Media Mortal Kombat X

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Busy for no reason is definitely the best way to describe it.

Scorpion's last good outfit IMO was in Deadly Alliance, along with Sub Zero too (I prefer his alternate outfit though).



I HATED both Sub-Zero's outfits in Deception, as bad as the Shredder looking outfit is, the bald one is my absolute most hated character design in the entire series.



Yeah those were good looking ones, still not as busy as today's.

But I have to say the last designs I liked (save for a few ones) were MK4.


They almost look superhero-y.
I actually think this is the best scorpion we've ever got. And he's simpler looking than MK9 so I don't get why people say he looks "too" busy when I feel it's clearly the opposite.

Belts and ring straps that obviously have zero purpose in functionality and in fashion.

I'm not saying it looks teeeerrible, I'm just tired of every suit ever designed these days is either filled with texture, lines, really small intricate detail and such, fabric folds, wrinkles and tears can look a lot cooler.
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Scorpion is MILES better looking in X than his MK9 counterpart. He looks simpler and more realistic.

It's almost like MK9 scorpion is to Joel Schumacher's Batman, as X's scorpion is to Christopher nolan's batman. I could see X's scorpion existing in the real world.

I actually think this is the best scorpion we've ever got. And he's simpler looking than MK9 so I don't get why people say he looks "too" busy when I feel it's clearly the opposite.

Agreed! I really like the look, Sub Zero’s suit looks okay but not great.
Calm down folks...I'm sure there will be DLC costumes for those who like the classics.

This looks pretty good and I wonder if they'll treat it as a sequel to the "new" timeline from the last Mortal Kombat. They kind of went DOFP on the timeline there....
This is the first Scorpion costume ive been crazy about in a long time. I think some of his best looks prior have been:




As well as mk3. Aside from the belts, this new one is totally bad ass. I don't agree with the ninjas must be simple approach anymore. None of them are stealthy. They all fight upfront and tournament style. They may live by ninja code but the way I see it they dress like ninjas out of familiarity. Some minimal armor would make some sense with the way they fight. They've all grown so powerful to have to look realistically simple imo.

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Belts and ring straps that obviously have zero purpose in functionality and in fashion.
I'm just tired of every suit ever designed these days is filled with texture, lines, really pointless intricate details and such.
Fixed and :exactly:
If you overdesign at least do it right.

fabric folds, wrinkles and tears can look a lot cooler.
:lecture subtle simplicity is the best.
Yup, my favorite will always be MK1.


Closely followed by MK3.


And I think they did a pretty good job, in MK Legacy with Scorpion's uniforms.


But the evil spirit scorpion uniform is a lot cooler.

Preorder at GS and get a, who's next spine poster.

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Personally I felt MK II was the perfect outfit for all of the ninjas:




They were pretty much down hill after that. Although I have to admit the MK9 Sub Zero mask is pretty decent and the World Box figure turned out great.

I also prefer Scorpions' mask to resemble a skull rather than the more recent designs that incorporate scorpion like designs into the outfit. He's never had anything to do with Scorpions really. I guess his spear is really the only thing close to anything scorpion like. It really is a strange name for him come to think of it.
Loves me some Mortal Kombat, but that is so getting banned (or censored) in Australia. Will have to import this one, just like I did the last one on it's original release.

YEESSSSSS!!!! this looks so ****ing awesome, I love the level interaction with the fights, jump off of trees, walls, grab objects and hit your opponent with them, this game looks to be a great step forward for the series. Also the suits all look better in motion, not to mention we'll have a well's worth of alternate costumes in DLC or to unlock in game. It just sucks some of the costumes will probably end up being store exclusives for a period of time.
The store exclusives don't bother me any. You can preorder from the place that has your favourite suit. Not to mention the exclusives really dont last long. I think it only took a couple months before they released all the skins in a DLC pack. Not to mention a lot of people will just throw their DLC codes on eBay when they get them if you have to have them right away.
I'm just hoping and praying we don't get any more stupid horror characters or any injustice characters as unlockables/DLC. Keep the game pure.
The new characters don't fit... Maybe the shinnok quanchi hybrid guy does... But not little red Riding Hood or the midget ogre.

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Looks alright, no way near as good as the bounce trailer. Hate that they showed us perfection then showed us a lesser reality :(

I agree with this, I actually think the game looks awesome, but the gameplay shown to us feels a little disappointing considering we thought the first trailer might have actually have been real gameplay at one point.