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And that's only your opinion... :cuckoo:

I could say the exact same things about you.

I'm not 'pro' any figure, I like them ALL equally for different reasons.

Don't be so arrogant about your collection, it's repugnant.

Quit harassing me for expressing my valid opinions.

No one is harrassing you.
We're all having a civil discussion.

Don't take it so personal.

Me...I'm definately 'pro' certain figures...we all are.
Including yourself. That is very apparent to all of us.

You've stated your opinion quite clearly AND frequently on several subjects here. If it were not so, then the rebuttals that followed would hold no merit.

If your opinion, such as it is, were valid to you, then you should expect said rebuttals.

As for my collection...Yes...I can, and will, brag about it.
I've spent quite a bit of time and money on it. It is easily accessible to anyone here to view, because I'm quite proud of it.

And, as you've seen when you viewed it, it represents a wide area of collectibles. I do not focus on one medium or scale.
I collect high end and low end.
So, when I speak about a collectible, you can rest assured that I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Repugnant? No
Self-serving? Maybe

But, this is a collectibles board after all. And we all are a bit self-serving by the very fact of our presence here.

Enjoy your time here. You're new, that is obvious.
So, some of your faux pas can be overlooked.

But, and I mean this with all due respect, realize that your actions reflect much about your character.
Something you would do well to remember the next time your fingers are hovering over your keyboard and a thought is forming in your head.
The NECA predalien looks so beatiful, hope NECA made one day a 20" or 18" figure of this :

No one is harrassing you.
We're all having a civil discussion.

Don't take it so personal.

Me...I'm definately 'pro' certain figures...we all are.
Including yourself. That is very apparent to all of us.

You've stated your opinion quite clearly AND frequently on several subjects here. If it were not so, then the rebuttals that followed would hold no merit.

If your opinion, such as it is, were valid to you, then you should expect said rebuttals.

As for my collection...Yes...I can, and will, brag about it.
I've spent quite a bit of time and money on it. It is easily accessible to anyone here to view, because I'm quite proud of it.

And, as you've seen when you viewed it, it represents a wide area of collectibles. I do not focus on one medium or scale.
I collect high end and low end.
So, when I speak about a collectible, you can rest assured that I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Repugnant? No
Self-serving? Maybe

But, this is a collectibles board after all. And we all are a bit self-serving by the very fact of our presence here.

Enjoy your time here. You're new, that is obvious.
So, some of your faux pas can be overlooked.

But, and I mean this with all due respect, realize that your actions reflect much about your character.
Something you would do well to remember the next time your fingers are hovering over your keyboard and a thought is forming in your head.

So now you think you speak for the whole board when you talk about a subject?

But when I speak it's only my opinion, and I should bow down to what you and some others have to say without question or expressing valid opinion or fear being insulted, maligned and bullied for doing so?

This is all getting a little creepy, you are threatening me because I don't agree with some of what you and others are saying.

I think you need to take a long vacation and think about what you're saying and doing, it's discussion about collectables for Gods's sake.
OK, lets try and stop the bickering here, GF I think you are taking it too personally. We are all allowed to air our views here and they often differ violently, but we won't stand for mud-slinging or name calling.
Lets just keep the talk to collectibles and avoid inflammatory comments. Please!
HT's P1 is very nice and I'm glad I got it. It's a really fun figure and does look way cool. I just hope we do ours 14 or 18 inches. I've got our Predator 8 incher test shot and it looks great and I'm hoping all the fans get what I have here. I just want this guy larger very very much.

