Prediction: Sideshow Hulk Comiquette By Ariel Olivetti !!!!!

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Cold Slither
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Confirmed !!!! : Sideshow Hulk Comiquette By Ariel Olivetti !!!!!

its a done deal !!!!! Ariel Olivetti sent artwork from an upcoming statue to a Famous Hulk site.Since we know Ariel is now an associate of Sideshow and producing art print for them,I think its just a matter of time before we see it now...

Check the artwork and the poses here (latest updates part):

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<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>i like both concepts, i can roll with either make it happen

They're both cool but I like the first pic the most seems more dynamic.
They're both cool but I like the first pic the most seems more dynamic.

yea i agree, the hands over head smash pose reminds me of the BD sculpt so i would slightly lean towards the 1st pic myself.
The first sketch looks a bit like the Hulk vs. Spidey and the 2nd looks way to close to the Bowen Hulk. I would rather have something more museum like.
I think I prefer the second sketch. Damn it would he hard to resist 1/4 scale Hulk even with owning the Green/Grey ones.
Personnally the first artwork dont do it for me..Hulk shouldnt crouch....I know the second pose is exactly like the Bowen Smackdown Hulk, but imagine this in 1/4 scale...:rock..I'd buy it in an instant.
If they released the smackdown art as a 1/4 statue,I would have no choice to buy the 1/4 Sideshow Hulkbuster comiquette too !!!

* masturbates *
Personnally the first artwork dont do it for me..Hulk shouldnt crouch....I know the second pose is exactly like the Bowen Smackdown Hulk, but imagine this in 1/4 scale...:rock..I'd buy it in an instant.

I like the first sketch more, but I think the second sketch would translate into a "nicer looking" 1/4 piece. Plus, I think the second pose strays from the normal crouching position that many of the Sideshow 1:4 pieces have.
i might be alone on this, but i always wanted a hulk statue of him doing the jump clap. i dont know if that makes sense, but think marvel vs capcom 2.
dont like the first... second has been done .... keep sketching .... :monkey1
first one looks too "emotional" to me, for lack of better words.
the only emotion Hulk should be shown depicting is anger/rage, and that piece doesnt convey either IMO..... looks like he's doing the Darth Vader "NOOOOOO!!!" :monkey1