NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I have no plan for Lambert. Really don't want to buy the whole wave just to get her. Especially when she's probably way too big (assuming they just reused the Dallas/Kane/LuckyStarRipley body)

The Defiance Xeno is the only one that has my interest. Other than that, might give this one a pass.
The Blue Raspberry flavoured Alien :slap

Yea, i just don't get why people would want that. I know a lot of collectors like the Kenner homages but that color scheme has managed to take something so menacing looking and make it cute & cuddily. Unfortunately since I'm in the neca alien club i'll be getting this not so bad boy along with the rest of the wave - i want lambert and the defiance alien though. I sure hoping the end of the year exclusive is worth it but i bet it won't be.
I sure hoping the end of the year exclusive is worth it but i bet it won't be.

The sdcc exclusive might be an indication that they are saving something a little more special for the end of year Club exclusive?

Or it could just be putting our expectations in line with how disappointed we are expecting we'll be.

Neca's got to know they can't divide their club members for both Sdcc and end of year exclusive figures, yes they can get away with the sdcc being incredibly niche. But the end of year club exclusive has got to be of interest to the majority of club members.

I'm sure they know what reaction they'll get if we're given the likes of; Lollipop Alien, "Red" raspberry Alien, or any other lazy repaint excuse figure - Looking at you "Surely we can just paint it chrome" {molten} dog alien...
I'm worried the eoy will be that "molten lead" dog alien. I would kind of like to have that version but in no way do i want that to be the exclusive after paying higher shipping and getting all the club figures for the year which i would only have bought 2/3 of normally.
Hey guys, I'm brand new to collecting this line and alien figures in general and I have a few questions.

1. Is the NECA line considered one of the better alien lines? What else is out that that's comparable to the quality/price.

2. How can I spot bootlegs? There's a few of these I'd like to buy off eBay but there are many price discrepancies.

3. Why is the deacon so damn expensive?

I've started off my collection with buying the Alien Queen! Very excited for her to arrive. I also preordered the brown and blue warriors coming out along with the covenant alien and defiance alien. Also just got the dog alien brown variant off eBay.


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neca-club-x-alien-faq said:
... aimed at the hardcore, completionist Alien action figure collector.
I'm worried that this ethos is in itself justification for the Kenner aliens. Because surely the hardcore figure collector must have any and all figures.

Whereas I'd say I'm a pretty avid collector, but of Aliens as a cinematic property, not Alien figures from any and every incarnation.

It is the fear of losing out on something movie related that spurred my membership. Plus the hope that such a scheme would support more niche products.

It's truly a dilemma though. Because if the EOYE is something truly great, everyone will want it, so why not make it in mass, and sell a ton. Plus, why invest in a load of new tooling for a limited release product. So by that logic, it has to be something of apparently niche appeal, but not in a good way. :(

If this year's SDCC exclusive was last year's Newt, I'd be feeling a lot happier. As it stands, for me, I'm still getting some benefit by way of fair pricing via the club, compared to rocketing retailers prices here in the UK. So that's something.
Hey guys, I'm brand new to collecting this line and alien figures in general and I have a few questions.

1. Is the NECA line considered one of the better alien lines? What else is out that that's comparable to the quality/price.

2. How can I spot bootlegs? There's a few of these I'd like to buy off eBay but there are many price discrepancies.

3. Why is the deacon so damn expensive?

I've started off my collection with buying the Alien Queen! Very excited for her to arrive. I also preordered the brown and blue warriors coming out along with the covenant alien and defiance alien. Also just got the dog alien brown variant off eBay.


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1. There haven’t been many companies that have gone as deep into the license as Neca. McFarlane had their Queen and human figure plus AvP but it doesn’t really compare to what Neca have put out. Hiya toys also have a smaller scale line.

2. I don’t have any myself but I would avoid china eBay.

3. That thing hung around at retail price for a long time like most of the Prometheus line and then became crazy expensive. Same thing is happening with David and probably has something to do with Covenant. I have it and like the figure but I wouldn’t pay much more than retail.

