Mass Effect 3

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Sure, if you can look past the objective flaws, then yes, we then arrive at the ending's subjective 'issues', which of course vary by person. The latter I don't have much issue with. If they want to go bleak, by all means go bleak, but only as long as they don't trip and stumble over established lore (and conventions of good writing) to do so.
The end, and generally, the whole story of ME3 seems to have congealed from many different ideas and pieces scattered from the previous two games rather than flowing naturally. You might like the ending for keeping in tone with ME3, but when held up to the overall structure of the entire series, it fails miserably.

This. I absolutely agree. ME3 did not flow naturally from what was built from ME1 and 2. Besides the massive plot holes and burnt lore, the last ten minutes literally scrapped everything you accomplished in the series. The game felt very rushed. (But what do you except from AAA titles now). The execution of the last ten minutes was horrid. Seriously, picking what pillar you want reminded me of Deus Ex: HR, which in this context failed, because this series was built on consequences and actual RPG actions. Don't get me started on the three colours and lack of cut-scenes to provide some closure lol.
Yeah, if I'd say there was one plot hole it would be why my ground crew were magically on the Normandy and not on the ground fighting.

I'm willing to overlook that based on the limitations in animating cut scenes. Like how Shepard constantly has his pistol and uses it in cut scenes, even though I only carry an assault rifle. ....they can't animate random characters at the end. I can deal with that....

...I also don't have that much of a problem with Joker escaping. The Normandy moves fast. I can buy that when the Citadel began to open like a flower and things started to go mental, Joker put the 'pedal to the metal' and gunned it to get everyone out.

I even don't have that much problem with the magic 'star child' and his limited options. I thought all 3 options were interesting.
All in all I enjoyed the ending.

But I want an explanation for the destruction of the mass effect relays....if you're on trial for blowing one up and causing system wide damage at the start of Mass Effect 3, then how could you not cause universe wide mass destruction by doing the same at the end of the game? ...I also don't understand how every race being trapped on Earth works...

...and come to think of it, why was only Joker desperately escaping ....unless everyone else actually did get blown up by the destruction of the relay ?! Is that why nothing else was shown?

These aren't just 'gotchas' or tiny minor things that only super hardcore nerds would pick up on .....and so I just don't believe the writers just forgot while being rushed at the end.

Indoctrination theory - the only thing that makes sense!
This. I absolutely agree. ME3 did not flow naturally from what was built from ME1 and 2. Besides the massive plot holes and burnt lore, the last ten minutes literally scrapped everything you accomplished in the series. The game felt very rushed. (But what do you except from AAA titles now). The execution of the last ten minutes was horrid. Seriously, picking what pillar you want reminded me of Deus Ex: HR, which in this context failed, because this series was built on consequences and actual RPG actions. Don't get me started on the three colours and lack of cut-scenes to provide some closure lol.

The game was undercooked, definitely. Though I think the final 15 minutes can be attributed to the writing talents of Casey Hudson and Mac Walters alone. Makes me wonder if, had the game been pushed to fall/winter 2012, would the ending have been different. The final mission on Earth would've been drastically different, that much we can deduce, but the final moments with Star Child? What could've been...
But I want an explanation for the destruction of the mass effect relays....if you're on trial for blowing one up and causing system wide damage at the start of Mass Effect 3, then how could you not cause universe wide mass destruction by doing the same at the end of the game? ...I also don't understand how every race being trapped on Earth works...

...and come to think of it, why was only Joker desperately escaping ....unless everyone else actually did get blown up by the destruction of the relay ?! Is that why nothing else was shown?

These aren't just 'gotchas' or tiny minor things that only super hardcore nerds would pick up on .....and so I just don't believe the writers just forgot while being rushed at the end.

Indoctrination theory - the only thing that makes sense!

YES! Joker and the Normandy are a huge sloppy hole, and the Sparkling God Child is down right stupid, but OMFG the Mass Relays!!!!!!!

It's like they forgot that when writing that bit an already dying Earth (not to mention an Earth that's been devastated by the reapers) could never ever EVER support that much added life.

And then, I guess they forgot that Turians and Quarians can't eat human food, so Bioware pretty much doomed them to extinction. Does that make sense?

