Newsletter Times

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I didn't mean that, I meant the negativity about the newsletter in general.

EDIT: Still to vague. I was referring specifically to the your comment about it being BS like it was a gift to us. And calling it a POS.

Because of Dusty's comment. Saying that we should count our blessings, etc. Imo it comes across as insinuating that we should all be thankful for having a NL when Sideshow is benefiting nothing from it, which is furthest from the truth.

As for my POS comment. that was my honest observation of the NL. It didnt seem like it warranted an hour and half delay with such minimal content and nothing really new.
Because of Dusty's comment. Saying that we should count our blessings, etc. Imo it comes across as insinuating that we should all be thankful for having a NL when Sideshow is benefiting nothing from it, which is furthest from the truth.

As for my POS comment. that was my honest observation of the NL. It didnt seem like it warranted an hour and half delay with such minimal content and nothing really new.

That's what I meant by the difference in interpretation. I read her post as saying be thankful that they have an window in which the newsletter is released and that we have the ability to sign on the website to view it as opposed to having to wait for it to be mailed out. As I recall alot of people got their newsletters very late when they did it that way, and not having an idea of when it might be released makes it very difficult to keep an eye out for it.

Either way I understand why your response was what it was and I'm sorry for accusing you of being negative when it was just a difference of interpretation.
As for my POS comment. that was my honest observation of the NL. It didnt seem like it warranted an hour and half delay with such minimal content and nothing really new.

Um, we got a preview of a new SW dio, that counts. Plus for those who are into paintings/lithos there was someting new for them. I guess SS will have to roll out an item covered in faux bronze every week with an ES of -10 just to keep King Nash happy :p.

Dusty- when do you guys/gals actually start working on the NL? Is it in the morning, or the day before?
There was something good for everyone, depending on what you subscribe to...

Well...except for me...:monkey3...
why am I being negative? I was bringing up my opinion on the matter. The only question I had was why dont they complete the newsletter the day before instead of the day it is supposed to be put up.

Because there are many factors behind the scenes you don't see happening. Meetings, licensors, writers, photographers, multimedia, etc, etc, etc - and someone to wrangle all that. We are all people (regardless of the rumors that Sideshow is run by robots and we are all one of the Borg). Let's just leave it at the fact that there are many on the staff here busting our butts to get that newsletter out on Thursday's, and that's pretty much the EARLIEST we can get it out due to weekly schedules. Which, I assume, is why it used to be 'sometime on Friday' at the end of the week :duff
Um, we got a preview of a new SW dio, that counts. Plus for those who are into paintings/lithos there was someting new for them. I guess SS will have to roll out an item covered in faux bronze every week with an ES of -10 just to keep King Nash happy :p.

Dusty- when do you guys/gals actually start working on the NL? Is it in the morning, or the day before?

The Monday before actually. Everything we do during the week ultimately has to do with either that week's newsletter, or the one for another week in the future. It's our main means of communicating with our customers, and I'm pretty sure people would hate it if we stopped, so yes, it IS in a way a 'gift' for the customers AS WELL AS a good way to deliver our content. Imagine if we had no newsletter and just popped things up on the site at random times for the entire online population... then you'd be tied to the site all WEEK instead of refreshing the newsletter for an hour and a half (or sometimes for only 5 minutes) :duff
Good lord, as if Dusty doesn't have enough to stress over these days with planning a wedding and such... now she's catching grief over the timing/content of the NEWSLETTER?? :google
I'll pay good money for a monthly, hand-written, leather-bound newsletter delivered via pony express.
Because there are many factors behind the scenes you don't see happening. Meetings, licensors, writers, photographers, multimedia, etc, etc, etc - and someone to wrangle all that. We are all people (regardless of the rumors that Sideshow is run by robots and we are all one of the Borg). Let's just leave it at the fact that there are many on the staff here busting our butts to get that newsletter out on Thursday's, and that's pretty much the EARLIEST we can get it out due to weekly schedules. Which, I assume, is why it used to be 'sometime on Friday' at the end of the week :duff

Excuses, excuses.:lol:lol:lol
Good lord, as if Dusty doesn't have enough to stress over these days with planning a wedding and such... now she's catching grief over the timing/content of the NEWSLETTER?? :google

Irish Jedi, knight in shining armor.