Non-attendee Mort PPO - Collectors, start your engines!

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Thanks furystorm! :D

Thanks IrishJedi and Jen for offering to help me out! :D I will take another if one of you wants to sell, or just pass them on to other freaks in need! :D

Heck yeah! If there is anyone who ordered but decides they don't want to keep theirs, I'd love to buy a second Mort too! But only as long as their are no other Freaks In Need(TM).
Feel pretty lucky on this one... allday we had IT problems at work. 30 minutes before the PPO their was no internet, luckily about 15 minutes before the start it came back :rock
If anyone can help out with Mort, I'd greatly appreciate it...

Hopefully, you will both be able to find a way to get one. There have been a few people who ordered from the attendee allotment who aren't planning to keep theirs. Or, if you got on the wait list quickly enough, you may stand a good chance of converting.

Those were tears for wasted stress man! :lol My order was in at 10am. You guys made this sound a hell of a lot harder than it was. I just feel bad for the people you really worked up. It would've been interesting to have everyone here take a BP test at 9:50am. I, for one, was shaking like a friggin' heroine addict going through withdrawl. :rotfl

As for the Wait List, good luck to whoever uses it. Pray for one of the larger spots on the dartboard! :p
I have high hopes for wait list conversion. There should be a lot considering it's not really a licensed product, nor is it in a popular format.