Mezco One:12 - Star Trek

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Mezco look like they are doing a Kirk chair:

No real details on releasing it, but, it's likely they will.

In that last pic that Stickman posted, Kirk looks off again. However, in all of Michael Crawford's pics he looks great and it's the same figure so he must actually be that good. Hopefully I'll find out in a few hours.....

He won't blow you away the same way Spock did - but he's also not as bad as I've seen people say. I think he is actually better than the QMX in some ways (less stretched out top to bottom), but the small scale makes it tougher to nail him.
Kirk is worth it, I got him in the post earlier. I've been out all day so I haven't had chance to do any pics, I'll see what I can do tomorrow. As a trio they look killer!
Looks like it,

Here are some pics of mine:

I wanted to concentrate on the head because I think they nailed Shatner and don't think there will be a better one done in this scale.

Trek's Dyamic Duo:

Looking forward to the rest of the line now....
I always thought it was going to be better than most people thought, but that looks fantastic! They've really got the shat there, the angles it doesn't work from are far, far fewer than I'd feared.... He's really turned out well!
Rogerbee he looks kinda old in your photos, also did you tamper with his shirt? The collar looks off.
The collar is as it came out of the box, I'll see what I can do with it. You don't tend to notice the wrinkles in person, it's only in macro pics like mine where they really show up.
Straight out of the box, the collars can sometimes be trapped under the ball joint, I'm assuming he hasn't been futzed with yet...., and if I had one niggle, I'd say Jim's hair is a bit dark, it looks virtually black there...

Edit: beaten to it!
The collar is fine as far as I can tell, it's not trapped anywhere. If you think his hair looks black you really need to adjust your monitor. In some of my pics it looks burgundy but it is the right shade of brown in person. You'll soon see when you get yours, be sure to post some pics when you do.
Yeah, he's a great figure. I hope you enjoy. It seems they photograph better with a high angle. Keep the photos coming. My wife is making me pack up my figures until I can get a proper display cabinet. I think the Detolfs are not large enough for my collection. I will need at least a dozen of them but have no room for them. Thinking about hanging some six foot long shelves along one of our walls. Star Wars, Star Trek, Planet of the apes, and 19th century military Civil War/American Indian figures make up the bulk of my collection.
I bet she has plenty of space for her shoes! I did notice a couple of things after watching TOS today. The tops are too yellow, they are definitely more of an ochre colour and Shatner's eyes are hazel and Mezco made them blue.

That 1/9 chair might not be too bad, but, I want to see the Mezco one first...
Hopefully Mezco's chair won't break the bank. In the meantime I'll use my art asylum electronic chair, which as has already been mentioned was ever so slightly too small for the AA figures. I started a helm for my AA's years ago, and I might repurpose it for the mezco's, but ideally I'd like to rebuild it from scratch with lights 'n stuff..
Hopefully Mezco's chair won't break the bank. In the meantime I'll use my art asylum electronic chair, which as has already been mentioned was ever so slightly too small for the AA figures. I started a helm for my AA's years ago, and I might repurpose it for the mezco's, but ideally I'd like to rebuild it from scratch with lights 'n stuff..

That 1/9 one isn't bad and shouldn't be ruled out, we'll just have to see what emerges...
After watching more TOS, the phaser rifle is something of an anomaly. It was used in the second pilot. Where No Man Has Gone Before. Everything bar the communicators in that was different, so really the rifle doesn't fit in with any other gear in the Kirk set. QMX also included it which also makes it a bit of an oddity. If, later on, both companies make a Kirk from the second pilot in the appropriate uniform then it might make more sense.

It will be interesting to see what uniform they have Bones wearing when he comes out, whether he'll have his short sleeved medical tunic or a variant of Spock's. Either will work well though.
Yeah, I won't be using the rifle in my setup, anyway from what I can see the mezco rifle looks a bit too big. As for bones, I'm hoping for the standard duty shirt, the short sleeved one would just show off the articulation points and spoil the figures aesthetic.....
That is true about Bones,

I was tempted to use the rifle as it was something different, but then I couldn't get him to hold it.
is it odd that i want the 1/12 spock and the 1/6 qmx kirk?

been waiting to pull trigger was gonna go mez or qmx but found that i like the 1/6 kirk and like the 1/12 spock. not havin them to display together in same scale tho wouldn't be good.

skin tone on the qmx spock kinda bothers me compared to mez which i think is spot on. and the mez kirk sculpt isnt even close to as good as the 1/6 qmx IMO. gahhh