Mattel: DC Universe Classics

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YeS!! Great news. I have been looking for some info on this wave. Finally. Nice Catch, Da Mike!
Anti-Monitor is WAAYY better than his DcD counterpart.
It looks like the skirt and chest piece on the Luthor armor is new which I think looks better than the old one.
How can anybody say that this line is dying when the sculpts are getting better.

Luthors head looks new as well

Wow. A whole wave of blackest night figures huh? Congrats to all that wanted these but it looks like this will be a wave I will be skipping completely. One of the biggest reasons I love DCUC is because of the variety of character from all across the DCU, and as much as I liked BN and the character designs, all I really want is one definitive version of each character, therefor all of these figures are basically re-paints of existing characters minus Scarecrow for me. And why aren't these in the GL line? I thought that was why they created that separate sub line to begin with? :dunno

Agree with your collection style, but DAMN this wave just made me want to jump back in full strenght!!!!:slap
I would have preferred a SC Anti-monitor, but he still looks great. Here is hoping he is the biggest C&C yet!

I find it convienent that Mattel released these images today when DCD's wave of Blackest Night figures that has BL Flash and SS Wonderwoman in it was realeased today. And Luthor and Scarecrow are in the following waves. I do have a Blackest Night collection going and even though all of these are covered in them, I don't display them together. And Blackest Night is what got be back into comics, and especially Green Lantern. So these are still definate buys for me, especially with the Anti-monitor C&C.

I don't know why they wasted a DCUC wave on these though when there is a nice GLC wave 3 slot they could have used. I get Mattel is really pushing Green Lantern next year, but isn't that why they created their own subline in the first place? It would be like them making a New Gods subline and then having another entire wave of New Gods figures take up a DCUC wave. I use the New Gods as an example because I'm not a fan of them and I know I would be upset. But being a GL fan, I'm thrilled, but I can definately see the other side's feelings on this.

Even though I'm excited for this wave, I can see some glarring issues already. First, BL Hal needs to be paler. He was 'dead' as a Black Lantern afterall. He is too lively. Atom of course needs his lantern stick. But the biggest issue is Scarecrow! He looks rushed. He is missing his yellow markings on his chest as well as his silver belt thingy. Not to mention he stole Jedi Luke's arms! They are nearly at his knees!
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I read that too.Total BS apparently. I mean its just not Blackest Night characters/figures, but the EXACT same ones DCD did. Sure we got dead Ammon Sur, but thats about it as far as difference in Blackest Night figures between the two.

And if I recall, that interview was asking if we'd see characters like Saint Walker and Larfleeze soon. So we can get direct rip-offs of DCD waves, but not new characters they've done like Walker and Larfleeze? Give me a break. Scott has some explaining to do. Too bad the Fwoosh doesn't have the balls to sumbit the question to the Mattel Q/A's. Free figures will do that though.
Didn't they also state that there wouldn't be any themed waves? This kinda kills that theory too. I only want the Anti Monitor so hopefully I will be ably to piece him together from the message boards.
I agree that this probably would have fit better in the GL Classics line. Perhaps this is the last of their themed waves. It does take a while for changes to show in production. Hopefully, we will see corrections to the figures as Buttmunch have said, there are some changes that need to be made.
Although, I would have loved the Anti-monitor design b4 his armor this figure still rocks. I think it's that open lava pit mouth of his that makes it for me.
I'm fairly torn on this wave. The completist in me wants it, but the realist is bummed that several of these are straight repaints.

The Flash: straight re-deco

Both Hals: same

Luthor: same arms, legs, lower torso; chest piece, head and skirt are new

Atom: We better get a Sword of the Atom repaint. All I'm sayin'.

Scarecrow: costume needs work, but okay.

Wonder Woman: Looks all-new, except perhaps the legs are the same as GLC2's Sapphire

Anti-Monitor: at first I thought this was a Horsemen re-imagining, as I just finished reading Crisis on Infinite Earths for the first time and it looks like an Amalgam of his most-known look and his first appearance in COIE. Is this a new design?

