Re-structuring Customs sales

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Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear. Everything would be handled the same way as it is now, but everyone attempting to sell customs would have to register with the forum FIRST. Kind of like we have for just selling random stuff, but with more detail. Hopefully it would give a greater air of accountability to finishing the project.

Also I really hate the idea of single thread per artist - I think it just makes it harder for people to see cool stuff.

I don't understand that. Either way they're reading a thread title before they click the thread, whether it's a single name, or several, like the custom artists do for theirs. :huh
I don't understand that. Either way they're reading a thread title before they click the thread, whether it's a single name, or several, like the custom artists do for theirs. :huh

I have to think that a lot of people read the forum like I do - looking for threads they haven't seen before. I won't think to check an artist's thread if he keeps adding stuff to a single thread. But if there's a new thread about an individual piece - I'll take a look.
I guess I do it the opposite... I check for threads I know and subscribe to ones I want updates on.
I have to think that a lot of people read the forum like I do - looking for threads they haven't seen before. I won't think to check an artist's thread if he keeps adding stuff to a single thread. But if there's a new thread about an individual piece - I'll take a look.

I guess I do it the opposite... I check for threads I know and subscribe to ones I want updates on.

I do it the same way as galactiboy, I like how Elvis does his threads already, he just places like his last 4 customs in his title and if its something I haven't seen yet, I click it.
Heres Elvis' current title for his custom thread...
Boom, quick and to the point I know if hes got anything new to peruse that I hadn't already seen.

Otherwise, thats still how I find new artists threads, by the title and if it has something in it I'm interested in.

And to add to what Nam said, I personally have a tendency to jump over packs of threads that have been bumped for one artist and I don't even do it consciously, it just looks so spammish I just find myself skipping it. :dunno
I am with Dave. I would get a lot more views if I made a new thread for each project.

That said, and maybe it's my Dyslexia, but it seems like a lot more work. :lol
I have to think that a lot of people read the forum like I do - looking for threads they haven't seen before. I won't think to check an artist's thread if he keeps adding stuff to a single thread. But if there's a new thread about an individual piece - I'll take a look.

Still doesn't make sense though. Either way you're reading a thread title. See the example of Seb's above. Nathan and Dave have been doing the same for years as well. All the projects are listed there, so you're not forced to go into an artist's thread blind hoping to find something new that you'd like. It's literally right there in the thread title.

I am with Dave. I would get a lot more views if I made a new thread for each project.

That said, and maybe it's my Dyslexia, but it seems like a lot more work. :lol

Quite the opposite actually. You'll get less views spread out in multiple threads. Even less when some are eventually lost and buried by everybody else's bumps. You'll get more views in a single thread where everybody comes to see all your projects.
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Quite the opposite actually. You'll get less views spread out in multiple threads. Even less when some are eventually lost and buried by everybody else's bumps. You'll get more views in a single thread where everybody comes to see all your projects.

Didn't know you were the authority on such things.

Do you have any data to back up your opinions?
Ideally an artist would use the Blog so there would be a single place for all their stuff, and each figure would have a new blog entry. But I haven't figured out how to get people to use blogs.

But this subject has NOTHING to do with the intent of this thread. To see if artists are receptive to having sales split off into a dedicated section of Commerce and leave this channel as a showcase.
But this subject has NOTHING to do with the intent of this thread. To see if artists are receptive to having sales split off into a dedicated section of Commerce and leave this channel as a showcase.

I'm all for that. That's how I've been operating all along. A showoff thread here and a sales thread elsewhere. Only makes sense.
Force em to use the blogs, that's how.

I would agree with Nam. Single artist threads are best way to view what that artist is doing. Single threads would just fade away. If you aren't getting enough views, well it could be no one is interested......
Force em to use the blogs, that's how.

I would agree with Nam. Single artist threads are best way to view what that artist is doing. Single threads would just fade away. If you aren't getting enough views, well it could be no one is interested......

And single threads are different from blogs how? Let the threads fade, people can follow the blogs. No biggie.

I understand your intent to get the customs section cleaned up and it has a lot to do with 1) accountability and 2) transparency. I make a lot of customs myself and also purchase a lot of custom items and I think if we can separate some of the sections out, I think that will help a lot.

Just my personal preference, I would usually follow these steps:

1) Interest Thread: create an interest thread for what I plan/want to do. Any updates would be shown here, but no pricing, no sales, just a sort of WIP and to gauge interest.

2) Item/Figure Sales Thread: same interest thread, but I update the first page with the pricing info, shipping estimate, who's paid, who's not, tracking, etc. and change the thread title to reflect that deposits are being taken or ready for shipping, etc.

3) Artist Showcase Thread: once final pictures are done and shipped, I would add it to my own thread like Seb (Elvis) does and then link the original Interest/Sales thread to it.

I think having the first page of the Custom Thread be the starting point would be helpful because it shows who you are, what you've done, etc. We'd then update the thread with any completed works as before, but keep the sales/interest thread private and only visible to members who have accounts and not guests. Guests can still view the customs thread with no problem, but they can't access the sales/interest thread.

