Resilience of polystone and acrylic paints.

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Super Freak
Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe

I've got three somewhat related questions to customizers who have experience painting polystone statues.

1. I am assuming most of you use commercial acrylic paints like GW/Citadel, Vallejo, Liquitex, Tamiya etc. Have you ever felt the need to heavily varnish your paintjobs? I always prefer not to use varnish on my personal pieces, as it can affect and dull the look of the paintwork (especially metallics), but now that I am considering selling some of them, I am afraid that varnishing will be a necessity (especially with polystone which is not a lightweight material).

2. When you ship repainted statues to clients, do you make your own custom shipping containers for them, or do you use the original styrofoam cutouts provided by the manufacturer? I was always afraid styrofoam has the tendency to "rub" against the paintjob and make it unnaturally glossy in places (it's occures often on factory-new Sideshow and Weta pieces).

3. Like most customizers I use Acetone to strip paint off of statues and so far havent got any problems with it. But I wanted to ask if any of you noticed signs of "sculpture melt" when a polystone piece is covered in acetone for too long. I plan on making a couple of experimental paintjobs on a single polystone test-headsculpt with some fine texturing in it. I wanted to know if repeated painitng and acetone stripping will eventualy start affecting the level of detail on the sculpt.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.