Prometheus Body: Keep or Start Over?

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basicly, it comes down to a few little things. One, people have gotten spoiled by product put out by hot toys. Two, people remember the "good 'ole Days" when sideshow products were 40-50$. They assume that just becuase the price goes up, that the "quality" should go up as well. the problem is that when A poor economy, PLUs rising production costs, and more expensive production methods combine, we can quickly see a dramatic increase in price, without a corrisponding increase in "quality". Times change, things get more expensive. I've allways found it kinda funny that sideshow has a 20-30 dollar price increase, people treat it like it's the end of the world, but medi has a 40-50$ increase and barely anyone bats an eyelash.
In a nutshell, ( or nut house, which is where ALOt of this stuff belongs IMO) it's a "grass is greener" mentality.
As far as liscensed properties go, 60-70$ figures ARE the new 30-40$ figures. And if you don't like it, I advise you to take up a new hobby, as the prices are only going to continue going up.
might i recomend underwater Basket Weaving?
Doesn't it go without saying that if we are here talking about Sideshow products we OWN that we must ultimately LIKE Sideshow? The fact that some are very serious about wanting the items to be near perfect is a good thing....
don't get me wrong, we all want the best product we can get, BUT people need to understand that you're not going o get platnum for silver prices. Sideshow is STILL one of the "bargain" 1/6th scale companies. as such, the figures are not going to be perfect 100% of the time, BUT I do agree that they cold be a little more consistant with the overall quality.
Its threads like these where it really is no wonder why (and who) have chased away all the SS VIPs who used to post here.

If they're that thin-skinned about criticism, they should probably steer clear of any message boards.
If they're that thin-skinned about criticism, they should probably steer clear of any message boards.

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

If they can't listen to our feedback and make necessary improvements to their products when they are gouging us on price then they probably should. The criticism will only become increasingly negative as they increase their prices to Hot Toys price point without giving us that kind of exceptional quality.
If they're that thin-skinned about criticism, they should probably steer clear of any message boards.

Its not constructive criticism that has run them off. If you think that then you have zero idea what you're talking about. Its the out of bounds comments made by more and more members here on this board. A few over the last years made by you in regards to SS ability to do things.

I mean seriously would you want to post on a board where people accuse you of bait and switch, price gouging (see below), lack of ability to get anything right, they don't know wtf they're doing, etc.? Hell, even some folks have made pretty crappy comments over the sculptors ability to do anything. Almost to the point of the going at them in a personal nature.

There are so many posts here anymore about just their lack of being able to do things right that no matter how thick skin you got at some point you stop interacting. I can't say I blame them.

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

If they can't listen to our feedback and make necessary improvements to their products when they are gouging us on price then they probably should. The criticism will only become increasingly negative as they increase their prices to Hot Toys price point without giving us that kind of exceptional quality.

Who ever said they can't won't listen to feed back? They do it all the time. As far as gouging. Care to back that bullcrap claim with some proof? Its those kind of bullhockey claims that will cause or have caused them to not interact.

Again, not everything HT does is worth the price they charge or without faults. Hell, I love my M3 Iron Man but the knees to seem somewhat weak holding him.
Its not constructive criticism that has run them off. If you think that then you have zero idea what you're talking about. Its the out of bounds comments made by more and more members here on this board. A few over the last years made by you in regards to SS ability to do things.

I mean seriously would you want to post on a board where people accuse you of bait and switch, price gouging (see below), lack of ability to get anything right, they don't know wtf they're doing, etc.? Hell, even some folks have made pretty crappy comments over the sculptors ability to do anything. Almost to the point of the going at them in a personal nature.

There are so many posts here anymore about just their lack of being able to do things right that no matter how thick skin you got at some point you stop interacting. I can't say I blame them.

When you run a business you have to deal with the public, and that's not always pleasant. You can't just run and hide when things get a little rough.
When you run a business you have to deal with the public, and that's not always pleasant. You can't just run and hide when things get a little rough.

This is true. The general public sucks for the most part but some of the things said here go past a little rough and show a lack of respect. They don't have to deal with that business or not.
This is true. The general public sucks for the most part but some of the things said here go past a little rough and show a lack of respect. They don't have to deal with that business or not.

I think they do have to deal with that kind of comment because basically, Sideshow have stood still for years, and anything they do to try and improve just seems to take them backwards. They are unimaginative, their quality control is atrocious, the things they do intentionally - like paint apps - look like they've been project managed by a blind man in a soviet-era Russian toy factory, and as for the 'Pro' I'd like to see every single one of them hurled into a furnace, turned into molten plastic and then poured down the throat of whoever it is at Sideshow thinks it's okay to sell us a rag doll of a muscly arthiritic - a doll that needs replacing if you want it to look halfway decent. Sideshow stink. They've stunk since at least 2005. That's all there is to it. They stink because they have contempt for their consumers.