I understand your intent to get the customs section cleaned up and it has a lot to do with 1) accountability and 2) transparency. I make a lot of customs myself and also purchase a lot of custom items and I think if we can separate some of the sections out, I think that will help a lot.

Just my personal preference, I would usually follow these steps:

1) Interest Thread: create an interest thread for what I plan/want to do. Any updates would be shown here, but no pricing, no sales, just a sort of WIP and to gauge interest.

2) Item/Figure Sales Thread: same interest thread, but I update the first page with the pricing info, shipping estimate, who's paid, who's not, tracking, etc. and change the thread title to reflect that deposits are being taken or ready for shipping, etc.

3) Artist Showcase Thread: once final pictures are done and shipped, I would add it to my own thread like Seb (Elvis) does and then link the original Interest/Sales thread to it.

I think having the first page of the Custom Thread be the starting point would be helpful because it shows who you are, what you've done, etc. We'd then update the thread with any completed works as before, but keep the sales/interest thread private and only visible to members who have accounts and not guests. Guests can still view the customs thread with no problem, but they can't access the sales/interest thread.

Well, I think showing the work in progress is better to be in a showcase thread. And I think "Interest" thread means something different to everyone. I never look at "interest" threads because in the past they've always been someone saying "hey, get on a list if you'd like to see a sculpt of so-so-and-so. I don't have a way of making it happen, but wouldn't it be cool?"

What do you think of how theRPF does it? An artist will create a thread showing a work in progress - with updates as they work on the figure and finish it. This thread will show the figure and it's development. If they decide they want to sell it - then they create a thread in the customs section of commerce to do that.
I think we have 2 different types of customs and right now the commerce kind is overpowering the non-commerce.

I think its fine for each project to have a thread in the commerce section for both interest and then sales, or just transfer the interest into a sale at the end. But keep all of that in that section.

But in the customs Creations it should be limited to one thread per artist that they can update with current projects. Right now we have essentially commmerce threads in both sections and in the customs creations multiple threads for the same artist which makes anyone not selling work's page get lost after a few hours.

I think your idea of keeping track of the project sellers is good... but I think in addition the commerce and creations should be separated which I thought was the original intention of the split.
I think we have 2 different types of customs and right now the commerce kind is overpowering the non-commerce.

I think its fine for each project to have a thread in the commerce section for both interest and then sales, or just transfer the interest into a sale at the end. But keep all of that in that section.

But in the customs Creations it should be limited to one thread per artist that they can update with current projects. Right now we have essentially commmerce threads in both sections and in the customs creations multiple threads for the same artist which makes anyone not selling work's page get lost after a few hours.

I think your idea of keeping track of the project sellers is good... but I think in addition the commerce and creations should be separated which I thought was the original intention of the split.

Like RPF the "interest" threads are in commerce as well, and with a subsection for custom in commerce they can all be moved there.
Yeah, think that would make the most sense. It allows one section to be just showing off work and keeping all the work in a single thread for an artist (if they choose to have one) and the commerce can be a mixture of interest and FS threads.

An example is the Quinto Spock thread by Iminime... its not a show of thread, but an interest one that will eventually be for sales. So it would make more sense for that thread to be in the commerce section. But if Iminme would like to they could have a single thread that updates on all projects and could act as reference for their projects.

Or if someone prolific like Elvis1976 or Skiman created a new thread for every figure they did we'd soon have to give them their own sub-forums :lol
The grievances folks seem to have is that some threads get bumped off the front page, and as GB says, the sales-related threads--being most prevalent--are the primary cause. If the Iminimes and Rainmans of the world were moved into a different section as Dave suggests, then I don't think people would be complaining as there wouldn't be as much of this happening.

I do like the idea of enhancing accountability for custom entrepreneurs. Beyond Dave's suggestion, I think he or his agents should approve members before they are allowed to start projects and take money, based on reputation, experience, scope (cost) of project, etc.
Yep, I think those two ideas together will hopefully make the customs section easier to manage and a bit safer for members to tread into.
And another example of the bumping of the sales/interest threads and how they don't really fit in the "show off" or general area is the Rainman Taxi Driver.

It was greenlit 2 1/2 months ago, has over 600 posts and not a single piece of work has been shown. So how does that fit into the theme of sharing work. It's an interest thread for a product that will be sold.
Yeah, think that would make the most sense. It allows one section to be just showing off work and keeping all the work in a single thread for an artist (if they choose to have one) and the commerce can be a mixture of interest and FS threads.

An example is the Quinto Spock thread by Iminime... its not a show of thread, but an interest one that will eventually be for sales. So it would make more sense for that thread to be in the commerce section. But if Iminme would like to they could have a single thread that updates on all projects and could act as reference for their projects.

Or if someone prolific like Elvis1976 or Skiman created a new thread for every figure they did we'd soon have to give them their own sub-forums :lol

There's a difference between a painting a sculpt and a whole new figure. I think a unique custom figure deserves it's own thread. Nothing will change my mind about that.

I also would hate to see iminime or Rainman bumped completely from the Custom Showcase (good name, right?). They should show the figure and then have a separate thread in commerce with purchase details.