I'm with you on that - the large prototype predator looks simple PERFECT, and that's no looks like he stepped right out of the movie... I have to applaud your skill on that sculpt. Really great... if they release it in large scale, I'll probably pick up two. :pray:
Goodness! I've been so busy, I haven't looked in on Alien stuff in ages...and I find the same ole :panic:

Anyway, I have both of the recently "discussed" figures. They both rock to me and for the satisfaction of scale and needs, I am happy with them. I have expressed this, to the regret of some, and the amusement of others, and too consider myself a HUGE Alien fan.
I don't have the most stuff, nor the least, and I don't profess to be an expert, even though I have been a fan since seeing Alien in 79 at the ripe old age of 18. I am probably in the middle, collectorwise, and have just enough for me. So, I can see all sides, and do enjoy all the passion. I guess it entertains me to a point.

Hope the "bashing" isn't really bashing, just passion, and hope the love for this never ends either. I can so feel the frustrations of Alien lovers at not getting some perceived, totally accurate Alien rendition. It is a shame. But at the same time, like a rhorshach test, we all see it a bit differently, once the sculpting tools come out, so unless the original Giger sculpt gets scanned and computer sculpted somehow, I fear impressions and personal preferences will come out in sculpts. It's just human nature.

Hope you guys work it all out though, as I like all of you in many ways, and agree with most in many, so I can't pick sides. I just hope it's all kept to a reasonable debate. Keep the personal feelings out if you can, as none here are actually Hans Rudi (that we know of???) so we can all say what we want and to be honest, it doesn't mean much beyond that. It's all just oipinions, yes?

Have fun, and enjoy your Alien stuff, as we are all lucky to have any of it! That's my motto! :)

Have fun. Get Alien stuff you like, and maybe, one day, THE GRAIL will be created that makes all this back and forth moot. :hi5:
Hey tankman,

I'm a new member of this forum and had no idea that an actual NECA sculpter posted on here. Cool!
This is a great opportunity to thank you on behalf of pretty much all the guys I work with over here at our office. We all have the 7 and/ or the 18 inch Alien & we totally love it. What's really cool is most of these guys have never purchased an action figure before but when I was showing them pictures of it online when it was originally announced, everyone agreed that it would be an awesome little collectible. NECA's strong selling point is the multitude of casual collectors that are really impressed by the excellent sculpts & very reasonable price tags.
Keep up the good work, man!
I could say the same things about any Alien figure. Why fixate only on the quality's of the HT figure?? The fact that Tsang has a McFarlane on his desk proves nothing, I don't see the similarities you do, it's not a modified copy as you would suggest.

There is a huge amount of detail about the Neca figure that has obviously been made up as well. Just look at the mouth compared with the prop photos. The extra tubing and details on the abdominal area, legs, arms, etc, etc. And anyway, the prototype looks nothing like the final product we received, far from it. The generally poor quality of the finished product and materials speaks for itself...

I enjoy the NECA, but inaccuracy is still inaccuracy. To say one inaccurate figure is more accurate than another inaccurate figure is pointless, it's argument bait. They all have their good and bad points.

It's amazing to me that so much hate could be generated over collectable figures, shows me where some people are at, it's an unhealthy obsession and some people need to get lives. IMO.

Bring on the 'super accurate' Alien and it will sell like hotcakes! But that doesn't diminish the Neca or any other figure I own if it does happen. I won't be throwing anything I own out, and I would have to be one of the biggest Alien collectors here.

I can tell you this, none of the tubes or any part of my sculpt are made up. I tried to use at the time as many pics that were out there to get all the detail accurate. I feel detail on the NECA figure is way way closer than the HT. Nothing was just made up. Tsang on the other hand did make things up. Abake knows just like I do that he used the McFarlane as a guide in many places. Even the tail which was very much rushed out at McFarlane looks the same on the HT figure. The big difference here really is one cost 150 dollars and also claims to capture
all of Gigers work and the sculptor in truth didn't even try to make this happen. Like I said for 40 dollars you're getting a very good figure. I wish the dome and lower jaw didn't get jacked up in China but that was beyond my control. I also hate the paint work under the dome. Still though for 40 bucks it's so worth it. Wouldn't you want the sculptor to at least make a strong go at it for an accurate sculpt? For 150 dollars I would hope so. As a huge fan myself I wanted the HT figure to be like many other figures they make. So many of the other lines get respect for accuracy but for whatever reason the Alien line gets the oh well just make it up treatment. I can tell you 4 of us at work would have gotten the Alien if it were done how HT does other figure like Terminator or Batman. Only two of us got the Alien because the other two guys thought it wasn't accurate at all. Oh well for some it's good enough but for 150 dollars and the claim of capturing ALL the detail it falls way short. Still I bought it and think it's a cool artistic take but what could have been. It's HT after all and they can do better I bet.
hey tankman( aka predator king)
I hope you do a 14 inch and 18 in masked and unmasked p1 and p2 version.. then everyone will be happy,
any news on an alien queen yet ?

