad way but in a "...hmmm, this is different..." way. I do understand that it's not one of the "main chapters" and simply a "Star Wars story".

There's definitely information overload and at least a second viewing is required. Will be seeing it again Christmas week.

I think that while this film didn't have the hype of Episode VII, naturally, it will definitely be rated higher in Star Wars fandom. It pushed the outside of the envelope in ways that the Prequel and TFA failed to do. Now I'm really curious (or afraid) of how Episode VIII will be told:

1) Be a safe story with the influence of ESB, as TFA was to ANH, or

2) Follow the "Rogue One" recipe but with a darker story and hopefully no infantile characters.

I'm expecting option 1 above.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I thought digital Tarkin was impressive. Light years better than digital Jeff Bridges from Tron Legacy.

Michael Douglas in Ant-Man is still the best "De-aging" CGI IMO...

Tarkin is a different monster all together though.. Really amazing work when you get down to it. If I did not know who Peter Cushing was or had never seen SW I think I would assume that was a normal actor...
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Time for a JAWS prequel.

And thus, his hatred for humans grew stronger.

Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

On a side note I loved Directors Krennics shuttle have all the toys for it, black series, lego, micro machines hot wheels and im proud to say it got destroyed gallantly in battle by the death star and not the rebels lol

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Re: Star Wars stand-alone/spin-off films discussion

I can't imagine this film looking better than it did in 15/70 2D IMAX but for those who saw it in 3D what did you think of that presentation?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

On a side note I loved Directors Krennics shuttle have all the toys for it, black series, lego, micro machines hot wheels and im proud to say it got destroyed gallantly in battle by the death star and not the rebels lol
I liked it in the first scene but after that I kept thinking, Why isn't this just an imperial shuttle? It seems they're so afraid to re-use small OT ships outside of the X-Wing and TIE Fighter.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I liked it in the first scene but after that I kept thinking, Why isn't this just an imperial shuttle? It seems they're so afraid to re-use small OT ships outside of the X-Wing and TIE Fighter.
It's really a huge Toy gimmick. I'm no critic of Disney, but they LOVE merchandising their properties

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Time for a JAWS prequel.

That would be great.. It could be about how Brody kicked ass as a member of the NYPD and how he met Ellen. How kicking so much ass got exhausting and he went to Amity because one man can make a difference... All the while Bruce is trying to quite eating Fish by becoming friends with a clown Fish and deciding to take up eating humans instead off a small little island... Thus a great confrontation begins.