OK...I'll say it...ENOUGH WITH THE JEDI!

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I think what Sideshow is doing right now is pretty smart. I mean... it's a hard thing to juggle between Original Trilogy and Prequels. And even with the Original Trilogy, each film needs its own special attention.

Right now it looks as if they group them up by themes and the heaviest ones right now are prequel Jedi and Jabba's Palace (Bespin Han and Luke can even fit into Jabba's palace).

I also like that they've given us some strong characters to use as a foundation for the more miscellaneous of characters. would you have bought kit fisto if you didn't have anakin and/or mace? or would you buy bib fortuna if jabba wasn't available?.

Sideshow is taking advantage of the audience that is already buying their product and another Jedi like Plo Koon will fit in quite well with what we already have.

I'm sure when an Ep4 Luke is announced, a sand person will follow closely after. And when Ep4 Han is announced, Greedo too. So on so forth.

That's the game sideshow is playing. They're not gonna please everyone but they'll get around to everyone eventually.

Right now for every 10 heavy hitters, they'r giving us 5 benchwarmers. That sounds like a decent plan to me.
Darth Loki said:

This is the first Jedi announcement since MARCH!!!!!! It's been almost half a year since the last Jedi was announced.

It just seems like a lot of Jedi are coming because we are starting to receive the Jedi that were ordered earlier in the year. So please stop the whining and crying about too many Jedi because we've had 2 Sith, 3 Scum and Viliany (counting Salacious, not counting the Throne), and a Hero since the last Jedi anouncement. Get over yourselves already.

Ha! :rotfl Ridiculous. :lol

Yeah, I agree with Coheteboy. Look at all the possible themes we've got halfway complete with the announcements so far:

-Jabba's Palace (ep6 - Han, Luke, Leia, Jabba, Bib Fortuna)
-Arrest of Palpatine (ep3 - Mace, Anakin, Kit Fisto)
-Mustafar Duel (ep3 Obi Wan, SDCC Anakin)
-Qui Gon and Maul Tatooine duel (ep1 - Qui Gon, Maul, duh)
-Arena Battle (ep2 - Mace, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon)

Some overlap there of course, but there does seem to be method to the madness. I hope to see these themes filled out some more with:

-Arena Battle Padme
-Ep2 Obi Wan
-Skiff Guard Disguise Lando
-Ep6 Boba Fett
-Count Dooku
-Jango Fett
DekeStarkiller said:
Uh yeah, I guess I am too old to be into the Jedi that much...

What does age have to do with it?

I haven't bought all the Jedi, passing on Plo and Kit, but I've loved the other announcements. Still, we need to see some Stormtroopers (OT&PT) soon. And Vader.

However, I think these complaints are a bit silly at this point, since most of the major Jedi have been done (except Ben!) and we just got a few OT non-Jedi pre-orders a month ago.
I don't mind because it gives me time to save more funds! I'm not into as much of the PT, in fact exept for Dooku and MAYBE a Clone, I'm done with PT since I got Vader and Obi and Maul. Plus for all OT purists I think once Plo hits we'll still be hurting over Jabba so I say it's a nice break, I mean Bib, Jabba and all his stuff, and Leia, that's alot of OT in a row, I can due with a breather. It is hard to wait to hear about a new OT non-Jedi though, I can understand the frustration.
Like I said in the other thread, I'm more of a OT fan. OT characters are more than welcome to me. PT Jedi are fine, but people with a other preferences should have a moment of joy also. Even though I'm going to buy Plo Koon (and every other Jedi SSC releases), after seven brown robes, a little more variation is highly appreciated! If SSC keeps on announcing the PT jedi at this speed, they are going to run out of jedi soon.
Now, some board members pointed out that it's important that SSC takes enough time to do the armored characters, so they turn out right. I completely agree. But, is it really necessary to fill the time in between with jedi? Like there are no other and even more interesting characters to find in the Star Wars universe. There are more then enough to choose from, and that is also a reason why I hope SSC will wait a very long time before they start bringing out variations of the same characters. In fact, I wouldn't be sad if they never did variations of the same character, excepting special occasions like the Anakin SDCC, which I thought was a great coup.
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I agree 100%. I like the jedi but give me some characters that actually speak and move the plot along.
I think Boba Fett is on his way. The reason being, they already have the costume down for the PF figure. The armor pieces would have to be shrunk of course, but I think he's coming. And I'm all for it. :)
I can relate as a fan that wants figs other than just Jedi - I love the choices we have gotten so far. If doing the easier-to-make human characters is SS's way of getting an easy turnaround on the license early on so that they gear up for heavy-hitters, I am all for it.

As long as we get Vader, Stormtroopers, Biker Scouts next year, I am cool with the wait. I do not want the sculpts off at all - so I'll be patient.

I do understand frustration with the characters so far: with a universe built on aliens, droids and humans, the line has been very one-sides so far, with the exception of Jabba - all other characters have been humanoid.

I do hope to see an incredible C-3P0 from SS - hopefully in PF though!
pickard said:
What does age have to do with it?

I haven't bought all the Jedi, passing on Plo and Kit, but I've loved the other announcements. Still, we need to see some Stormtroopers (OT&PT) soon. And Vader.

However, I think these complaints are a bit silly at this point, since most of the major Jedi have been done (except Ben!) and we just got a few OT non-Jedi pre-orders a month ago.