I hope that helps a little and the Queen is the perfect starting point :hi5: Excellent figure!
The Blue Raspberry flavoured Alien :slap

The original Kenner release was a great representation of the Alien for kids who wanted to play with their toys. If you were looking for a 5-6" action figure for a little one, that figure was (and still is) excellent.


You could say it was dethroned when the Hive Wars line came out, though their Aliens weren't accurate to any of the films in design.


^This was actually the first Alien toy I ever had. Of the small handful of birthday gifts I received that year, I looked forward to this one the most. For a 9 or 10 year-old who's just seen the films for the first time, the Kenner line (however dated it was in the mid-2000s) was a dream.
Hey guys, I'm brand new to collecting this line and alien figures in general and I have a few questions.

1. Is the NECA line considered one of the better alien lines? What else is out that that's comparable to the quality/price.

2. How can I spot bootlegs? There's a few of these I'd like to buy off eBay but there are many price discrepancies.

3. Why is the deacon so damn expensive?

I've started off my collection with buying the Alien Queen! Very excited for her to arrive. I also preordered the brown and blue warriors coming out along with the covenant alien and defiance alien. Also just got the dog alien brown variant off eBay.


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Pretty much what bugstomper said!

But I'll add this:

The NECA line has the best scuplts and paint apps out of any Aliens line of toys at this price point (and also better than more expensive lines imo). However, there are quality control issues here and there. Dont be surprised at a broken joint here and there and things of that nature. Still, by far the most satisfying sci-fi line for the money imo (same goes for the predator line)

As far as Deacon goes: With pretty poor sales of the previous prometheus figures, Deacon and David were released in much more limited numbers. This, plus the fact that he's the only "Alien" looking figure in the line has created some high demand for him. I imagine David will go up more now that the lost wave is out as well, people are going to be looking to complete their sets of figures.

Congrats on the Queen purchase, that and the power loader are the crown jewels of the line!
Honestly I am expecting the club exclusive to be Drake at this point. They need to make signing up to the club worth the hassle and having to take all the figures sight unseen so there has to be some sweet to make the medicine go down better at the end as it were.

It will be the whole MOTU Classics Shadow Weaver or Fisto fiasco all over again :slap
I would be so unbelievably angry if they chose to do that. Especially since I missed signing up for the club by a day.

It would be madness to release a relatively unpopular character like Burke and keep back Drake (one of the most popular remaining characters) as the club exclusive - they would be throwing money away which isn't be Neca's style.

For that reason I can't see it happening. Perhaps Neca would release a variant of a human character as the club exclusive but not the most popular version of them (especially after they would have paid the licence fee for their likeness).
It would be madness to release a relatively unpopular character like Burke and keep back Drake (one of the most popular remaining characters) as the club exclusive - they would be throwing money away which isn't be Neca's style.

For that reason I can't see it happening. Perhaps Neca would release a variant of a human character as the club exclusive but not the most popular version of them (especially after they would have paid the licence fee for their likeness).

Oh I am hoping to the gods I am wrong as I want him too. Its just that lately I am just getting the feeling that NECA does not give a damn about long term fans overall.
Honestly I am expecting the club exclusive to be Drake at this point.

This is 99% not going to happen,

I really wouldn't worry about what exclusive club members will get. It's extremely likely to be something that most people won't "need" in their collection.

However I feel a good suggestion would be something like:

Since everyone's getting Burke at retail - as a two-pack to make it happen. The club exclusive could be the same or slightly different Burke spiced up in the standard single clamshell and including whatever extra accessories they want to add.

They can't tool a brand new figure just for club members - but reusing a limited figure that's only going to get 1 release at retail (in this case Burke as a two-pack) would be a ideal for an Alien club member exclusive. It's A way for neca to reuse a brand new sculpt only otherwise used once and is something I think club members would be pretty happy with, whilst not totally pissing off non-members.

Also fits in nicely with the good point TooNiche said:

"... aimed at the hardcore, completionist Alien action figure collector."