Optibotimus Reviews: Hot Toys Iron Man Hall of Armor

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First, to correct you. My "name" is Optibotimus.

You could potentially cut new plexiglass if you wanted. However, it wouldn't fit into the grove sections on the bottom where the blue lights come from. The plexiglass they provide fits just about perfectly into that slot. I don't believe the angle matters in having the hologram details show up. In the instructions provided, they show the plexiglass piece being vertical.

As i said, i tried a couple different things to see if it would work and i couldn't figure it out. Hopefully if someone does, they'll let me know. I'd appreciate it.

Optibotimus (Got it right this time :monkey3)... the plexi is meant to fall back (like it did in your video, & not by accident) and (probably) held-up by the light protrusion on top... like shown in the pic below:
Optibotimus (Got it right this time :monkey3)... the plexi is meant to fall back (like it did in your video, & not by accident) and (probably) held-up by the light protrusion on top... like shown in the pic below:

I'll have to try that out. Thank you. But that still doesn't help explain why i have a total of 21 of the "stickers" lol unless they literally screwed up and sent me 3 sets. Each set has 7 stickers in it, presumably making up the MK I-VII.
I guess I'm trying to figure out are we just very excited to get a HOA diorama, and not paying attention to quality of the product?

I think for what they are, they are nice quality especially seeing Optibotimus' review video. I think the price pain is relative to the price you have in the mark armors. I have less than $200 on average per figure in all of the mark 1-7 armors.

If somebody started collecting over the last 1-2 years you could be seeing an average above $350+ to get all of the armors 1-7. That's a significant difference of 1400 vs almost 2500, then tag on the cost of the hall of armor. When you start spending that kind of cash for over a $3,000 USD one would tend to scrutinize and expect more out of the set.

But as it has been touched on today, the cheapest you could produce these for casting isn't that much cheaper than the HT pricing per bay.

When I look at my cost for the addition of the hall, I am very excited and ready to get this thing, cause I am looking at adding a complex base to each figure for less than $75 USD bucks per suit. (my cost for the hall per armor bay)

Even at $110 USD per bay I would be ok with having just over $300 USD invested per mark suit with a hall of armor bay given today's pricing. (sadly) The cool factor of having all 7 and the Tony Stark in front of it will be amazingly off the charts.

Bottom line, whatever prices collectors have invested in their suits is definitely going to factor in on their view and opinion on these HOA bays. Which is very understandable.
I'll have to try that out. Thank you. But that still doesn't help explain why i have a total of 21 of the "stickers" lol unless they literally screwed up and sent me 3 sets. Each set has 7 stickers in it, presumably making up the MK I-VII.

It was advert/sold as such... so you'll have extra stickers, Set 7 has 3 sets of "stickers" = 21.

Set 4 has 2 sets of "stickers" = 14.

1 HOA has 1 set (consisting of 7)....

So the additional cost somewhat goes to the stickers.... if you buy 7 single unit of HOA you'll get "49 stickers"... instead of 21....

The extra stickers could be sold off to other manufacturers (customisers) of HOA... through lighting it might be problematic (even for HT's)

Extra side panels could be sold off as well... with the "Set 7".... you'll have extra 6 pieces to sell off... (and get back more money from the initial large investment)
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I'll have to try that out. Thank you. But that still doesn't help explain why i have a total of 21 of the "stickers" lol unless they literally screwed up and sent me 3 sets. Each set has 7 stickers in it, presumably making up the MK I-VII.
It's just how it's set up.

If you buy 1 HoA, you get 1 set of stickers. If you buy the set of 4, you get 2 set of stickers and if you buy the set of 7, you get 3 set of stickers.

You basically pick up the set of stickers from the previous "level". I think they did that so that if you mess up applying it, you have extras.
Thanks for the review Optibotimus ! Can't wait to get my set of 7 now!
It would have been nice for HT to have included 2 plexiglass windows for each unit; that way, you could keep one clear and have one with the hologram clings applied for alternate display, without any peeling off/reapplying needed. I can't imagine that would have increased the cost by much, but would have made display changes easier. I do like that they included extra sets of clings with the set of 7, so if one set wears out from switching you have replacement sets available.
Nice review but kinda disingenuous to talk about other guys complaining about pricing IF your set was subsidized by Sideshow. If you paid full price, I stand corrected and I apologize for any perceived accusation. But if they did afford you a set that came at a discount, you should refrain from slamming guys who think their hard earned cash may not be well spent on a box...a really fancy box but a box none the less.

I really wanted to buy these and I still might but even with the thorough and informative review, I failed to see how these warrant such a high price tag.

Just my $.02
It's just how it's set up.

If you buy 1 HoA, you get 1 set of stickers. If you buy the set of 4, you get 2 set of stickers and if you buy the set of 7, you get 3 set of stickers.

You basically pick up the set of stickers from the previous "level". I think they did that so that if you mess up applying it, you have extras.

Or you have spares so you can put them elsewhere....
You know what this means, right?
You'll know everyone who is in the "I bought a pack of seven HOA" club when you see their car coming at you and it has seven Iron Man holograms on the windscreen.
No once you put them together its permanent unfortunately, which makes reselling them impossible...


Unless you're being sarcastic... It can be assembled and dis-assembled easily...expanded at the sides .. limited to the Amperage of the power adapter if you so choose to use it. used "stickers would be difficult to recover, then again you don't need to... just stuck the sticker on new plexi (independently cut/purchased) instead...
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Good review, but just to clarify a couple of things:

Someone above suggested that assembly was permanent. Not at all; you can easily take it apart and put these back in their boxes.

The hologram clings show up bright and clear in the blue light. I'm not sure why he couldn't see it. The photo here isn't the best, but you can see how the effect shows up clearly.

Also, you can run the base light for all connected bases on one set of AAA batteries. In this photo, all the base lights are powered off of the batteries from the fourth base; the other three are empty.
At $75 each these are a no brainer. At $120+ each its something to think about. Congrats to everyone who pickeditup.

I think for what they are, they are nice quality especially seeing Optibotimus' review video. I think the price pain is relative to the price you have in the mark armors. I have less than $200 on average per figure in all of the mark 1-7 armors.

If somebody started collecting over the last 1-2 years you could be seeing an average above $350+ to get all of the armors 1-7. That's a significant difference of 1400 vs almost 2500, then tag on the cost of the hall of armor. When you start spending that kind of cash for over a $3,000 USD one would tend to scrutinize and expect more out of the set.

But as it has been touched on today, the cheapest you could produce these for casting isn't that much cheaper than the HT pricing per bay.

When I look at my cost for the addition of the hall, I am very excited and ready to get this thing, cause I am looking at adding a complex base to each figure for less than $75 USD bucks per suit. (my cost for the hall per armor bay)

Even at $110 USD per bay I would be ok with having just over $300 USD invested per mark suit with a hall of armor bay given today's pricing. (sadly) The cool factor of having all 7 and the Tony Stark in front of it will be amazingly off the charts.

Bottom line, whatever prices collectors have invested in their suits is definitely going to factor in on their view and opinion on these HOA bays. Which is very understandable.
WOW no way I would pay more than €50 a piece, they are just plastic, not worth the price they are asking for.