New Buffy Line Discussion

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I will have to disagree. It's more likely impossible to get them. There's just not a following. Sideshow didn't produce Fred, Wes, Gunn in their 12" line. With this new line they will only produce major characters because they need the sales up. I would not buy a fray or a Kendra or a Satsu. And I'm just as hardcore as anyone else around here when it comes to Buffy.

I know it sucks for some of you that would want, and would buy these. But the reality of it just isn't there. Not to poo-poo on anyone's party.

Buffy: I told you. I-I said end of the world and you're like "poo-poo southern California, poo-poo!"
I will have to disagree. It's more likely impossible to get them. There's just not a following. Sideshow didn't produce Fred, Wes, Gunn in their 12" line. With this new line they will only produce major characters because they need the sales up. I would not buy a fray or a Kendra or a Satsu. And I'm just as hardcore as anyone else around here when it comes to Buffy.

I know it sucks for some of you that would want, and would buy these. But the reality of it just isn't there. Not to poo-poo on anyone's party.

No need to on the poo-poo front at all - I agree with you completely on the impossibility. Just saying that I like Slayers...pretty much a must for a Buffy fan though, i guess. :p

Skytteflickan88 said:
Wouldn't say it's impossible we'll get Fray or Satsu because there's no actor likeness(not that I think we'll get them anyway). They can make some stuff up, and Jo Chen has already done a more "real life"-like interpretation on the cover for issue 22 of Season 8. They "borrowed" her design for the Faith statue, so I doubt they wouldn't use that one.

I think that while they could create models for Fray and Satsu based on the comics my point as to the unlikeliness being tied to having no actor reference is just that I think a lot of people have really been impressed by the way these statues have captured high detail in faces and I think that it would be harder to impress on that front using only comics references as a basis.

In terms of more realistic options for the series I think an Illyria, as others have said, would be amazing in this format. :)
In terms of more realistic options for the series I think an Illyria, as others have said, would be amazing in this format. :)

:yess: :1-1:

I could die a happy woman (you know, at old age of course) if only I could have an Illyria. Throw in the Beast and I would be on cloud 9.
:yess: :1-1:

I could die a happy woman (you know, at old age of course) if only I could have an Illyria. Throw in the Beast and I would be on cloud 9.

Oh yeah, the Beast was such a great visual character - loooove the scene between him and Faith! :rock
We have to know a Spike is coming right? I don't think it would make any sense to do an Buffy line without Spike, especially if they are doing Angel.

And him being my favorite character, they MUST do him.
I feel older every morning that I wake up. My poor aching bones. lol. buffy may be oldish, but I still love it like it started yesterday.
I feel older every morning that I wake up. My poor aching bones. lol. buffy may be oldish, but I still love it like it started yesterday.

I saw they called the series "Teen Wolf"...."the best show since Buffy."

I said....WHA?!?! :lol

No happenin'.
We know Angel is coming. Spike was just announced.

WHAT NEXT?!?! Somebody with some inside knowledge let me know that there will be more after them. Please.
As far as I know, yes. There will be more. That truly is all I know.

OH!!!! Really???? That's what I like to hear!

Nice to know. I don't really care who will be next because just knowing there will be another is all I need. :rock
For the record, I spoke to Christopher Golden today. He really likes Buffy on Throne. :D And he said he's sure that James loves his!
This is my two cents worth on this topic.

I do know that I'm getting on in years but I know this happened.:lol

I read on the SideShow site some time ago, that there is definitely going to be an Angel statue.
As I remember it was on a "Ask SideShow forum".
The question will there be an Angel statue in the near future?
The answer if you mean Angel from the BtVS Franchise then the answer is YES.:)

This was some time before they announced both Faith & Spike.
This is my two cents worth on this topic.

I do know that I'm getting on in years but I know this happened.:lol

I read on the SideShow site some time ago, that there is definitely going to be an Angel statue.
As I remember it was on a "Ask SideShow forum".
The question will there be an Angel statue in the near future?
The answer if you mean Angel from the BtVS Franchise then the answer is YES.:)

This was some time before they announced both Faith & Spike.

Yes, Angel is coming, yes he will be sooner than later. So no one fret.
Much as I love the Buffyverse, Spike will be my first piece in this line.

I mean don't get me wrong, the Buffy, Willow, and Faith pieces are all quite nice overall, but none of them quite wow me, pretty much for similar reasons too, and these days I need that wow factor to commit to buy a piece, as my collection is virtually at the point where every piece is replacing something else, so it truly has to be special and earn its spot. The Spike piece did that, the previous three, while not bad pieces, just didn't quite make the cut for me. Close, but not quite. And for me close just isn't quite close enough these days.

The Buffy is a likeness thing, personally I think it's good, but not great. Some angles look quite good, others less so. The throne is fantastic, but it's the characters themselves that are the key deciding factor for me, so...

Willow, I just don't buy the outfit and sexy pose, that just isn't the character for me. Still a nice piece, as was the Buffy, just not for me I guess.

And after seeing Faith at SDCC, while the pose is great and the likeness is there, she just looks a bit too...severe...for my liking, face wise. If she looks different/better in-hand then maybe I'll go chasing, but for now I'll just move along. Like I said, I'm just really picky. It's a curse.

But the Spike piece, that one I love, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the Angel one too wen it hits. And the great thing with the vamp pieces is they have that fallback vamped out head if you aren't 100% sold on the human one...though I was quite impressed with Spike overall I must say, and hope to be just as happy with Angel (but we'll see...).

As for what I'd personally most like to see. More vamps basically. Drusilla, Darla, maybe Vampire Willow, and some of the more notable creatures/demons would be nice too, including Lorne if they also have access to the Angel license. I would love a more 'action pose' Buffy at some point too. A Giles holding out a cross to repel evil in a 'van helsing' type pose might be quite nice too. But sad to say, at the prie point there hit, I don't think I'd ever buy characters like Oz or Xander, Gunn and Wesley. Mind you, if they were truly knock it out of the park great, well, never say never...

But honestly if I could just complete the Vampire crew of Spike, Angel, Dru and Darla I'd feel pretty satisfied, and anything beyond that would be pure gravy. I do hope that all fans get the main characters that they really want, and that the line continues to be a success long enough for that to happen.

Now, if they'd just make some Firefly companion pieces in a similar scale/style...
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