QMx 1:6 Star Trek: TNG - Jean Luc Picard

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I opened it up briefly... I think the camera angle is to fault in regards to the head because it looks fine in hand to me. It is a great figure, I will have to check later if the neck is stained.
Yeah, not sure why the pics look so bad. In hand I really like him. Sculpt is better than in the promos, uni fits ok.

I would recommend handling with gloves cuz I see the uni getting smudged or dusty.
Man, the moderators must be in qmx pocket. Say anything at all negative and your comment gets deleted lmao. Makes me not even want to buy anything from this company.


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He does overall look better in person. I still have quite a wait for mine(I don't start paying on him till end of this month) but come late June, I'll have him in my hands at last!
Fighting the urge to worry about this. Odd transition from shirt to pant. Neck stains. Too big a head or not broad enough shoulders. I dunno. Want him in hand so I know whether to turn around and sell him or not.
Yeah I'm really starting to get concerned now as well. And I'll be seriously annoyed if the proportions don't look at least as good as they do in their pics (like below), or if the figure doesn't match up well with their Kirk and Spock figures.

Any chance of seeing a comparison with those two? Because right now I'm getting more of a Firefly Mal vibe from this (where even the replacement head comes off looking a bit oversized).

hghghg (554x800).jpg
I just realized it's a necked head. I hate those. That's probably why the body looks crap. If it was neckless than you could put it on a decent body and it might not look oversized anymore. I'm too many problems with this figure.
Got him in today, and yes, I wasn't as impressed with the promo pics as I was with Kirk or Spock (or even Bones), but I was willing to take the risk for Picard, and I'm glad I did. I think he's great. The head is a little big, but I don't even hardly notice. My biggest gripe is the red color; I personally think it's too maroon, but the red and the head scale are both 95% there, so big deal. It looks good!

Mine came out of the box with the pips dangling, so I had to re-glue those on, but other than that, I think he's awesome. All the accessories are fantastic, as well. I felt obliged to include my own pic after all the naysayers. Please excuse the graininess: it was spur of the moment, it's after midnight, and my office has dim lighting. It's the best my phone can do (also cropped out as much of my messy desk as I could!).

Man, the moderators must be in qmx pocket. Say anything at all negative and your comment gets deleted lmao. Makes me not even want to buy anything from this company.

I wasn't even rude. So how do they justify that?

I said it looked bad and I'll stick with that assessment.

Doesn't matter what the mods here do, I'm still cancelling my preorder.

And, again, QMx are going down hill, IN MY OPINION. Live with it mods. It's my opinion here and I am entitled to it.

You must be right lordregnis because some mod here is definitely on the QMx payroll. Any negativity albeit constructive gets removed. What a joke. All these paint marked pictures will be removed too I bet.
I don't think it's a secret that Dave is Product Manager at QMx (and Marketing Consultant at Star Ace).

Since Sideshow Freaks is the Republic of Dave it's just something you have to expect and accept. :(

Still doesn't make it right.

If that's true, then it is worse because owners and mods are supposed to be impartial and rise above it not delete people because they don't agree with what they say. If I was rude or spamming the thread then I deserve it. Constructive criticism being deleted is pathetic.

This forum has such a bad reputation that I am done here. I can see why people moan about it.

While it's in his right to do whatever he wants here, it doesn't feel morally correct. I think it actually undermines the integrity of the companies in question when they're protected by a propaganda machine which many would automatically assume to be a fully public forum.


It is not a real forum if it does not encourage open and honest discussion. What is the point of removing negative posts?

Not everyone will be saying the figure is amazing whatever the company produces but if there is serious issues with quality and the design then why can't people speak up? What is gained in deleting criticism? A lot of people buy here because of others opinions and pictures.

Being paid to control and delete posts for companies is very morally wrong.
Where is it written that mods are supposed to be impartial? I think thats the expectation, but the mod guide or rule handbook is not public, at least according to mod "Khev". I also asked if mods underwent any mod training before becoming mods. That question was not answered.

Note that this is a privately run forum so the owner or administrators or whatever can basically do what they want. That includes using your position as chief admin to promote products in which the chief admin has a financial interest. I havent noticed that posts were deleted, but deleting posts that besmirch those products in which the chief admin has a financial interest is ok too. You dont like it- you start your own or go elsewhere.

This is actual impartiality vs perceived impartiality. And we are owed neither.
Where is it written that mods are supposed to be impartial? I think thats the expectation, but the mod guide or rule handbook is not public, at least according to mod "Khev". I also asked if mods underwent any mod training before becoming mods. That question was not answered.

Note that this is a privately run forum so the owner or administrators or whatever can basically do what they want. That includes using your position as chief admin to promote products in which the chief admin has a financial interest. I havent noticed that posts were deleted, but deleting posts that besmirch those products in which the chief admin has a financial interest is ok too. You dont like it- you start your own or go elsewhere.

This is actual impartiality vs perceived impartiality. And we are owed neither.

You can't be serious :lol :lol :lol

Yes they can do what they want. No they don't answer to us. Yes this is a free service and we are lucky to have it. Stop stating the obvious and read the posts above yours properly. Have a think.

What we are saying is that we feel it is not morally right to delete constructive criticism which highlights issues to other collectors.
Dye rubs on the body don't bother me what so ever, since it is always covered. However the ones on the neck are scary. I will give my figure a good look through tonight to check for some of these defects.
Got the exclusive figure. I really like him a lot in hand, which makes some of the issues more frustrating. The shirt seems to ride up in the front, exposing the flesh of his stomach because the pants aren't really staying up high enough. It can be futzed with, but it seems like a constant thing you have to do. The worst thing, though, is the dye on the neck. Mine is REALLY far up the neck, so the collar isn't covering them unless I hike the shirt up like a turtleneck, which makes the waist area more of a problem. But, I contacted customer service. If I can get a new head with either no dye marks or dye marks lower, then I can deal with the futzing of the uniform.

Other than that, I really like the likeness and the accessories.
The figure looks great, IMO. But as we've seen with the Kirk, Spock and McCoy, there are some absolutely terrible "photographers" out there that can make anything look bad.

Removing negative posts reflects poorly on a forum and also on a company. That said, I don't have a problem if those posts are just stupid - like the ones that were removed here. :rotfl

Dye rubbing sucks, maybe they need to pre-wash the fabrics before making the outfits when custom-dying batches. There's really no excuse for this.