And then, I guess they forgot that a couple months earlier when developing the Arrival DLC for Mass Effect 2 that they established that if a mass relay is destroyed it destroys the entire solar system. So just for the record that's every single galaxy you've ever been able to go to GONE in a millisecond. Doesn't that pretty much render everything we've done utterly pointless?

Which brings me, wasn't the Sol (milky way) mass relay destroyed... being that we were on Earth? So does that make it so everyone/everything was destroyed in that moment. Earth and all.

Which brings me to committing galactic wide genocide isn't exactly Commander Shepard's MO. Last time I checked he very frequently stops people from killing others if you play paragon. IT JUST DOESNT FIT HIM.

Which brings me to MY Commander Shepard would of said "F*^k You! We deserve to live" to The God Child.

But, maybe they thought all of this was okay because they never planned to do a Mass Effect story post game 3 (they've said that much).
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Some of you might want to consider, if at least for a brief moment, that lead writers of MASS EFFECT are semi-intelligent human beings and might even know more about their own work better than we do.

I am patiently waiting to see how this all plays out (with the planned DLC) and hear their official explanation and intepretation of the ending.
Some of you might want to consider, if at least for a brief moment, that lead writers of MASS EFFECT are semi-intelligent human beings and might even know more about their own work better than we do.

Well we're sort of limited in that we can only go off the information they actually put in the game....

I am patiently waiting to see how this all plays out (with the planned DLC) and hear their official explanation and intepretation of the ending.

The Indoctrination Theory - just go with it Bioware. You know you want to :yess: :rotfl
I luv this series and was really enjoying my first playthrough of the single player campaign. I was playing the multiplayer today and right in the middle of wave 2..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Red Ring of Death. I am so mad and upset I just can't describe how I feel.
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I don't understand how Harbinger has absolutely no role whatsoever in part 3.

Why isn't he the AI that you talk to instead of this stupid god-child?

Why aren't there conversation options?

Why does my game tell me the geth and quarians are rebuilding the homeworld, when this freaking kid tells me that can't be happening.

Why didn't they just go with the "Reapers way of reproducing" thing? It was great IMO, the whole galactic civilization is doomed because some species needs to reproduce. EPIC.

The ending was ____ in every possible way conceivable. It's just retarded.

I disagree with the rest of the comments here, IMO mass effect 3 was great story telling, emotional choices (mordin's death, Legions sacrifice). Heck even the Illusive man cut scene was alright at the ending, though Anderson shouldn't have been there, and if anyone, let my love-interest be there instead.
Some of you might want to consider, if at least for a brief moment, that lead writers of MASS EFFECT are semi-intelligent human beings and might even know more about their own work better than we do.

I am patiently waiting to see how this all plays out (with the planned DLC) and hear their official explanation and intepretation of the ending.

What SAB said plus nothing I said needed some mass effect encyclopedia or insider knowledge to know. It's what we're told in the game, yet is ignored/ undone by Bioware in the end.

They also made it very known that they think it's a good ending which leads me to believe they had no intention of fixing or playing the indoctrination card.

They've also said there not changing the ending only "clarifying and proving closure." they just can't undone what they've established in previous games (mass relays).
What SAB said plus nothing I said needed some mass effect encyclopedia or insider knowledge to know. It's what we're told in the game, yet is ignored/ undone by Bioware in the end.

They also made it very known that they think it's a good ending which leads me to believe they had no intention of fixing or playing the indoctrination card.

They've also said there not changing the ending only "clarifying and proving closure." they just can't undone what they've established in previous games (mass relays).

Works for me.
Well it doesn't matter for me what DLC content includes about the ending or anything. I've already beaten the game and sold it so the ending I received is the ending I'm stuck with.
Well it doesn't matter for me what DLC content includes about the ending or anything. I've already beaten the game and sold it so the ending I received is the ending I'm stuck with.

Ahhhh..that's too bad. Even before the game was released they were saying to hold on to your ME3 because there would be a lot more coming. Even at the end of the solo campaign it says you can continue Sheperd's legacy through more DLC.

