Questions for Asmus

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Yes, the original release had an extremely floppy body that couldn’t hold a pose; their initial solution was to wrap it with electrical tape prior to shipment!
A replacement body was included with Eowyn, at which point they re-released him with the improved body. I still have a bagged, unused replacement WK body somewhere.
Yup I'd be satisfied with a reissue with just a body upgrade. I had heard that the original body had loose joints so I passed on picking it up when I had the chance a few years ago. I sort of regret it now though given I could have just sourced a replacement body.. it's a fantastic looking figure.

Would make a great companion piece with the Crown Gandalf the White, hint hint Asmus :naughty
Yes, same figure with updated body.
No need for new tooling even same clothing
Yes, the original release had an extremely floppy body that couldn’t hold a pose; their initial solution was to wrap it with electrical tape prior to shipment!
A replacement body was included with Eowyn, at which point they re-released him with the improved body. I still have a bagged, unused replacement WK body somewhere.
Now I remember the replacement body situation
My personal wishlist
1- Gandalf The White (happening)
2- Boromir (Reissue or updated version, probably happening)
3- Saruman The White (updated version)
4- Radagast The Brown
5- Witch king (updated version)
6- Eowyn (updated version)
7- Azog
8- Tauriel (updated version)
9- Thranduil (Updated version)
10- Sauron 😂😂
@Asmus I am counting on you 😅😅
Does anyone think there would ever be interest from either collectors or Asmus on a Gamling figure? Not for nothing but that Rohan armor is awesome and Asmus did a great job with it on the Theoden and Eomer figures.
Okay - for me this is the wishlist - I put in far too much thought so I hope your listening @AD Artwork @inyacher @Asmus :ROFLMAO:

- Eowyn in armor makes most sense for who should be next
- Then Witch King - selling the two in close proximity to the other will drive up sales for both - people want that "I'm no man!" scene. Plus it won't need too much adding to the new Nazgul 2.0 to achieve, so fairly easy production wise.
- Thranduil in Throne with berry crown costume - yes I will never stop fighting for it, I was given a taste and I want more - I need more elven rulers looking fabulous. Plus this is one of the only Hobbit characters I've seen a fair few people request in the comments (other than maybe Azog), after this you could consider "retiring" the license and selling it to someone else if it isn't the money spinner hoped, so then a different company can take a crack and hopefully that will satisfy more Hobbit fans.
- King of the Dead - because he is awesome and looks awesome
- Council of Elrond look Elrond - pretty much a no brainer, for me when I think of Elrond this is what I see. Plus its from arguably his most iconic scene. Should be fairly easy to do too, no need to redo the head sculpt.
- Haldir and the Helm's Deep Galadhrim - awesome characters and design, plus otherwise RandomHero may just kill us all out of sheer frustration.
- Uruk Hai - you need some different Uruks to make those Helm's Deep scenes, standard soldiers, berserkers, etc.
- Lurtz - coolest Uruk, Boromir's killer and a great design
- Boromir fellowship look reissue and Gondorian armor look - no brainer, he is due an upgrade but the original outfit is too beautiful not to be redone plus him and Lurtz together near the same time would boost sales and the Gondorian look is both a cool alternative for the character but can also be repurposed for both Knightly Faramir and for other Gondorian soldier looks.
- Crown Gandalf the White - we all want him, lets not kid ourselves.
- Isildur - great costume, important character and would help complete Last Alliance collection
- Gil-Galad & Elendil - same as above
- Sauron - admittedly maybe not practical, I have no idea how big a 1/6 Sauron would be but he should at least be considered he IS THE Lord of the Rings afterall, the primary villain and probably the coolest looking villain in cinematic history - just imagine if he was diecast (it would probably cost a fortune - but worth it) plus then the Last Alliance collection would be complete.
- Update/reissue of Strider Aragorn, its his classic look and Asmus haven't really nailed the likeness yet. As perhaps the deuteragonist of the films he does deserve a really solid release of his core look. But the time needs to be taken to get it perfect.
- Black Gate Aragorn with his horse (which has a FANTASTIC design), I would honestly buy this AND a reissue of the Strider look, but if I could have only one more Aragorn this is the chap, he looks amazing, his speech at the Black Gate is great, the costume shows he embraces his destiny and who he is meant to be, I love it.
- Pippin in his Guard of the Citadel outfit and Merry in his Rohan armour. Merry would go great with Eowyn and the Witch king and Pippin would go great with Gandalf the White, knightly Faramir if they chose to do him, and Denethor - who IS going to be on this list... :ROFLMAO: Plus then you have more attractive display options for other core members of the Fellowship
- Easterlings (maybe Haradrim aswell - the Mumakil rider would probably win me over) - some of the coolest looking characters in the franchise. Would have killer shelf presence
- Fountain Guards - the coolest looking Gondorian soldiers, one of the best costume designs in the franchise for me.
- Denethor (in throne) - great character played excellently by John Noble, interesting costume as well, that coat has some serious volume.
- update to Saruman the White, the headsculpt could look a lot more like Christopher Lee in the LOTR movies, and it would be cool if he was in his throne like the new Weta statue. Though the plinth and Palantir are still awesome.... plus I don't own one and want one 🤷‍♂️
- Sam reissue, so then I have the whole Fellowship and to go with the new Gollum figure and Frodo reissue.
- Then, as incredibly unlikely as it is I would rather get 1/6 larger characters like Trolls, Treebeard and Shelob, never going to happen but If I'm listing my preferences.......
- THEN I would prefer some awesome mounts for my figures like Shadowfax, The Great Eagles, Fellbeasts, Nazgul steeds, Thranduil's Irish Elk.... again unlikely.....

....... and then and only then would I get Grima Wormtongue, but I would get him. - PROMISE :ROFLMAO:
He might get kicked up a few spots if there was a possessed Theoden & Saruman reissue/revamp sooner than later.....
I'm not opposed to armored Eowyn being reissued, but those of us who already have all the figures and even the weta versions might get tired if they only release reissues. I want an Eowyn with her white dress, but I wouldn't buy an armored Eowyn a third time (I already have a statue and an action figure). Same with Witch King or Fellowship Boromir, Ranger Aragorn... I understand that there are people who want to have the opportunity again, but if we only receive reissues of all the old figures, those of us who already have them will lose interest in this line. There should be a balance between reissues and new versions of those characters. For example, the nazgul is the first time I haven't pre-ordered a figure from this line. I already have the ACI and the previous one from asmus and a couple of weta, my money that could have been for that figure has gone elsewhere. And I have no faith in the promises of new heads to update old figures for those of us who already have them... You all already know.
How many figures does Asmus put out per year with this line at this point? Six or seven? I would humbly suggest maybe a workable approach might be for four or five of those slots to go to new LotR figures, one to a reissue/upgrade/Crown figure, and one to a Hobbit figure.

And maybe throw in a limited production run of a crowdfunded figure once every couple of years -- for characters that may not have wide appeal but may be relatively simple (few accessories, simpler costumes, maybe no-frills packaging?) -- as long as it wouldn't interfere with production on the main line.

ALL THAT SAID -- I'm 100% certain that Asmus has tons and tons (and tons!) of other considerations when it comes to scheduling and strategy, etc. that would make this unworkable. But it's just one collector's opinion...