Nothing yet on the queen and I like you want P1 and P2 as large kick butt figures. We'll see what happens but for now the 7 inch line is looking sweet. The head alone on P1 is so freaking good. I've been playing with this thing for two weeks now thinking man oh man it took so many years but here it is. Fun stuff. I'm hoping for P2 next. This is the year of the Predator but we've got Alien still to come.
Again, that's all just YOUR opinion.

You can keep repeating the same thing OVER AND OVER you have been doing.

But, it makes no difference to those of us who prefer the NECA over the Hot Toys version.

Your continued monotonous droning is obvious argument bait and perhaps YOU need to get a life.

And this is coming from THE biggest Alien collector here. :wave

I can tell you I so enjoy your collection and have fun checking out the pics you put up on the sites. The custom NECA Alien you have is so freaking cool and I wish all the fans could have that paint job on their figures. I wish I was sculpting the Alien now because in the last 3 years the pics that are out there now tell the whole story. I've never seen any pics of the Alien straight on from the front but now it's out there.
Keep it up man because as a huge fan myself it's great to see pics I've never seen before.
Hey tankman,

I'm a new member of this forum and had no idea that an actual NECA sculpter posted on here. Cool!
This is a great opportunity to thank you on behalf of pretty much all the guys I work with over here at our office. We all have the 7 and/ or the 18 inch Alien & we totally love it. What's really cool is most of these guys have never purchased an action figure before but when I was showing them pictures of it online when it was originally announced, everyone agreed that it would be an awesome little collectible. NECA's strong selling point is the multitude of casual collectors that are really impressed by the excellent sculpts & very reasonable price tags.
Keep up the good work, man!

Thanks a lot and it's always so cool to know fans enjoy what we are trying to do. We try to do the very best figure we can and really the price is very very low for what you are really getting.
Nothing yet on the queen and I like you want P1 and P2 as large kick butt figures. We'll see what happens but for now the 7 inch line is looking sweet. The head alone on P1 is so freaking good. I've been playing with this thing for two weeks now thinking man oh man it took so many years but here it is. Fun stuff. I'm hoping for P2 next. This is the year of the Predator but we've got Alien still to come.

Tankman (the predator king) you just have to convince neca ,to do a 1/6 scale p1 and p2, they are a sure fired sale, your p1 likeness,blows away any ever made.these would make some good money for neca.
thanks for caring for all us predator ,alien and terminator collectors.
I haven't posted in a while :dunno But I love both NECA & HT. Due to the scale and the artists interpretation. However I have to admit sometimes, sometimes when I walk by my book-collector's case I see the HT figure displayed the face/mouth is just wrong. :slap

:gah: was that a complaint sorry :peace.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we get a HT DX ed. of the big chap within a year or two.

Please don't bet me on this since I was laid off a few months ago....:monkey2
Nope, Kyle never sculpted it the detail. The sad fact is that the chinese factory didn't do a good job on that specific detail. I've seen repaints of it though, so maybe it isn't that hard to get the dome off.

OK, well I have you ever seen a picture in Neca Predator thread.
I do not know if it is of Kyle, or another sculpt.

