No SS armored Characters for the next few years?

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For those of you that were lucky enough to snag a Mace exclusive, I was not ,nor have I seen one. How well rendered is the Jango helmet? What I'm asking I guess is would you be happy if that were THE Jango sculpt on a 12" Sideshow Jango? Or was it a "quick" sculpt with out much attention to detail?

As far as Sideshow not capable of producing armored figures, I'm confused. I'm looking at the pictures of the PF Boba Fett, and in my opinion, isn't that an armored figure? Granted it's not an on a 12" body, with 30 points of articulation. But if they were to reduce the molds couldn't all the armor be used for a 12" figure? I'm also thinking that the same could be said for the VADER Pf. Granted these are not full armored figures like say a Storm Trooper , but nonetheless they could technically make these relatively sooner than expected.
jlcmsu said:
I think they'll be equally as good as what Medicom is doing and I think some of the Medi World folks seem to think they're perfect so there ya go.

I can only speak for my own opinion Josh and I certainly don't think all of the Medicom figures are perfect.

I initially expressed disapointment when pictures of the SM3 figures were first unveiled and also created a thread on Medi World called "post the things you don't like about Medicom". Which a number of our users posted in.

I'm surprised you'd be so generalising in your opinion of a group of ninety or so users based on the "supposed" opinions of two or three to be honest.

Still you're entitled to your opinion, I've given mine on this subject and intend to move on.

I'd decided to abandon the SW line for now until they started producing some of the armoured characters I wanted. My opinion hasn't changed and this just means it'll be a little longer till I return to the line when the armoured characters are produced.

I know some collectors want every character in the films no matter how minor to be made and I respect that, but personally I like the "biggies" and Troopers which is why I've stuck with Medicom.
Well, Brant said that they are in the works and that Sideshow will not present them until they are happy with them, he never said how long that will be. It could be next year, or ever two years from now, but they are coming. The thing that is keeping me wondering is the price for these guys. If those Endor troopers went for $60.00 a peice, and that Bubo went for nearly $50.00 after shipping I could imagine how much the armored guys are going to cost. If Sideshow can sell 1000 of Boba in under 20 minutes at $150.00 each, they can bide their time and pretty much charge what they want for a Vader and Stormtrooper. From a long term perspective with the cost of plastics rising armored figures could cost as much as a hundred or more a peice, when Sideshow feels that they are ready.
I can only speak for my own opinion Josh and I certainly don't think all of the Medicom figures are perfect.

Good. Sometimes I get the impression that the Medicom Crowd thinks they are. Not you persay but the crowd overall.

I initially expressed disapointment when pictures of the SM3 figures were first unveiled and also created a thread on Medi World called "post the things you don't like about Medicom". Which a number of our users posted in.

That's cool. I'll have to stop and read that thread.

I'm surprised you'd be so generalising in your opinion of a group of ninety or so users based on the "supposed" opinions of two or three to be honest.

I did say some. Not all. As far as "supposed" well I've read enough to know that there are at least 2-3 that feel that way if not a few more. You are a cool guy though. :duff However, I've read some posts there talking in general terms about this board and members here in a way that are way worse than me just being general with opinion about a board/set of fans.

Still you're entitled to your opinion, I've given mine on this subject and intend to move on.

It's all good. No harm. No Foul. :duff

I know some collectors want every character in the films no matter how minor to be made and I respect that, but personally I like the "biggies" and Troopers which is why I've stuck with Medicom.

That's cool. These are the types of things that make us unique when it comes to collecting but I don't think it's a bad thing to be happy for those who also want to collect the little guys. Not that you're saying that mind you.
I'd decided to abandon the SW line for now until they started producing some of the armoured characters I wanted. My opinion hasn't changed and this just means it'll be a little longer till I return to the line when the armoured characters are produced.

I personally haven't decided to abandon the SW line until armored characters are released; but that doesn't mean I'm entirely happy with SSC either. Some people like to see the minor characters, others want to stick with the core characters. The problem lies in the fact that there are so many minor characters in SW, like Ephant Mon with a few seconds of screen time. Sure, people find them visually appealing and everyone has their list of minor characters that they would love to see made- but if everyone got what they wanted in terms of minor characters, Sideshow would have NO time to produce the core characters. I think SSC has been "dicking around" so to speak with characters like Bubo, Asajj, etc...but that's just my opinion. I'd much rather see characters that make the Star Wars series known- mainly the core charactes with some minor characters. I'm no marketing expert, but I think it's in poor marketing for SSC to hit us with wave after wave of Jedi. I like Jedi, but I also like variety. Basically, what I'm saying is I really want a Boba Fett, Sidious/ Palpatine, Commander Cody, and a few others haha. I just think SSC needs to stop straying "off topic" and give us more core characters before the line loses some interest.
jlcmsu That's cool. These are the types of things that make us unique when it comes to collecting but I don't think it's a bad thing to be happy for those who also want to collect the little guys. Not that you're saying that mind you.[/QUOTE said:
Actually I only collect the biggies and troopers because that's about all I can afford LOL:lol

SW isn't my only collecting focus, it's not even my main one and with Marvel and DC stuff to consider as well, I couldn't afford to get the more minor cast of characters if I wanted to.:D
I hear ya Jabba. That's why my PF collection won't be all that big. I want both complete lines of the 12" SW and LOTR. So there ya go.

I do hope you didn't take offense to my posts. It was just nothing more than discussion. I might be a Sideshow Super Fan :lol but I'm a Medicom Fan as well.
jlcmsu said:
I hear ya Jabba. That's why my PF collection won't be all that big. I want both complete lines of the 12" SW and LOTR. So there ya go.

I do hope you didn't take offense to my posts. It was just nothing more than discussion. I might be a Sideshow Super Fan :lol but I'm a Medicom Fan as well.

Nah it's all good.

Debates what I come here for, to give my opinion and hear others, even if it's not the same as mine.

You've made some pretty fair comments towards Medi in the past and I know you buy some Medi stuff as well.

It's just silly posts like SSC/Medicom sucks that I think are stupid, or anti Asian posts, which are daft and bigotted.

It'd be pretty boring if we all thought the same thing, controversy sparks posting.
Just to clarify when I'm talking about the "sucks" posts and bigoted racist posts, I didn't mean you Josh.

I don't always agree with you but your posts at least seem to be considered with reason behind the opinion.

The racist here knows who he is and so does everyone else, why the admin or mods here don't do something about it is beyond me.

But whatever.
Nah it's all good.

Debates what I come here for, to give my opinion and hear others, even if it's not the same as mine.

You've made some pretty fair comments towards Medi in the past and I know you buy some Medi stuff as well.

It's just silly posts like SSC/Medicom sucks that I think are stupid, or anti Asian posts, which are daft and bigotted.

It'd be pretty boring if we all thought the same thing, controversy sparks posting.

Cool! I agree with ya that posts that are "anti" if you want to use that towards either company are silly. Both make a good product that's worth buying IMO.
Just to clarify when I'm talking about the "sucks" posts and bigoted racist posts, I didn't mean you Josh.

I don't always agree with you but your posts at least seem to be considered with reason behind the opinion.

The racist here knows who he is and so does everyone else, why the admin or mods here don't do something about it is beyond me.

But whatever.

Racist? What the heck did I miss? I don't see it.
carbo-fation said:
I think he may be talking about Shai's snide comments about Asians which I thought were in a different thread! :confused:

I missed that one. I'm sure it doesn't need to be posted again though. And I'm sure Shai said it in jest. It's impossible to get someone's tone in a written message and some jokes may be taken seriously. I mean we all make fun of Danny for being a little Mexican but nobody takes that seriously.