Medicom DK

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Thanks to Tin for detailing his mods and thanks to Vodoun for posting it here. I have a question though, how do you make extensions to make the Medi Batman taller? Tin mentions it below, but no details:

Tinister wrote:

Hey, guys -

Still swamped with work - but today got tired of cranking and worked on my Medicom TDK. Here are my first mods:

- I like the look of the cowl. To me it isn't the cowl that is too thin, but the neck. So rather than widen the cowl, I instead made the neck thick by stuffing with cotton (same cotton removed from his thighs and hips). This makes the overall head and neck flow better into each other and the head is no longer skinny looking. Making the neck thicker also makes the rest of the body look slimmer.

- Removed the cotton filling in the thighs, buttocks, and hip area. This made the hips more more streamlined looking and allowed me to have the belt ride lower in the front then in the back (like in the movie).

- Did some surgery on the rubber suit in the buttock area to make it smaller. This reduced his Jennifer Lopez $ss and also made the front profile of his hips more tapered.

- The legs and hip are one rubber piece. I made cuts along the inner thighs near the crotch area. Basically - cut out the molded rubber part of the inner thighs that represents the spandex suit underneathe so that the actual spandex suit shows through. This is my first step in making the legs and hips more flexible. Next time - I will do the same thing to the area of the small of the back. This will allow the legs to be bent forward at the hip better.

With the crotch separated from thighs and buttocks - I used some black foam to give bats a "unit" to push out the cod piece more.

- After seeing the photo of the actual suit posted by Vodoun - I decided that the thighs didn't need to be reduced as much as I initially thought. So I removed about 14% of the cotton in the thighs and shifted the remaining around so that the padding was in the front of the thighs (originally - padding was more on the towards the sides of the thighs making the thighs thick looking). I also moved some of the cotton to the knee area and behind the lower legs to fill out the boots more.

- I made ankle extensions to give the legs about 1/4 inch more height.

Other than the surgery to the back that I will do next time - I also plan to give the chin a repaint and add gloss coat to the eyes.

Enjoy these pics! Tin


I only quoted one pic. The rest of Tin's Batman custom photos here.
Thanks to Tin for detailing his mods and thanks to Vodoun for posting it here. I have a question though, how do you make extensions to make the Medi Batman taller? Tin mentions it below, but no details:

[Tinister wrote:

Hey, guys -

Still swamped with work - but today got tired of cranking and worked on my Medicom TDK. Here are my first mods:

- I like the look of the cowl. To me it isn't the cowl that is too thin, but the neck. So rather than widen the cowl, I instead made the neck thick by stuffing with cotton (same cotton removed from his thighs and hips). This makes the overall head and neck flow better into each other and the head is no longer skinny looking. Making the neck thicker also makes the rest of the body look slimmer.

- Removed the cotton filling in the thighs, buttocks, and hip area. This made the hips more more streamlined looking and allowed me to have the belt ride lower in the front then in the back (like in the movie).

- Did some surgery on the rubber suit in the buttock area to make it smaller. This reduced his Jennifer Lopez $ss and also made the front profile of his hips more tapered.

- The legs and hip are one rubber piece. I made cuts along the inner thighs near the crotch area. Basically - cut out the molded rubber part of the inner thighs that represents the spandex suit underneathe so that the actual spandex suit shows through. This is my first step in making the legs and hips more flexible. Next time - I will do the same thing to the area of the small of the back. This will allow the legs to be bent forward at the hip better.

With the crotch separated from thighs and buttocks - I used some black foam to give bats a "unit" to push out the cod piece more.

- After seeing the photo of the actual suit posted by Vodoun - I decided that the thighs didn't need to be reduced as much as I initially thought. So I removed about 14% of the cotton in the thighs and shifted the remaining around so that the padding was in the front of the thighs (originally - padding was more on the towards the sides of the thighs making the thighs thick looking). I also moved some of the cotton to the knee area and behind the lower legs to fill out the boots more.

- I made ankle extensions to give the legs about 1/4 inch more height.

Other than the surgery to the back that I will do next time - I also plan to give the chin a repaint and add gloss coat to the eyes.

Enjoy these pics! Tin]

what pics?! :banghead
what pics?! :banghead

I edited my previous post with a link to the page with the pics. I left the pics out of my post because I don't like long quoted posts.

And you should wait a few moments before replying. Not everyone can edit their posts lightning fast.

I was wrong, your english proves your the little asian kid :horror :lol

This is uncalled for, and if you're going to insult someone's linguistic skills, you could at least spell "You're" correctly.
EdwardNygma1 please stop causing trouble.
I'm here to view and discuss the Medicom Batman figure, you seem to be here to disrupt that. This thread will be locked, like many others, because of board members such as yourself who show up and act immature.
If you want to be treated with respect then please respect the other member on this board. thank you
I edited my previous post with a link to the page with the pics. I left the pics out of my post because I don't like long quoted posts.

And you should wait a few moments before replying. Not everyone can edit their posts lightning fast.

This is uncalled for, and if you're going to insult someone's linguistic skills, you could at least spell "You're" correctly.

its called for when someone is a being a prick every 10 or so posts and calling someone kid is uncalled for. it makes someone feel small. I am not a kid, I am an adolescent, he should get his sh^t right. and maybe you were born in the 60's or something, but the new generation spells things like that on the internet. not everyone takes an hour to make sure they use proper grammar and spelling. its the internet, you say what your going to say. You could understand what I was saying. I am going to defend myself until these no life's back off. if he insults me and can't spell it right, then I'll be damned if I don't do something about it so get off my @$$ bebop.
EdwardNygma1 please stop causing trouble.
I'm here to view and discuss the Medicom Batman figure, you seem to be here to disrupt that. This thread will be locked, like many others, because of board members such as yourself who show up and act immature.
If you want to be treated with respect then please respect the other member on this board. thank you

I didn't start this, and I'm not being immature, nor causing trouble. People like Devil 666 and the guy with the kid as an icon came out of nowhere and started calling me kid and disrespecting me and poking fun at my opinions. I am merely defending myself because they won't stop. Everyone is making me out to be the bad guy and I'm tired of it. all you out there that think i'm a terrible person can fall in a hole.
I was wrong, your english proves your the little asian kid :horror :lol

yes i am an asian, and i'm proud being an asian.
you got any problem with that?

smh.. this little ****** bag in one breath calls people "Bigot" and in the next makes racist comments because someones English isn't perfect.

just ignore him Dev
that little ****** bag still have a long way to go to maturity
hahahahaha.. typical kiddy talk from a kid.

How old are you? You sound like a drunk 21 year old who has no job, and lives in his mother's basement, or just an idiotic 7th grader. I am an adolescent you imbecile, get it right I'm a teenager and you were too at one time. I feel like I really am talking to Satan right now, and if you were here I'd smack you with a Bible. You should go to church once in a while, it'll learn you not to treat younger people like myself like dirt.
yes i am an asian, and i'm proud being an asian.
you got any problem with that?

Nope, most asians are cool fellows, unlike you.

just ignore him Dev
that little ****** bag still have a long way to go to maturity

you just keep thinking that :cool:
Well, I guess no one has an answer for me on Com Bats's posability...oh well, I guess I will wait for Michael Crawford to review it
YEAH!!! That's the spirit little girl. Soon you'll be old enough to join the other senior females on the varsity cheerleading squad. Nice. Son. Kid. Baby. Kid. Kid. Kid.