I just feel that there is a bit of a gap between younger fans and older fans. Me being older I am more interested in OT (and I am not a purist, I love the PT almost as much as the OT) figures where as younger guys may really be into PT Jedis and such. I wasn't "b!tching" or "whining" I just would love to see more OT characters plain and simple. I am all for waiting for the armored characters to be right and I think Boushh is a step in the right direction. Also where is my Lando? :confused:

I'm not upset about the abundance of Jedi, and as Loki said... it has been a little while since the last Jedi announcement. We got Jabba, Leia, Bib and now Plo. So, by that assumption we have gotten some major OT love. But I agree, we DO need more of the central characters. Lando, Fett, Vader.... And we will.

I believe it is as King said earlier....SSC has a plan. To pay for the pricey SW license, they will release a few figs that are similiar and a little easier to produce until they have a good foothold. And they might also want to do as many of the Jedi to try and nearly finish that line before focusing on the Military, Heroes and Scum lines. Who knows? But I do think they have a plan.

Either way I just want it to be known that I am a young guy (25) and I love the OT better than the PT, but still enjoy the great tapestry that is the Saga. My two favorite films are Empire and Sith, but I agree.... the best characters were in the OT. In the PT, Obi-Wan had them all beat.... short of Palps. :D
Darth Loki said:

This is the first Jedi announcement since MARCH!!!!!! It's been almost half a year since the last Jedi was announced.

It just seems like a lot of Jedi are coming because we are starting to receive the Jedi that were ordered earlier in the year. So please stop the whining and crying about too many Jedi because we've had 2 Sith, 3 Scum and Viliany (counting Salacious, not counting the Throne), and a Hero since the last Jedi anouncement. Get over yourselves already.

No *****, thanks for pointing that out.,

People fail to see that the last 3 figures were OT figures from JEDI!!!!!!! One of them being friggin HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
No *****, thanks for pointing that out.,

People fail to see that the last 3 figures were OT figures from JEDI!!!!!!! One of them being friggin HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huge and perhaps to expensive for some collectors? And I'm not mentioning the $200 for the throne. Oops, I AM mentioning the $200 for the throne... Yes perhaps the throne is not really essential, but, I bet Jabba looks so much nicer on his throne, than on top of a television set, right?
But hey! What am I *****ing about! I guess everything I wanted to be out, has been said in this thread. The good, AND the bad. Glad Magic Giraffe started it! Some very interesting opinions and theories where launched.
Darth Loki said:

This is the first Jedi announcement since MARCH!!!!!! It's been almost half a year since the last Jedi was announced.

It just seems like a lot of Jedi are coming because we are starting to receive the Jedi that were ordered earlier in the year. So please stop the whining and crying about too many Jedi because we've had 2 Sith, 3 Scum and Viliany (counting Salacious, not counting the Throne), and a Hero since the last Jedi anouncement. Get over yourselves already.

For the record, some of us aren't whining and crying about the Jedi. Personally, I feel it's time to see more variety of characters. Sideshow certainly got off to a great start with Jabba, Leia Boushh, and Bib Fortuna. But the SW universe goes far beyond just Jedi vs. Sith. The Heroes of the Rebellion line has been shortchanged thus far with only two figures where the Order of the Jedi line already has six figures (soon to be seven).

Believe it or not, there are some of us who would like to see more diversity in the line, and I highly doubt that expressing that opinion could be construed as "whining and crying"

And BTW, Salacious Crumb is part of an expansion pack, so I can't really see how you've included him as one of the main Scum and Villainy line.

Perhaps we are not the ones who need to get over ourselves. 'Nuff said.
Sith Lord 0498 said:
For the record, some of us aren't whining and crying about the Jedi. Personally, I feel it's time to see more variety of characters. Sideshow certainly got off to a great start with Jabba, Leia Boushh, and Bib Fortuna. But the SW universe goes far beyond just Jedi vs. Sith. The Heroes of the Rebellion line has been shortchanged thus far with only two figures where the Order of the Jedi line already has six figures (soon to be seven).

Believe it or not, there are some of us who would like to see more diversity in the line, and I highly doubt that expressing that opinion could be construed as "whining and crying"

And BTW, Salacious Crumb is part of an expansion pack, so I can't really see how you've included him as one of the main Scum and Villainy line.

Perhaps we are not the ones who need to get over ourselves. 'Nuff said.

You call statements like "ENOUGH WITH THE JEDI" just expressing an opinon. To me it sounds like whining. There is a more constructive way to voice an opinion rather than to call for the end of figures many of us like and want more of. The title of this thread does sound like whining and complaining rather than a constructive thought.

How about requesting the other lines get stepped up and moving rather than asking for no more Jedi....a line for which I am very excited.
I have no problem with another Jedi, mainly because I firmly believe production is underway for armored characters, for which I hope they take their time. If Vader, clones or Fetts come out less than spectacular the cries of fury will shake the entire internet.
We got a huge surprise for SDCC, and next year is the big 30th anniversary of ANH. Does anyone really not expect a huge offering of Episode IV stuff?
I could be wrong but I expect next year to be as OT heavy as this year has been PT heavy.
DekeStarkiller said:
You are probably right DA about SS plans. Also good choice on movies you old Codger. :D

Thanks DS.... :lol

I DO think that this coming year will be full of OT love... Besides, they are running out of important Jedi. It would be nice to have a few "main" characters first. Lando, Palpatine, Yoda, Old Ben, Boba, Darth, and hopefully a trooper or two. But, who knows?

All we can do is sit back and cross our fingers when the next announcement comes down the pipe. There is almost no reason to fret about it. They will get to the characters we want. And no matter what route you take, SOMEONE will be upset and wish they were putting out what they wanted.

I'm happy with the lack of main characters simply because it gives my wallet time to catch up. :D