New Moon sequel to Twilight.

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You wanna know one of the funniest thing about this thread? I keep reading it and keep seeing people who hated th movie come to it! And yet, it's starting to be one of the most popular thread! So someting tells me many liked the movie much more than they care to admit!!! :D

I caught KitFisto with a copy on his Bluray shelf when I was over at his place. :lecture :lol
I have just found out that Eclipse the third film in the saga will be out in less than a year. The Date set at the moment is June 30th 2010. I guess Twilight fans don't have the patients of us poor Hobbit fans.

the studio originally said in tv guide last year, that their plan was to put out a movie every year
I have just found out that Eclipse the third film in the saga will be out in less than a year. The Date set at the moment is June 30th 2010. I guess Twilight fans don't have the patients of us poor Hobbit fans.

They have to hit while the rabid fans are under 16. I don't think this will have the endurance of LotR or even Harry Potter.
I think it is funny how so many people here are anti-twilight yet they complain about all of the remakes in hollywood right now. At least this series isn't a remake! Thats at least one good thing they can say about it right? :dunno

As for the speed of the series, the real test will be with Breaking Dawn. I've heard it is a no go, its a go, it will be unfilmable, it will be two films, etc. etc.
Well said Buttmunch!

As for Breaking Dawn, I really don't know how they can film it as is. Some things like the shield won't translate easily in a movie. And I don't see them being faithful to the sex scenes! Otherwise, bye bye PG 13! :D
There will be a lull between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. It hasn't even been properly greenlit yet. Meyer said in an interview that the books wouldn't translate well into film and so the studios wasn't looking to do it and that is why Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner were only signed for three films in their contracts. It was Robert Pattinson's off the record comment that he was approached about a fourth film during his trip to Cannes that got the people talking about it again but if you look it hasn't been officially announced.

While Eclipse will come out in 2010, I wouldn't look for Breaking Dawn for any earlier than 2012 which will give them plenty of time to build the hype around the ending of the story.
Well said Buttmunch!

As for Breaking Dawn, I really don't know how they can film it as is. Some things like the shield won't translate easily in a movie. And I don't see them being faithful to the sex scenes! Otherwise, bye bye PG 13! :D

Actually that is not true. Everything was more impiled than anything else. So them being faithful would certainly only be PG-13. Certainly less graphic than any Bond scene.
Please tell me New Moon gets better. I'm reading it on my Kindle and I'm about a third of the way into the book and nothing much has happened...

Spoiler Spoiler:
Please tell me New Moon gets better. I'm reading it on my Kindle and I'm about a third of the way into the book and nothing much has happened...

Spoiler Spoiler:


Yes it does get better. It take a lot of effort to get through Bella's depression over Edward being gone, but the last 1/3 or so of the book is really good. Just hang in there!

Yes it does get better. It take a lot of effort to get through Bella's depression over Edward being gone, but the last 1/3 or so of the book is really good. Just hang in there!

My wife said the same thing, but I had to get a second opinion. :lol

Thanks, BM!
No problem. New Moon is probably the worst in the series, but even then I thought the last part was good enough to make up for the first part. Still not the best book, but the events in this one are essential to the story of 3 and 4. So it is a must read. Once you get to the cliff diving part of the book, it gets much better from that point on. Just get through the Bella whining! :lol
I don't think the author of this series writes well. It annoys me when she gets hung up on words and repeatedly uses them over and over again. For example the word chagrin gets used about 75 times and then she moves on to a different word to obsess over. Her editor should have caught this.
When you have a good story, most of the time people don't really care about how it is written. She certainly isn't Shakespeare, but I've read worse too. Yeah words can get repetitive, but I think that most of us would sound repetitive if we wrote down everything we say. So in that regard I think her style is somewhat realistic to how people sound in real life. Not that that should be an excuse, but I don't really mind it. Every author has their own style and that is just hers.

One thing I've noticed is she keeps things going along at a slow pace. You need to be patient to get through it and then at the last 1/4 or so she takes a complete 180 and the pace excelerates quickly. In the first film that would be when the three nomad vampires show up at the baseball game. In this it is after the cliff diving. These last 1/4 of the book are the best I think and if you like the ending of something you generally forget if the rest of it sucked or dragged on too much.
I have noticed that as well- it's usually the last bit of the book that makes up for drudging through the rest. :lol

I think the fact that she isn't a legit author is just very apparent. I know that these books are for tweens but even Harry Potter was written loads better. It's crazy to me that so many people have really latched on to this series since in my opinion it is just mediocre to good at best. I had to check it out myself because of all the hype- sucker, labeled right here. :lol
Remember she didn't really write the first book with the intent of publishing. She had a crazy dream and wanted to write and down and eventually expanded it. It was her family that told her to publish it, and she just lucked out.

Just because her style isn't as polished and fine tuned as some others doesn't mean she is legit. She has made a ton of money off of this series, well written or not. As for the Potter series being written better, Rowling did have more time between books and she is English. I think the English are taught English better in schools than here in America. Most Americans don't know how to use a semicolon afterall.