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I'm pissed that there haven't been any good POs throughout the entire damn Con

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
So I've been all over the internet searching for pics from different collectible companies and basically what I've found is

Sideshow - Did reveals and announcements all the way up to preview night including the very special Annoucnements of Pinhead that was long Sought After and Batgirl which was unexpected but once the Con was in full swing just let us sit with what we had even though we were told it would run through the con....I don't know how you guys feel but I"m excited for the new prospects but also a little let down as I thought there'd be more.

HT - I saw some new and interesting things from HT but I'm not a 1/6th figure collector so someone else can expound if they like.

PCS - Only one new reveal, The He-man Bust which I think looks fantastic and honestly if that's how the 1/4 scale looked I may have been tempted to buy it even though my he-man fascination died back in the late 80's. I've also heard this wasn't really PCS's fault as they got screwed out of space.

DC Collectibles - Nothing really new that I saw, feel free to correct me but we'd seen everything they had to offer weeks before.

Kotobukiya - They had some new pieces but nothing that really wowed me. I was actually surprised because I thought they'd be expanding on a few of their lines. Although the Arkham Knight announcement is interesting.

ECC - Had some great offerings but nothing that is in my buy list. I think the need more Licenses to be honest.

Tweeterhead - Loved the Batman and Elivra showings but was a little disappointed with the pricing. To be honest if I'm going to buy 1/6th scale statues $300 just isn't a good price for me no matter how good the pieces look.

Overall I'm left excited for somethings but still a bit disappointed even with two days of the Con left.

Man, I just finished writing this and I came back to the top to say, sorry this is so long! I tend to write novels for responses :lol That said, I hear exactly what you're saying about the disappointment on the Sideshow front, but I think that will pass fairly quick. The reason being, as you said, they announced so much leading into it, and also had a few surprises on hand at the show that nobody knew were even going to be there. They also had loads of Court of the Dead, and other things as well.

I think we just always want things that WE'LL want, so if they reveal an entire hall of Court of the Dead, like they did, and that's not really a line you want to delve into fully...well, then that's about eight statues that go right off the list. You're a DC man, and they didn't really have much on that front in terms of 1/4th this year. They had the Batman Returns, but nothing new and out of left that's likely where the main disappointment is.

I think we all want to leave an event like this going, "Wow, there's a handful of things that I want and I need to make choices because there's so much!" That clearly didn't happen for you this year, and I'm sure there are others who feel the same. I didn't expect much to appear at the show, but I was always waiting for a "Preview" during the month of "Coming Soon" teases of a new Alien LSB to go with the ones they announced last year. Or a Wolf/Predalien...alas, nothing. Days would go by and a lot were filled with Court of the Dead or various Star Wars pieces. Granted, Star Wars is my favourite movie! But I'm not overly excited about generic Vader or C3PO...I'd prefer they announced a new Mythos line!

So yeah, for many, Sideshow kind of had a more laid back year at SDCC; but they've also been announcing things out of the arse for quite a while now. It's probably good that many just got to see actual versions of the PFs they showed over even more new stuff. There's almost an overload of things at the moment and on deck! But again...if none of those interest you, then you're left waiting for something to grab you. Like Two-Face! :)

Quickly touching on other areas...I think Hot Toys stole the show this year. They REALLY showed up with some heavy hitters (no Back to the Future pun intended!) Powerloader Ripley blew me away, and with the new sculpt they just revealed in Hong Kong...I cannot wait for that to come up for order! So for me, I'm content with how the show went! If you're not into Hot Toys, then that was a big chunk of the show that really delivered that doesn't affect you.

On the Kotobukiya front, again, another Star Wars piece would've been great! A drawing of an upcoming Slave Leia or Padme would've been fantastic! On the DC front, a new Catwoman or re-release would've been perfect (or should I say purrfect? Man, these are lame and accidental :) ) But all that said, Jubilee looks amazing (she wasn't at the show for some reason, but they showed her on the Facebook page) and is a definite order for me come January.

All in all, I loved what Hot Toys brought, and I've got more than enough to tide me over heading into next year -- and that's without whatever Sideshow is almost guaranteed to announce before year end. Sorry the show was a bit disappointing for you. I'm sure you're not alone. This was definitely the year of the Hot Toys it seems, but don't worry...DC looks to be coming on strong in the coming years -- especially with Dawn of Justice ;)

I hope they come out with something that makes me PO day 1.
Man, I just finished writing this and I came back to the top to say, sorry this is so long! I tend to write novels for responses :lol That said, I hear exactly what you're saying about the disappointment on the Sideshow front, but I think that will pass fairly quick. The reason being, as you said, they announced so much leading into it, and also had a few surprises on hand at the show that nobody knew were even going to be there. They also had loads of Court of the Dead, and other things as well.

I think we just always want things that WE'LL want, so if they reveal an entire hall of Court of the Dead, like they did, and that's not really a line you want to delve into fully...well, then that's about eight statues that go right off the list. You're a DC man, and they didn't really have much on that front in terms of 1/4th this year. They had the Batman Returns, but nothing new and out of left that's likely where the main disappointment is.

