MCU bringing back the dead

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Super Freak
Nov 17, 2008
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Well looks like marvel is considering bringing back the og cast instead of idk…. Giving us characters and stories that we want to see. But yea let’s move forward with Agatha and delay blade further

The MCU had its time. Now we are lucky if anything turns out to be half decent. Post Infinity Saga, it is a case of diminishing returns. I have no interest in the MCU at all now. I used to pay attention to when the next flick was coming out, now I do not as I don't care or have any interest. The MCU had its time, and now it is just a shell of something that used to be great.
I have absolutely no interest in watching the original Avengers receive the ST/BOBF/Obi-Wan treatment.
They can also cut costs by using existing scripts. Cap and Iron Man exit the Quinjet:

I really am rooting for James Gunn to shake things up at DC in a good way. But I'm fearful that the comic book movies have had their day in the sun and that the audience is ready to move on altogether. The box office returns from Gunn's excellent Suicide Squad movie may be testament to this. You make something formulaic and cringe-worthy, it gets bad word of mouth and doesn't sell tickets to the people who actually want to see a good story well told. You do something different and innovative, then half the audience is annoyed that you don't follow a formula and tell a predictable story, and it doesn't sell tickets. Marvel has tried a 3rd option, which is to make stuff that isn't necessarily formulaic (e.g., Eternals, Ms. Marvel [future me sees Echo in this vein. . .]), but works so hard to appeal to marginalized groups that it forgets to tell a good story, and somehow that also fails to make money.
I wonder how long this has been "in discussion." This reeks of desperation and the mouse losing money.

Would probably help more if the MCU brought back the Russo brothers, over the original Avengers cast.

Building a film around Florence Pugh, Tom Holland, Chris Hemsworth, Sam Rockwell and a few of the GOTG would work just fine. Bucky, Justin Hammer and Drax haven't really had truly fleshed out character arcs, so that would be interesting too.

Pugh was the best "transition" character done so far. She's a phenomenal actress. The MCU should take advantage of that kind of acting firepower.

One of the biggest problems I see in the MCU is it's very dogmatic to it's "central characters" beyond all practical adaptation. Brie Larson in Captain Marvel was a dud. It just doesn't work very well. However Ben Mendelsohn was fantastic. So make him a central character instead. Luke Cage was exhausting. However Cottonmouth and his sister lit up the screen together. Find the characters that just work and fit and adapt to that. Daniel Bruhl is fantastic. Why do you need Kang ( because it fits a certain kind of arc/ESG mandate/"narrative" demand, etc) when you can just have Bruhl/Nemo back? But the current MCU won't do that, they feel the pressure to make sure Shang Chi is a new central Avenger character, even though that literally excites absolutely no one except maybe Simu Liu's own family.

Stick to your best actors. Stick to characters that show a good fit and work out for you, even if they aren't the "title" characters. Do I want to see more of Jessica Jones at all? Not really. But a season of David Tennant just destroying lives everywhere for sport, that would be interesting. Winston Duke is simply more charismatic and more plausible in action scenes than Letitia Wright. Why over complicate that for Black Panther 2?

As much as I think many sort of despise Cuse and Lindelof on Lost, at least when Michael Emerson/Ben Linus showed up and made everything exciting, they didn't mess with that lightening in a bottle. They shifted the entire storyline to adjust to keeping him central to the show's future.
Stick to your best actors.
Reading the first chunk of your post, I kept thinking to myself that you were naming some of the stand out actors. And I, too, would love to see the great actors getting more time and hopefully something more worthy than that horrific Secret Invasion show that gave us Mendelsohn, but. . .

This comes back to my earlier point, though. Certainly that have had great actors. But if Disney works too hard to appeal to fans of quality filmmaking (including acting, story, cinematography, music, etc.) that won't be enough, particularly if you are hanging your hat on secondary characters and not icons like Spider-Man or Iron Man. I'm not sure how they thread the needle now that the excitement over these things has died out. But I agree that the Russos seemed to come in at the perfect time where they could make good films (the horrible end fight scene of Endgame excluded) that appealed to both the masses and people that just wanted to enjoy a good movie.
Genre films always go in cycles. Westerns were the thing in the 40s, then it was the cold war monster movies of the 50s. Peter Fonda then came along with Easy Rider and helped create that golden era of seventies movies. Lucas and Spielberg then did their thing. I agree with others above, I think superhero movies for the most part have had their day. The quality just isn’t there and audiences just aren’t turning up like they used to.
superhero movies have been a thing for a long time though. Since 2000. I feel like the train never stopped once spiderman hit the theaters. I feel like now video games or maybe anime may take the mantle though.
superhero movies have been a thing for a long time though. Since 2000. I feel like the train never stopped once spiderman hit the theaters. I feel like now video games or maybe anime may take the mantle though.
Westerns hit their peak from 1945 to 1965. They existed before that and they still exist today however not at the level they were at their peak.

Starting with the Toby Spiderman which is where I think the peak began the Superhero move genre has had about a 20 year peak, similar to Westerns. And like Westerns the movie studios oversaturated the market with Superhero movies. IMO what we are seeing now is the decline in popularity. Like Westerns, Superhero movies will continue to exist and we will see some up ticks in interest like Westerns saw with Spaghetti Westerns, but the golden years are behind us now. Unless something truly revolutionary happens. Maybe wiht James Gunn leading DC. I don't think that will happen though.