My Next Star Wars Figure…

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Apr 9, 2007
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Ok, guys…. Need an honest opinion. I have an awsome coupon at Alterego, and I think I’ve narrowed down the item to use it on to these three (but still open to other suggestions).

Aside from pure awesomeness, I suppose the additional criteria is which one will become the hardest to find if one were to wait too long.

Thanks in advance!

Here ya go:

I can't imagine they'll short the Mando and Grogu set, so as far as availability (in addition to the numerous other releases of Mando and Grogu), that one will probably be around for a while.

Of the other two if I can only have one I'd get Fennec since she's a main character. The Dark Troopers are cool but unless you have Luke definitely ordered, I think they're kinda meh as a just a robot design.
I always prioritise named characters over troopers. The question then is, do you have a Mando or not? Then it becomes whether you collect anything else or it's just SW. Kenobi's coming too. From those, we'll get another version of Mando pretty soon, all things considered. The Trooper and Shand I doubt will ever get re-releases or new versions. For my money, if there was no other line I was collecting, and I already had a Mando, and I already had set plans for future SW releases, I'd go for the Trooper. I don't care for TBOBF, and while Shand's a fine character and all (and Ming-Na Wen's a hot MILF), it's a random, unimportant character. Meanwhile the Dark Trooper gives me EU/Dark Forces flashbacks, so it gets my vote, everything else considered. You could add it to an Empire shelf, an EU shelf, with Mando Luke, or, if we ever get a canon Kyle Katarn, with him.

I don't know, I'd need more data to make a proper decision. What one primarily collects, how their displays are set, such things.
Thanks for the input so far!

I think it’s fair to want a bit more information as well, so here are a few more points:

1. I do have Deluxe Mando with Grogu in hand. However, like many of us, my head is getting turned by the chrome version along with the head sculpt and all the season two accessories. I know it’s down the road a piece, but I’m quite anxious to see some in hand shots of the chrome to make sure the upgrade is worth the price.

2. Mando Luke Deluxe is one of my most anticipated preorders, so a clean Dark Trooper (or two) would make a pretty awesome display next to the crushed one that will come with Luke.

3. Fennec is just such a great sculpt and such a unique stand out character amongst all the troopers and armored characters, it’s hard not to place her high on the list. And she was just plain bass-ass in Season 2 of Mando.

Again, feel free to go off the list if you like. I just feel like this $250 head start on a new figure is not going to be a reality again any time soon and trying to make a good decision!
Thanks for the input so far!

I think it’s fair to want a bit more information as well, so here are a few more points:

1. I do have Deluxe Mando with Grogu in hand. However, like many of us, my head is getting turned by the chrome version along with the head sculpt and all the season two accessories. I know it’s down the road a piece, but I’m quite anxious to see some in hand shots of the chrome to make sure the upgrade is worth the price.

2. Mando Luke Deluxe is one of my most anticipated preorders, so a clean Dark Trooper (or two) would make a pretty awesome display next to the crushed one that will come with Luke.

3. Fennec is just such a great sculpt and such a unique stand out character amongst all the troopers and armored characters, it’s hard not to place her high on the list. And she was just plain bass-ass in Season 2 of Mando.

Again, feel free to go off the list if you like. I just feel like this $250 head start on a new figure is not going to be a reality again any time soon and trying to make a good decision!
Well, I'm primarily a Force User guy concerning SW. I'd never buy a Shand, and if I get a Mando it'll be some deluxe "endgame" version of the character. For my money, you'll get a chrome Mando with a HS and whatever other upgrades and costume changes when S3 hits. So if you already have a Luke on PO, and if you are an EU fan, then a Dark Trooper could fill that display. Or if you have an Empire set-up, you could add it there.

Like I said, for me, SW-wise, it goes Force Users, then characters who prop them up, and then Republic & Empire stuff. So I'd be more likely to pick up a Hux (if they ever make him) and some Praetorian guards to flank my Kylo Ren, than a Chewbacca. Likewise, even though I always prioritise named characters over troopers/army builders, I'd go for a Trooper to flank my Luke/or to add to some Empire forces, rather than a relatively insignificant Bounty Hunter character. But like I said, I'll never get the OT Bounty Hunters, that's not my area of interest. I'm into Star Wars for the Mythological/Fantasy aspect. I'll probably pick up a "Final Version" Mando at some point, and he'll represent that side of the world quite nicely for me. Even Han is very low on my list of wants ATM. It's about the Jedi & the Sith for me.
Fennec! Though I guess some may be army building the Dark Troopers and that may affect availability.
For me Fennec. Normally I like helmeted figures but she has one and underneath it a great sculpt. Also like her outfit design and character a lot. Mando will definitely be awesome BUT highly produced. I see the dark troopers being the most limited of the 3 based on sales.
I think in terms of what adds the most value to what you (will) have, probably Dark Trooper to go with Mando Luke. The end of season Luke arrival is one of the best, most memorable, and satisfying sequences to happen in modern Star Wars.

It also comes out earlier than the others. If you want Fennec, you have a lot of time from now till she drops. And you can make your final decision after the show ends and whether you want the inevitable TBOBF Boba Fett, the Mando deluxe with Throne, neither, etc.

V2 Beskar likewise is also far out and they’ll make plenty. I would wait till other people have it in hand. Not really for comparisons with V1, but I’d want to make sure Hot Toys is able to get the finish done properly. I’m sure it’ll be fine, but I’m always a little wary of Hot Toys and production issues when it comes to things like this.

Just as a counterpoint to an above reply, the Force/Jedi/Sith aspect are what my spouse and I both find the least interest in.

We have an appreciation for it, but more as something that exists in the greater mythology of the universe than something we focus on.

We’re very trooper, pilot, vehicle, droid, and tech focused collectors, but we have some Jedi/Sith related items that enhance what we focus on (eg. having Hot Toys Jedi figures to accompany Clones instead of the other way around, since Clones are a primary focus for us).
In terms of pure awesomness, I would still rank Mando at the top due to the chrome armor, tons of accessories and Pedro sculpt, even though we've already had the previous version for awhile.

I'm guessing Fennec will stick around a little while like most female characters tend to, so probably no rush on that.