No SS armored Characters for the next few years?

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You know, I'm sure a lot of people that are flipping out over this will probably forget about armor if SSC shows off a definiitive Chewbacca at TF to go with this chess board.
I'm fully prepared to come under fire for making this statement, but IMO SSC should've been able to make armoured figures before they were given the license in the first place.

That is actually a very fair statement, and I agree. It's very odd and frustrating.

Two years into the license and they STILL haven't been able to "perfect" any armored characters and produce them for the line??

As much as I like SSC, this is akin to being given the keys to the nicest car on the block before you are even able to drive. :confused:

Also, one would hope that the longer they stall and claim it's for "perfection" the higher the bar is being raised for them to accomplish just that. If a Vader, Stormie, Fett, etc. figure is announced and is anything less than perfect I think you'll see people jumping off of the SSC line like rats on a ship.

This is somewhat risky for SSC, especially considering they haven't truly put out a "PERFECT" 1/6 SW figure yet (though a couple have come very close). They'd better not be dicking around.
I'd rather them not work on any Star Wars 12" for 2-3 months and focus on "perfecting" an armored one, than continuing to drag out mediocre characters for license sake. Just make us wait with nothing, than hit us hard with some quality! That's how Medicom and HT do it, and I know SS can too, just FOCUS like Obi Wan. I think it's a weak excuse.
What? So they shouldn't have been given the license till they could make armor? That's just plain silly IMO. The armored figures are coming so people really need to take a deep breath enjoy collecting and when they come out get them. A year before we get them means they could be announced soon and then in late 07 early 08 we get them in hand. Weak Excuse? Not really. I'd rather wait and get what I want in my minds eye than them rush it out the door to get crap.
Typical over-reaction. Is this good news, no, not really. But is this the end of SW collecting as we know it? Come on people. SS WILL make armored characters, it's foolish to think they won't. I'm sure a lot of R&D has to go into not only making them, but making them poseable as well.

I don't know if they meant they won't announce an armored character or release one for a year. There's a big difference between the two though. We can expect to see a 6-9 month period between announcement and release for the first armored character. I'm not happy about this announcement but at least there are alternatives out there for those of you who are too impatient to wait for SS's releases. Don't worry, it looks like I'm know one of you becuase I'm kinda glad I got Boba at this point.
I am not sure that Vader belongs in the "armored" line. I think that Sideshow may have an easier time with him, as he doesn't have the full body armor like clone troopers or stormtroopers. He has his armored shoulder pauldrons, his chest plate and codpiece, but I don't see why he would be so much harder to design than a figure like Boushh that it would be unreasonable to expect him sooner. IF the rumors are true surrounding the 1/6 scale chess table, and Chewie is on the way soon, maybe they have developed a big body to accomodate both Vader and Chewie. I am just trying to be optimistic:eek:
Darth Loki said:
Typical over-reaction. Is this good news, no, not really. But is this the end of SW collecting as we know it? Come on people. SS WILL make armored characters, it's foolish to think they won't. I'm sure a lot of R&D has to go into not only making them, but making them poseable as well.

I don't know if they meant they won't announce an armored character or release one for a year. There's a big difference between the two though. We can expect to see a 6-9 month period between announcement and release for the first armored character. I'm not happy about this announcement but at least there are alternatives out there for those of you who are too impatient to wait for SS's releases. Don't worry, it looks like I'm know one of you becuase I'm kinda glad I got Boba at this point.

Bingo!! Someone has their thinking cap on today!!:chew
You guys are funny! All these pages of reactions over not even a paragraph of a statement from SS about armored figures. Can't we all just get along and enjoy ALL releases from SS and Medi? Let's just appreciate that these 2 companies even exist and even make SW stuff.

I personally can't wait for any new release from either related to a 12" or PF figure.:cool:
bagelsncheesey said:
You guys are funny! All these pages of reactions over not even a paragraph of a statement from SS about armored figures. Can't we all just get along and enjoy ALL releases from SS and Medi? Let's just appreciate that these 2 companies even exist and even make SW stuff.

I personally can't wait for any new release from either related to a 12" or PF figure.:cool:

I agree with ya.
It's not that I think SSC will never make armoured figures, I just think with an SW license armoured figures are essential.

So many fan favourites are armoured that a company needs to be able to prove they can do this and do it well before they're given the license IMO, as armoured characters are such an essential part of the series.

When the series was first launch and there was an incredible buzz people were talking about Boba Fett, Vader, Stormies and Clones, not Kit Fisto, Asajj Ventress and a Bubo creature pack. Armoured characters make up a big part of what the collecting audience wants.

I'm not suggesting SSC rush out shoddily made goods in the interest of getting armoured characters out there either. I want them to be made to the best of their ability as they are such beloved characters.