I always felt they were going to add more to the story and possibly flesh out the ending more...or maybe it would be more side quests before you go to the Illusive Man's base. Hopefully, it would be DLC that gives more insight on the ending. Now we know we are getting more closure - but from what I have read, it seems the ending will remain the same....but who knows.

I read that, and I do agree with the writer's points, though once again the crux of many of game journalist's argument against ME fans who are upset with the ending revolves around the tone of the ending, not the the execution and logic. Like most other critiques, their point of contention against the 'vocal minority' regards tone and the fate of the player character, which isn't the issue.

To her credit, she does take issue with the God Child character, as we all should, because it is bad writing. You cannot introduce a god-like character into the last 10 minutes of a story that was inherently humanistic and centered around choice, which can be seen both as a mechanical function of player agency/control and a theme of the entire series. Player control is certainly limited to within the parameters of developer intent, but it was always there. ME3 renders all of it absolutely pointless in the end. And no one in the gaming journalism seems to understand this, but the fans do. I wonder why there's such a rift?

It's good that you linked to that article, because at the very bottom, there's another link to a newer Kotaku article that I agree with:

I've come around on the idea of changing the ending. I don't want a complete retconn. At this point, I just want an epilogue.

edit: Jen beat me to the article link! :)
:lol Fans funded a plan to send Bioware 400 cupcakes. A waste of money, but whatever.

RetakeME3 - Cupcake Campaign

How does this work?
We need to raise $1,005.00 to send Bioware 400 cupcakes.

The cupcakes will be baked, and delivered, by

1. The cupcakes will be equally divided into three colors:

Red, Blue, Green
Depending on color, each cupcake will have a corresponding letter 'A, B, C'.

2. Everyone who contributes, gets to send a note

We will be attaching notes from the contributors to the boxes of cupcakes. This will allow you to send a personal message to the developers. Your note should be short, no more than one sentence. IE:

"A friend in need is a friend indeed" .

Use your imaginations. Note: No offensive, derogatory or insulting notes will be included. Cheeky notes are fine, but outright offensive content defeats the purpose of this effort. In short, keep it tasteful people ;-)

3. A formal letter will be included:

We will also include an open letter to Bioware, in addition to the notes. We will express our intentions with this campaign, as well as our hopes for the future content.

Fuss Cupcakes can confirm that a formal order is already in place, and that a deposit has been made. Please see confirmation invoice here (note: My personal information has been redacted for obvious reason).

I've come around on the idea of changing the ending. I don't want a complete retconn. At this point, I just want an epilogue.

edit: Jen beat me to the article link! :)

I think that's really what most people wanted was an epilogue...some closure - or further explanation of what exactly we did to the galaxy as a whole when we selected blue, green or red.

When the mass relays blew up - did we destroy millions of lives in the process?

Do all the alien species we brought together to fight the Reapers - continue to work together to help each other in this aftermath? If you had someone like Wreave alive - I would imagine he would then seek out his swift and merciless revenge on Turians and Salarians - when they are at their weakest. But if you and Wrex and/or Eve...perhaps they would keep the peace and work together to build a future for their people and help others in need.

Does the quarian fleet and/or Geth make it back to their homeworld?

Do the Turians have a home planet to go back to or was it completely destroyed?

What will the Asari do since their homeworld was destroyed?

If everyone is stuck in the Sol system - how do they all survive?

And of course our crew - what becomes of those who survived? And if your Sheperd takes that gasp at the very end - what becomes of him/her?

I would also love to know:
If you selected blue - do you REALLY control the reapers? Or was it all a trick?

If you selected green - what are the possible repercussions of rewriting everyone's DNA and merging it with synthetics.

And if you selected red - well it just kinda sucks a bit since I did get the Quarians and Geth to work together...and Joker sure did like EDI. :(

Here are some of my favorite parts of the game - those that had the most impact on me and made me cry or cheer -

My top 5:

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Yeah, like you said Jen, just a further explanation would be nice, but I think we'd be crazy lucky if they answered even a third of the stuff you mentioned above.

It's good that you posted your top 5 moments. Some positivity in this thread would be good. My favorites pretty much mirror yours, and I'll admit my lip quivered during a couple of them. I'm not admitting that I cried, though. :)

Some stuff you hadn't mentioned that I really liked:

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