MATTEL: Green Lantern Classics

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
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This is a new line kicking off for Mattel in the same vein as the DCUC figures. The rumors though about the line are conflicting. This is what BBTS has:

Green Lantern Classics Series 01 - Set of 6
By Mattel
Estimated to Arrive
October 2010
Our Price: $89.99

While has this to say:
an assortment of 8 figures
comics-based, not movie-based
compatible with DC Universe Classics
and include the Collect and Connect concept

Some sites claim to have gotten the wave line-up
Here's the rumored line up-


I think "MONGRUL" is supposed to be Mongul and Nash is Maash.

Now Mattel has said they are not following DCD's waves or following current events in the past but then again changing their minds is something that companies are notorious for doing. The question is whether we'll get Classic Black Hand or BN Black Hand, Classic Sinestro redeux or the GL version resolicited and Kyle could literally be seven different designs never done by Mattel....
How about some Legion of Superhero Classics, since they have been completely neglected with this line. Both Batman and Green Lanterns have been getting released out the wazoo.

Regarding the GLs, I guess Mattel wants to capitalize on hype that will build up around the movie. Makes sense.
Indeed, I've picked up almost all of the DCSH Batman characters save Bane and Batgirl III [EDIT: oops and Azrael]. Scarecow, Freeze, Batgirl II are awesome figures, and DCSH molds were re-used in DCU for Man-Bat, Two-Face and Catwoman. Batman and his family have gotten plenty of representation and will continue to have a presence I'm sure but it's nice to see that other corners of the DCU are gonna get some love.

Now if they'd only give us more Flash love, it would be perfect...
I'm debating whether this should just be merged with the DCUC thread, but I'm going to allow it for now since I'm a big GL fan now since Blackest Night.

I am skeptical on the line up though, especially since these would hit just before DCD's BN wave with Arkillo. That would be a real kick in the nuts to DCD to have a DCUC Arkillo beat theirs to the market and likely be better than it in at least articulation, if not size and sculpting all together. And the Black Lantern stuff is also iffy I would think. That would be a REAL current comic thing for Mattel to tackle. Then again, Sinestro Corp Cyborg Superman isn't that old either. But if it is true, I'd say Black Hand would be a BL Black Hand, or at least have a variant as a BL Black Hand. Thats right. Don't forget Mattel does variants. Sinestro's variant was the Sinestro Corp uniform. And that Sinestro listed looks like a Sinestro CORP member and not Sinestro himself. But I'm sure we'll get a corrected Sinestro in both uniforms before this subline is done.

And I really hope that Mongul is a Sinestro Corp Mongul or again, at least have that be a variant. I just don't want that old DCSH Mongul rereleased yet again.
The DC Superheroes line that eventually became DCUC was basically a Batman and Superman classics line, and they had a fairly impressive lineup of figures when all was said and done.

Yes, but they could use updates and/or more characters. Also for some of us not-so lucky people who weren't around when those hit shelves it would be nice to have a line for Batman.
Yes, but they could use updates and/or more characters. Also for some of us not-so lucky people who weren't around when those hit shelves it would be nice to have a line for Batman.

Were you born last year? I guarantee you were around. I guess you just hadn't jumped on the Batman bandwagon yet though :lol

At this point, the Major Batman characters have been covered fairly well and those that haven't (or had a crappy figure from Batman/DCSH) will eventually be done again in DCUC. Batman really doesn't need his own subline really, although would support it.
This could be a good way to get out a lot of the different color corps members out in scale with the DCUC line. I'm looking forward to the black lanterns.
Not the GL Subline, but is a warm up to it. The Wal-mart 5 pack:

Pretty disapointing really. Guy and Tomar are musts, but John is fugly in that ouftit and Hal is OK at best. Sinestro is an epic fail with that huge body and no mask. Would it have killed them to just rerelease a Sinestro Corp Sinestro in this pack instead of that horrible half-@$$ed attempt of a GL Sinestro?
I agree. They pretty much recycled the Sinestro head which is why it looks so darn small on that body. The only figure I want out of this whole thing is Guy and I guess I'll have to pay the whole 50 for it. Ah well, extra bodies for the custom bin.

I think I will wait for any expectations for the GL Classics but I hope they take advantage of the numerous corps now in existence.
That five pack is a lot more awful than I anticipated, and as much as I want Guy, It'll be a hard pill to swallow to pay full price.

So if you feel the same, do what I did last time with the Gotham 5-pack: wait until the wal-mart website has it on sale for $30 and site-to-store the sucker. :angelsmil:
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Apart from Guy, that set is total Dullsville. If the set with Batman/Superman/Luthor/2-Face/etc. couldn't sell, then I sure as heck can't imagine this one selling very well.
The only people I see this selling to are die-hard GL fans, people like me who could be in need of a fix and can't pass it up on impulse, and customizers looking for super-easy GL fodder. Any of those figs besides Guy and maybe John are a head-swap away from a totally different character.
Were you born last year? I guarantee you were around. I guess you just hadn't jumped on the Batman bandwagon yet though :lol

At this point, the Major Batman characters have been covered fairly well and those that haven't (or had a crappy figure from Batman/DCSH) will eventually be done again in DCUC. Batman really doesn't need his own subline really, although would support it.

lol, yes I meant that I hadn't gotten into it yet :lol ...but maybe I was born last year :cuckoo:

Anyways, yes he may not NEED it, but then again who does? I really would like it though.
I knew the Sinestro wasn't going to turn out right, but as an 80's-90's GL fan, I'm loving the Mosaic John and grey Templed Hal. In fact, I'll buy a Grey Templed Hal off of anyone here doesn't want theirs :)
Wow....that box set sucks. The only figure I'm interested is Gray Templed Hal and maybe Guy. Tomar is meh, Sinestro is horrible and inaccurate (they couldn't even just put his ring on the left hand at minimum?), John I was excited about until they screwed up the Mosaic lines...unfortunate.