What I'm saying is though, making a Vader, Stormie, Clone, Fett should've been considered before they took the license, not left until an afterthought for a few years time when they've produced every Jedi imaginable in canon or EU.

And I'll go on record right now and predict that when they are made the price point won't be that much different to Medis.
"Perfection takes time"
Considering most of Sideshow's 1/6 figures aren't even close to perfection by any stretch of the imagination this is probably true but the possibility of it being another 2 years before they release armored characters is frankly taking the piss.
Medicom have just been handed a huge opportunity to take their SW RAH line to the next level IMO. If they are able to increase the number of figures they release per year whilst keeping the quality the same they have every chance of attracting new customers that have lost faith in Sideshow's ability to deliver,especially if they continue making armored figures as good as the ones already released or the forthcoming Boba Fett and Clone Trooper.
And I'll go on record right now and predict that when they are made the price point won't be that much different to Medis.

Considering the pricepoint of the Endor Rebels (yawn!) I think that is a pretty fair assumption, though I do expect the eventual SSC armored figures to be a little less than Medicom's and Hot Toys'.

Then again, at the rate they are going with inflation an eventual 1:6 SSC Stormtrooper might be about $300.00 :lol

bcm77 said:
"Perfection takes time"
Considering most of Sideshow's 1/6 figures aren't even close to perfection by any stretch of the imagination...

That's what I'm sayin'. They have thrown down the gauntlet with that one mere statement.
And nothing would please me more than if SSC rose to the occasion magnificently and eighteen months from now unveiled a 501st Trooper or Stormtrooper that blew our socks off.

But perfection is an awfully big claim and they've got an awful long way to fall if they don't live up to expectations.

Particularly if collectors have bought half a dozen background characters in the mean time under the promise of "perfect" armoured figures which then don't live up to expectation.
It's not that I think SSC will never make armoured figures, I just think with an SW license armoured figures are essential.

They are important to the line. I totally agree with that.

So many fan favourites are armoured that a company needs to be able to prove they can do this and do it well before they're given the license IMO, as armoured characters are such an essential part of the series.

I disagree. I don't care if it's SS, Hasbro, Medicom, Hot Toys, Etc. They shouldn't have to prove to start with they can do armored characters before getting the line. Just because SS or anyone else wants to take the time to get things right doesn't mean they can't do them. It just means they want to make sure they do it right so everyone is happy. This has no bearing on the ability as I said to do it.

When the series was first launch and there was an incredible buzz people were talking about Boba Fett, Vader, Stormies and Clones, not Kit Fisto, Asajj Ventress and a Bubo creature pack. Armoured characters make up a big part of what the collecting audience wants.

They make up a small percentage of what people want. SW fans want more than just Vader, Fett, Stormies, Sandies, and Clones. You've got people who like Maul, Shaak Ti, Kit, Asajj, etc. that when you round everything up make at least as big of a percentage as the ones I first listed. Besides SW is more than just the biggies I listed it's also about the little guy too. They all work together to make SW.

I'm not suggesting SSC rush out shoddily made goods in the interest of getting armoured characters out there either. I want them to be made to the best of their ability as they are such beloved characters.

Then be patient.

What I'm saying is though, making a Vader, Stormie, Clone, Fett should've been considered before they took the license, not left until an afterthought for a few years time when they've produced every Jedi imaginable in canon or EU.

You really think those guys where after thoughts? Come on Jabba. I guarantee those guys where first on their mind when they got them which is why they're working so hard to make them perfect.

bcm77 said:
"Perfection takes time"
Considering most of Sideshow's 1/6 figures aren't even close to perfection by any stretch of the imagination this is probably true but the possibility of it being another 2 years before they release armored characters is frankly taking the piss.

Well, I don't want to burst your Medicom Bubble BCM but they're stuff ain't perfect either. No matter how much you and some of the other Medicom Is A God Crowd want to think they are.
And nothing would please me more than if SSC rose to the occasion magnificently and eighteen months from now unveiled a 501st Trooper or Stormtrooper that blew our socks off.

But perfection is an awfully big claim and they've got an awful long way to fall if they don't live up to expectations.

Particularly if collectors have bought half a dozen background characters in the mean time under the promise of "perfect" armoured figures which then don't live up to expectation.

I think they'll be equally as good as what Medicom is doing and I think some of the Medi World folks seem to think they're perfect so there ya go.
This is from Brant just 3 weeks ago... you guys have short memories!

Sideshow Brant said:
Patience, my friends, patience. You know, you have to know, that figures like Vader and troopers are in development. You just won't see them announced until we're 1000% proud of them, and let me tell you, there are some die-hard fanatics working on the line at the moment. The anticipation will make the release so much sweeter, I promise.