Do you have ideas how to fix the problem (customizing)?
@tankman, if Neca again a sharper focus to the 18 "figures has so you can make a slight improvement Alien.
From 18 "Endoskeleton 2009 appeared a new edition.

What so make the Predator Stuff ?
There are as many possibilities for Predator figures.
For example. a guardian Predator of a City Hunter Predator sculpt.
OK, well I have you ever seen a picture in Neca Predator thread.
I do not know if it is of Kyle, or another sculpt.

Do you have ideas how to fix the problem (customizing)?

Sorry dude, I didn't quite get the first sentence.
As for how the take the dome off the alien, I saw it in a thread over at the Hive, you might want to check it out over there. I'll try to look it up for you.
I think we can all agree that we want the most accurate figure possible, that's a fact. But when you compare all the figures that have been created and the pictures that Sabers posted, I think we can agree that there isn't a single figure on the market that can claim to be 'accurate'.

Can anyone say that there is a single figure that captures the exact look of the photos Sabers posted?

As far as I'm concerned the Neca is about as accurate as the HT figure, they are stylized figures that are based on a good amount of artistic interpretation, but to claim that the Neca is on a 'different level to Hot Toys in the 'accuracy' stakes is ludicrous in my opinion. I see fault in all of them.

To suggest that Joseph couldn't hack it in the sculpting department and that you can makes me laugh. You did a good job, Tankman, no doubt about that, but it's not more accurate. Just because a handful of people agree doesn't make it so.

Nobody has created a truly accurate articulated Alien figure that would satisfy the 'hardcore' Giger and Alien fans out there, and there has been 31 years to do it. Right?

I like the HT figure because it fits in with my other HT figures, not because I think it's the most accurate figure on the planet, but no figure can make that claim to date.

How can you honestly say the Neca figure is accurate when the throat and frontal portion of the dome and mouth look totally different to the prop? But the HT figure takes all the flack for being inaccurate?

Anyway, talk is cheap, bring on the exact replica.

Just telling it how it is.

Devil '666': No Skuche ala Gats!:rotfl


I didn't want to edit your post, so I highlighted the part that I wanted to discuss.

You say both the NECA and HT figures are stylized, and at the same level of accuracy, and I really don't see how you can make that statement.

You just need to take a look at pictures of the original suit posted by Sabres and compare them to both figures.
HT's figure has extra ribbing and detailing on the lower legs and arms, the shape of the jaw is wrong, it has too many teeth, the size and shape of the dorsal tubes is wrong, the shape of the feet is wrong, the tail is wrong; and that's just a quick overview of the figure.
If you look at the NECA figure the only inaccuracies are around the jutting lower jaw, the shape of the dome in front and the way the neck connects to the head.

If I'm wrong in that assessment, please point it out to me with facts based on the pictures provided.

Yes, neither is entirely accurate, but certainly looking at the photos of the suit compared to the figures it is pretty obvious that the NECA figure is much more accurate. Just like the Medicom figure.

Nobody is debating your liking the HT better, but we are disagreeing on the fact (based on photos) that the HT is at the same level of accuracy then the NECA figure, that is all.

I think must of us here really like the HT figure, including Tankman, but to claim it is as accurate as the NECA figure just strikes me (and I think most of us here) as "ludicrous" to quote your own words.

P.S. Re-reading your post, I have to allude to another point you make: maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think Tankman ever said he could do the job Tsang couldn't, he said Tsang didn't do the job he (Tankman) did, i.e. make the sculpt as accurate as possible.

Not picking a fight here, just trying to point out what I believe are errors in your argumentation in light of the photos provided.
maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think Tankman ever said he could do the job Tsang couldn't, he said Tsang didn't do the job he (Tankman) did, i.e. make the sculpt as accurate as possible.

Actually what Tankman said was:

My guess is their sculptor had a deadline and knew he would have to just do his thing or maybe he isn't good enough.