Mezco 15" Sam from Trick R Treat

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They look very similar. The ss version has more dirt on the pajamas.

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I like the mezco sculpt better but the weathering/paint and hands were better on the SS
I reworked him a little and cut and distressed his burlap around the neck/hands, added some weathering, a wash and some padding under his burlap head sack to fill it out more like the movie. Thoughts?

it's a nice alternative to the expensive SS one. I wouldn't sell the SS for this though, but it looks like some trimming of the sack and putting the material on the hands, adding some minor weathering and it looks much better. It's a nice little fig for the price. I think the SS one was retailed at $70 too back in the day? I nabbed 2 of em then....
Thanks for the feedback guys. Here is what I used-

I just used scissors to cut the burlap to the shape it was in the movie around the neck after installing the filler. I then used an Xacto on the edges of the burlap to distress it.

To fill/round out the head I used Dollar General Snow Cover. But you can use any filling material.

To weather him I used my Tamiya modeling weathering kits and rubbed Mud and Soot in various places. I used War Paints wash on the hands to dirty them up.

And here is a short video review before/after my futzing/weathering-

Thank you for sharing that I think I'm going to apply this to mine.

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You guys are welcome. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask...

I didn't want to spend any more than 30 min on it, but when I feel like messing with it again, I think I'll redo the blood on the fingers as it's lacking.
Just got him today great for the price [emoji16][emoji316]

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Re: Mezco 15" Sam from Trick R Treat

They go well together still Sam needs his own space

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