Reeeeeeaaaally wish Mattel would've put out the 'Captains' first. That would make me a tad more excited for this wave. I want a 4HM Atrocitus so bad I can taste it like Napalm Blood.
I have to say that I am not familiar with the blackest night arc at all. I'm not really a big lantern fan. So I have little to no interest in any of this wave. That being said, I think that might be a good thing...give me a break for a while.
The headsculpts of both Hals are new, which I like. I don't mind that they're repaints, I pretty much expect that when it comes to the lantern lines. At this point, what will make each Lantern character stand out is the headsculpt.
I think we will see the staff with Atom since he has those opened fists.
The headsculpts of both Hals are new, which I like. I don't mind that they're repaints, I pretty much expect that when it comes to the lantern lines. At this point, what will make each Lantern character stand out is the headsculpt.
I think we will see the staff with Atom since he has those opened fists.

They said it is:)
I do find it annoying that only Scarecrow seems to have the double jointed elbows and knees. I thought that was supposed to be the new standard? By Mattel being cheap and skipping them on Kyle in GLC1, we don't have them on the main buck yet. So since most of these figures are on that buck, they don't have them either. One of the laziest waves ever! New heads all around and a few bits and that is about it. Scarecrow has the new trench and arms, but he probably uses the new Creeper skinny buck body for the rest of him. But it is amazing how great some new paint can make these ancient bodies look.

And it only took about 10 Hals to get a new head, and now we get two! :lol
I could have sworn I read an interview with Toyguru where he stated that Mattel didn't want to, more or less step on DCD's toes by releasing product that had been covered by them (DCD) already in close proximity. I wonder what changed?

I read that too.Total BS apparently. I mean its just not Blackest Night characters/figures, but the EXACT same ones DCD did. Sure we got dead Ammon Sur, but thats about it as far as difference in Blackest Night figures between the two.

And if I recall, that interview was asking if we'd see characters like Saint Walker and Larfleeze soon. So we can get direct rip-offs of DCD waves, but not new characters they've done like Walker and Larfleeze? Give me a break. Scott has some explaining to do. Too bad the Fwoosh doesn't have the balls to sumbit the question to the Mattel Q/A's. Free figures will do that though.

Scott and the guys from DCD actually explained this at comicon this year at the AFI panel. They claimed that they worked closely to make sure that the same characters weren't offered in quick succession, which is why Arkillo landed where he did. Apparently the largest toy company in the world needs to strike while the iron is hot and can't play second fiddle to small DCD anymore. Maybe something is going on over at DCD that no one knows about yet.
This is an odd move, but I always welcome new DCUC. Even if it is of meh characters from the largest meh event in comics.
Well if DCD had kept their scheduel, both Arkillos would have come out at the same time. So now Mattel only beat them by a month or two. And I guess these coming out 3 or so months after DCD's doesn't count either huh? To me anyway, that is pretty much 'the same time.' Is not like they are a year or two apart, just months, if that.
I think the other thing to look at, is the markets that DCUC and DCD hit.

DCD is directly to the comic stores, while DCUC is in all major retail stores.

For people that dont wander into comics very much, if at all, this opens the Green Lantern universe to the mom, who lets her kid wander in the toy isles at Walmart while she grocery shops.

There was rumor going around that now DC Comics/WB wanted mainstream merchandise and toys to reflect whats current in the comics. Which I can understand from a marketing point of view.
There was rumor going around that now DC Comics/WB wanted mainstream merchandise and toys to reflect whats current in the comics. Which I can understand from a marketing point of view.

And I have absolutely no problem with that, as long as it's in the GL Classics line where it belongs :lol :nana: But where does this leave DCD? That's exactly the product that DCD releases, waves of 4 figures based on recent comic story lines. Besides, I can guarantee you that if "average mom" sees Star Sapphire Wonder Woman sitting on the pegs she's going to say "that's not Wonder Woman" but she would instantly recognize the Wonder Woman that was already released in wave 4. Which one do you think would generate more revenue for Mattel and subsequently the retailer selling Classics?

On another note I got my wave 13 today and I am really impressed with this wave especially Beetle, love that guy! I lucked out too as QC issues are virtually non-existent with the set I received so I'm quite pleased. Now waiting on my wave 12 that I just purchased off of Ebay for 77$ :yess: :lol

And here I was thinking I needed to take a break from these or at least slow down :lol