Masters of the Universe Classics

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I also got these what they call "test shots" which I quite like.

This whole forum is kinda dead!!! Not like it was a few years ago it was very active and live!!!

I think at least some of the fire for MOTUC has been redirected towards Mythic Legions, which fits in well with the MOTUC line in terms of scale and aesthetics. But the more obscure MOTUC characters were always going to have limited appeal.
I think at least some of the fire for MOTUC has been redirected towards Mythic Legions, which fits in well with the MOTUC line in terms of scale and aesthetics. But the more obscure MOTUC characters were always going to have limited appeal.

Yeah, I am all over the Mythic Legions. I have 14 of them and will get getting both trolls.

I think MOTU needs something new in order for it to continue successfully with Super 7. Something super articulated with inter changable parts . As big a fan I am I just find it hard to see how Super 7 could continue the line with just the remaining obscurities. They would need to break that up with something.

Those could be quite valuable in the years ahead. Although not exactly comparable, pre-production vintage Star Wars Kenner stuff is generating big $$$ at the moment.

I dunno if these will or won't, it would be nice if they are but as someone who loves and designs action figures, I find these very interesting. I never saw the Star Wars ones.
There's something very special coming from The Power and Honor Foundation (with some help from me) coming to Super 7 for NYCC.

It's something I have tried to get made for along as I can remember and thankfully it's been done and fully licensed. Stand by for more details....

Here's a hint:

Are those cardback illustrations Eamon? I would love a portfolio of those! Will there be a way for non-attendees to get this NYCC exclusive item through either Super7 or The Power and Honor Foundation?
I think MOTU needs something new in order for it to continue successfully with Super 7. Something super articulated with inter changable parts . As big a fan I am I just find it hard to see how Super 7 could continue the line with just the remaining obscurities. They would need to break that up with something.

I'd love to be pleasantly surprised, but I just don't think Super 7's previous offerings have ever suggested they're a company that can develop an engaging and ongoing mythos as we've come to expect from MOTUC. Their bread and butter has always been rinky-dink kitsch justified by sheer nostalgia, which Classics always worked hard to avoid. The Super 7 MOTU figures are but one example, and about as much as I expect from them.

Still, I'd love to be wrong. And they could go a good way towards developing existing MOTUC collector goodwill by initially re-releasing the rarest MOTUC figures that now attract obscene amounts on auction sites. That would include commercially viable key characters, but also figures like Ram Man and Fisto (who now run over $250 USD on the open market). In short, they need to attack the premium market that has sprung up around these figures, if only to encourage a fresh start with a new generation of customers. And I'm not sure how they could do that...
There is not enough demand to turn on the machines again to produce previous figures (Fisto,Ram Man,Teela etc).To produce the Minimum quanity order required from the factories just to satisfy the 100-200 people who missed out on these figures. It's not happening

That is the main reason Mattel wouldn't do it, not enough buying people to justify producing more
But then again, the Super 7 line won't survive only with C and D-lister figures...
They'll have to reissue at least the main characters if they want this line to go further than the first year...

Eamon, saw that teaser on FB, super cool! I hope it's available to non-attendees...
But then again, the Super 7 line won't survive only with C and D-lister figures...
They'll have to reissue at least the main characters if they want this line to go further than the first year...

Eamon, saw that teaser on FB, super cool! I hope it's available to non-attendees...

There won't be a need to re-issue when they are doing Filmation 2.0 versions....Teela,Fisto,Ram Man etc will return that way

There just isn't enough buyers to justify re-issuing older classics just for the sake of the few that missed out. Factories have a production quota.Super 7 won't take the risk,especially since Mattel wouldn't. (Even Toyguru said that they don't have the demand to go back and produce more,especially considering Masters
is a niche line)
I don't claim to know what Super7 will/can/should do, but I find it hard to imagine a company would take on a license like MOTU and then NOT capitalize on that by releasing the most popular characters like He-Man, Skeletor, etc. Of course they could very well end up doing just that. I guess we'll see soon enough.
I think it's easy to forget that the whole Mattycollector thing is only known by us geeks who keep an eye on such things. I would think there are many folks out there who were MOTU fans when kids but know nothing about the classics as they simply don't visit toy websites. etc. I think Super 7 could tap into the more casual market but weather that's a big enough market to justify the minimum orders needed, well that's the big question isn't it.

It would be cost effective it just release an "Ultimate" line that reuses many parts but gives us a little extra like on a He-Man articulated wrists, extra battle worn details, extra faces or heads, extra hands, different hair do's and cool new packaging. I would happily buy yet another set of core characters if they had these type of things. I would think I am not alone on that.
It would be cost effective it just release an "Ultimate" line that reuses many parts but gives us a little extra like on a He-Man articulated wrists, extra battle worn details, extra faces or heads, extra hands, different hair do's and cool new packaging. I would happily buy yet another set of core characters if they had these type of things. I would think I am not alone on that.

I think it would be great if they released some deluxe figures, especially He-Man and Skeletor. He-Man would come with 200x and Vintage Armor and Swords, several of the different heads that have been released, better articulation and a few new accessories. Something similar to the Barbarian Builder set in Mythic Legions.
Over on someone posted that they asked on Facebook and Roton and the Horde Troopers are scheduled to be released in November. Great news if it is true. Hopefully the Horde Troopers won't be an instant sell out.
I think a line of slightly retooled or repainted all stars would sell very well, especially compared to the C and D listers from the Collector's Choice this year. As nice as those figures are they don't have the same draw as He-man, Skeletor, Teela, Sorceress, Mer-Man, Ram-Man, etc. Super7 could and should continue the Filmation variants for some of those characters, but they could also do an ultimate version of the characters, similar to what Eamon said. They could include all of the best accessories from previous versions such as the vintage He-man head from Oo-Larr, the Alcala Skeletor head, new 200X harnesses, etc. I could also see them offering a Heroic Warriors (He-man, Teela, Ram-man) and Evil Warriors 3-pack (Skeletor, Beast Man, Faker) like the vintage versions.
This week's Captain Toy Picks...covers my top ten Masters of the Universe Classics figures. Remember, I have no nostalgia dog in this fight, so my list might be very different...and no, Grizzlor didn't make the cut (but he was in the running), but you know I never spoil my list with the very first photo...
Top 10 MOTU Classics
1.Trap Jaw
2.Ram Man
9.Man E Faces
Over on someone posted that they asked on Facebook and Roton and the Horde Troopers are scheduled to be released in November. Great news if it is true. Hopefully the Horde Troopers won't be an instant sell out. basically we really have not had the words from the horses mouth. It's all hearsay.