NTT Jaws Bruce Maquette By Mike Schultz

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Shouldn't you get a mailing address when the sale is done? Not to just have a potential buyer have to give out personal information before hand? When I joined any other site that sells a product, I usually give the mailing info when I actually purchase something from them. Not before hand.

But.... Listen, if this is the way that you want to do business, then all of the best to you. You're in charge of your product and you only see what you want too. I had a few legitimate questions, which you seem to tap dance around the answers too, and that's fine. You answered them the best way that you could.

I truly would of loved to order one of these. I hope that you change your mind and really look at your selling procedure.

All the best.

As I said earlier......sounds like you have commitment issues. The term you use to describe yourself as a "potential buyer" and your words, "when I actually purchase something", are tell tale signs that you have little to no intention of actually purchasing anything. If this is the best reason you can offer up for not wanting to acquire the most incredible Bruce the Shark maquette ever produced then I have to ask......"just how serious are you in wanting one?"

And besides, who's tap dancing.......not me, and certainly not "captquint". Just because you are dissatisfied with the answer you received doesn't mean we are "tap dancing" here.......which only leaves you on the virtual dance floor.

Lastly, your closing statement "I truly would of loved to order one of these. I hope that you change your mind and really look at your selling procedure."........really???, then go to Operation Orca like everyone's been saying, email Fred, fill out the survey and info and put your money where your mouth is. Wanting someone else to change their methods to suit you is pointless and selfish especially when there are dozens of other diehard JAWS fans lining up at the door clamoring to get hold of one of these maquettes. Kindly step aside and let the next person in line, who truly wants one, have a go at it for their collection.:slap
Well, simply put, the NTT is not for everyone. Especially, for people who doesn't really know what they are talking about, APPRECIATE people's work and good things in life.
Shouldn't you get a mailing address when the sale is done? Not to just have a potential buyer have to give out personal information before hand? When I joined any other site that sells a product, I usually give the mailing info when I actually purchase something from them. Not before hand.

Well that's one forum and this is another. Would be quite the boring cyber world if every forum was exactly the same and followed the same protocol.

But.... Listen, if this is the way that you want to do business, then all of the best to you. You're in charge of your product and you only see what you want too. I had a few legitimate questions, which you seem to tap dance around the answers too, and that's fine. You answered them the best way that you could.

True Doc. However, I'd say the answers were delivered in plain English and are on the wall if anyone is interested. Can't see how it can be relayed any simpler than that. Also, can't see how you can equate it to tap dancing. Although if you walk into a car dealership you'll surely get lots of tap dancing...yet for some reason cars still sell. Really depends if the customer is interested in doing the dance or waltzing out without a car.

I truly would of loved to order one of these. I hope that you change your mind and really look at your selling procedure.

Procedure is working fine. Like they say...don't fix it if it ain't broke. Still a few sharks in the queue I of them could still have your name on it.

All the best.

best to ye too Doc :drink
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Mixing your questions within the context of slanderous

Here is Merriam-Webster's definition of slander....

Main Entry: slander
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclaundre, slaundre, from Anglo-French esclandre, alteration of escandle, from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, offense — more at scandal
Date: 14th century
1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation
2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person — compare libel

I'm sorry, but I didn't write anything that is a false charge of misrepresentation. You are a stranger to myself and other collector's. You have a fan forum that is blocked from the public and that you have to send personal info too just to see what to order & info on this and you do run the site from Beijing China. All facts. Nothing false or defamatory.

Unless you believe that there is something wrong with asking legit questions?

I'm sorry if my questions got you worked up Reevefan78. But wouldn't you agree that a person who would be shelling out their hard earned money to a total stranger should ask some legit questions?

In fact, now that I think about it I had to give out personal information just to join this forum........and I would imagine you did too! I didn't have to give out my mailing address & phone number to join here.

f memory serves me correctly (and I think it does) I had to fill out mailing information and pay in full prior to receiving my Sideshow Bruce what's your point?

I'm sure that you did send out that mailing info for that pre-order. My point is, and the difference is that you also sent your payment, along with your mailing info to buy to a company who's web site is not hidden from the public, for some reason. And you didn't have to give that information out just to see it on their web site before you decided to purchase it.

Sounds to me like you may have commitment issues. If someone is going to commit to spending time in their life (time I might add that they will NEVER get back, time away from his Wife and Children) working on a hand made specially commissioned maquette for you (a complete stranger to him) don't you think you can reciprocate and show some commitment by giving them a mailing address so that it's sent to you and not someone else?

Sure, if I paid for it, then I would send him my mailing address. I still don't understand why he would need that just to look and read about it on a fan forum.

And believe me, I don't have commitment issues. Lol, I'm wondering why that question was pulled out of the air? I'm sure that this Mike guy worked very hard on it and I would imagine, after all of the hard work that he put into this great piece and all of the time that he spent away from his wife & children, then he would want the most sales possible for this, and not have the ordering info on some hidden fan forum in a "qualified buyers only" section on the site? Wouldn't you think that he would want the most sales possible? Then why hide it?

Well, simply put, the NTT is not for everyone. Especially, for people who doesn't really know what they are talking about, APPRECIATE people's work and good things in life.

thx217, please take a close look at all of my past posts. Never did I write that Mike's art work was not appreciated. He did a great job on this and it really is a work of art. So please don't turn my legit questions into something else.

Originally Posted by Doc Brown
Shouldn't you get a mailing address when the sale is done? Not to just have a potential buyer have to give out personal information before hand? When I joined any other site that sells a product, I usually give the mailing info when I actually purchase something from them. Not before hand.

Well that's one forum and this is another. Would be quite the boring cyber world if every forum was exactly the same and followed the same protocol.

If that is your answer, finally, to my question, on why you would need my personal mailing address & phone number just to go on to a hidden fan forum to only look at the info on ordering, then... sorry captquint. I disagree. Not in this day of identity theft. You should seriously take a step back and look at your protocol on ordering this.

Procedure is working fine. Like they say...don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Okay then. As I wrote before,

all the best.
Geez, what a catch up on all this.

Since this thread has turned into nothing but a back and forth about ordering procedures of this unlicensed and bootleg item I will lock this thread.

All the information is still available in earlier pages if anyone needs it but as it has been mentioned, we are not here to promote the sale of such items so enough is enough.
x :peace
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