The Pro is basically a note to everyone who buys it that says, 'thanks for the money, we think you're a ^^^^.
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I think they do have to deal with that kind of comment because basically, Sideshow have stood still for years, and anything they do to try and improve just seems to take them backwards. They are unimaginative, their quality control is atrocious, the things they do intentionally - like paint apps - look like they've been project managed by a blind man in a soviet-era Russian toy factory, and as for the 'Pro' I'd like to see every single one of them hurled into a furnace, turned into molten plastic and then poured down the throat of whoever it is at Sideshow thinks it's okay to sell us a rag doll of a muscly arthiritic - a doll that needs replacing if you want it to look halfway decent. Sideshow stink. They've stunk since at least 2005. That's all there is to it. They stink because they have contempt for their consumers.

The Pro is basically a note to everyone who buys it that says, 'thanks for the money, we think you're a ^^^^'.

Wow.. just.. wow. So they've "stunk" since 2005 yet you joined here in 2008? And i guess you missed the part in the rules email about there being issues with people getting around the swear filter...
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If they're that thin-skinned about criticism, they should probably steer clear of any message boards.

Well the day someone on a message board spawns several thread discussions on how much you suck and how you steal ideas from other people then perhaps maybe we can see how "thin-skinned" you are and how motivated you feel to participate in board discussions.

Criticism is one thing but insinuating that SS has lied and stolen their design ideas is in really poor taste.
I think they do have to deal with that kind of comment because basically, Sideshow have stood still for years, and anything they do to try and improve just seems to take them backwards. They are unimaginative, their quality control is atrocious, the things they do intentionally - like paint apps - look like they've been project managed by a blind man in a soviet-era Russian toy factory, and as for the 'Pro' I'd like to see every single one of them hurled into a furnace, turned into molten plastic and then poured down the throat of whoever it is at Sideshow thinks it's okay to sell us a rag doll of a muscly arthiritic - a doll that needs replacing if you want it to look halfway decent. Sideshow stink. They've stunk since at least 2005. That's all there is to it. They stink because they have contempt for their consumers.

The Pro is basically a note to everyone who buys it that says, 'thanks for the money, we think you're a ^^^^.

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Start over. I think it is a horrible body and in no way is it an improvement over the Buck body.

The best thing would be for sideshow to acquire the right to use Hot Toys bodies for their figures, but then the figure would basically be a Hot Toys made figure.
Not necessarily. The body to me (to use an analogy) is like the frame and the clothes, sculpt, and paint apps are the canvas.
interesting. For me the body is the blank canvas, the cloths is the artwork and the head is the ornamental frame that gives the final thump to the piece.
Pix, as I stated in post #23, I never said Sideshow stole anything. Copied, yes. But that doesn't mean they don't have an agreement with Volks. Or perhaps, Volks doesn't own the rights to that design. Look how the Saturday Toys body bears a resemblance as well.

I originally stated that I was disappointed that Sideshow didn't make their own unique design after all these years of using the Buck. Innovation is what drives this hobby forward -- keeping current hobbyists and attracting more people into the community. Right now Hot Toys seems to have the #1 sought after nude body with their Truetype. It is only good for the hobbyists if more companies introduce other bodies that can compete with or usurp the TrueType, to keep Hot Toys on their toes and keep their prices reasonable.
I think they do have to deal with that kind of comment because basically, Sideshow have stood still for years, and anything they do to try and improve just seems to take them backwards. They are unimaginative, their quality control is atrocious, the things they do intentionally - like paint apps - look like they've been project managed by a blind man in a soviet-era Russian toy factory, and as for the 'Pro' I'd like to see every single one of them hurled into a furnace, turned into molten plastic and then poured down the throat of whoever it is at Sideshow thinks it's okay to sell us a rag doll of a muscly arthiritic - a doll that needs replacing if you want it to look halfway decent. Sideshow stink. They've stunk since at least 2005. That's all there is to it. They stink because they have contempt for their consumers.

The Pro is basically a note to everyone who buys it that says, 'thanks for the money, we think you're a ^^^^.

Yeah, but how do you really feel?
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i honestly don't understand some of the complaints here. yeah we all know the prometheus is not perfect, but is it better than the buck? we've been complaining for years for ss to change their body and they did. . . and now we're complaining that they should go back to the drawing board again.

yes there are flaws, but i like it better than the buck. if ss fixes some of the loose joint issues it's good enough for me. i loved the volks body and spent a good fortune on them before the pro came out. if the joints were much tighter i don't think there would be that many complaints.

further, bodies are continually being developed by other companies and will change. are we gonna have an annual "use this design", "no, no use this design by x company"? yeah hot toys has the best body right now, but what happens when another company comes out with another good body, will this discussion migrate over to the hot toys fan forum for them to upgrade their body?

sideshow might not be the king of 1/6th but for their pricing, the licenses they have, and the various busts, maquettes, pfs, etc. they are pretty decent compared to some of the other manufacturers.