I think we all want to leave an event like this going, "Wow, there's a handful of things that I want and I need to make choices because there's so much!" That clearly didn't happen for you this year, and I'm sure there are others who feel the same. I didn't expect much to appear at the show, but I was always waiting for a "Preview" during the month of "Coming Soon" teases of a new Alien LSB to go with the ones they announced last year. Or a Wolf/Predalien...alas, nothing. Days would go by and a lot were filled with Court of the Dead or various Star Wars pieces. Granted, Star Wars is my favourite movie! But I'm not overly excited about generic Vader or C3PO...I'd prefer they announced a new Mythos line!

So yeah, for many, Sideshow kind of had a more laid back year at SDCC; but they've also been announcing things out of the arse for quite a while now. It's probably good that many just got to see actual versions of the PFs they showed over even more new stuff. There's almost an overload of things at the moment and on deck! But again...if none of those interest you, then you're left waiting for something to grab you. Like Two-Face! :)

Quickly touching on other areas...I think Hot Toys stole the show this year. They REALLY showed up with some heavy hitters (no Back to the Future pun intended!) Powerloader Ripley blew me away, and with the new sculpt they just revealed in Hong Kong...I cannot wait for that to come up for order! So for me, I'm content with how the show went! If you're not into Hot Toys, then that was a big chunk of the show that really delivered that doesn't affect you.

On the Kotobukiya front, again, another Star Wars piece would've been great! A drawing of an upcoming Slave Leia or Padme would've been fantastic! On the DC front, a new Catwoman or re-release would've been perfect (or should I say purrfect? Man, these are lame and accidental :) ) But all that said, Jubilee looks amazing (she wasn't at the show for some reason, but they showed her on the Facebook page) and is a definite order for me come January.

All in all, I loved what Hot Toys brought, and I've got more than enough to tide me over heading into next year -- and that's without whatever Sideshow is almost guaranteed to announce before year end. Sorry the show was a bit disappointing for you. I'm sure you're not alone. This was definitely the year of the Hot Toys it seems, but don't worry...DC looks to be coming on strong in the coming years -- especially with Dawn of Justice ;)

I surprised myself by reading the entire thing. Normally you'd get a "Did not read"--instead I give you a "Well said" and tip my imaginary hat to you.
I'm pissed that there haven't been any good POs throughout the entire damn Con
After first night excitement and pictures there's been absolutely nothing to keep the interest.
They should of kept the recently teased stuff under wraps and revealed a new piece each day.
A pre-order each day would of also added to the 'at home' Comic Con experience.
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After Wetas Smaug and Balrog I'm almost happy that SS had nothing that I "needed" to have. Although the Court of the Dead line looked great and is very tempting. With all of the previews in the past 30-60 days I would have thought there would have been at least one or two PO's go up during the con.

When the heck is the damn HT '66 Batmobile going up for order?! :gah:
After first night excitement and pictures there's been absolutely nothing to keep the interest.
They should of kept the recently teased stuff under wraps and revealed a new piece each day.
A pre-order each day would of also added to the 'at home' Comic Con experience.
I'm totally in accord with you on that one. Last year made that feeling last, that "at home" experience. Really sucks. I think the only thing that went up was the Angelina Jolie doll lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
After first night excitement and pictures there's been absolutely nothing to keep the interest.
They should of kept the recently teased stuff under wraps and revealed a new piece each day.
A pre-order each day would of also added to the 'at home' Comic Con experience.

I think that's the issue. I'm basically seeing Two must haves and three maybe's. One of the Maybes went up for PO before the con but, it's a maybe and My PO trigger is itchy :lol It basically sucks knowing I'm going to have to wait, possibly months, to order these and also knowing that for the next two days I'm just waiting for SDCC panels to end to get movie and tv news as Collectible news is pretty much over.
Put 'Zilla up for pre-order now, at $500...

Best CC ever! :yess:

They really should of kept something back for a surprise. Imagine if they didn't tease GZ and he was just stood there :thud:
I think that's the issue. I'm basically seeing Two must haves and three maybe's. One of the Maybes went up for PO before the con but, it's a maybe and My PO trigger is itchy :lol It basically sucks knowing I'm going to have to wait, possibly months, to order these and also knowing that for the next two days I'm just waiting for SDCC panels to end to get movie and tv news as Collectible news is pretty much over.
Lmfao I've added two things to my cart then took them out immediately. I've done it every single day for the last 3 damn days lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Put 'Zilla up for pre-order now, at $500...

Best CC ever! :yess:

They really should of kept something back for a surprise. Imagine if they didn't tease GZ and he was just stood there :thud:
Bro I think we're all in that boat. Too much at one time and now it feels like a sham

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
After first night excitement and pictures there's been absolutely nothing to keep the interest.
They should of kept the recently teased stuff under wraps and revealed a new piece each day.
A pre-order each day would of also added to the 'at home' Comic Con experience.

What happened to the good old days when SS made SDCC a real event on their site with daily reveals, giveaways, chat, n real time cam.